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This is the continuation of the blog started here. This is the final part of this blog. In this part you will learn how to use the information collected in the previous two parts within HCPms and how to send push notifications to a hybrid application deployed to your mobile devices.

This blog has been split in 3 parts:

How to use Push Notifications with iOS and Android Hybrid applications - part 1Step 1 - Enable push notifications for Android
How to use Push Notifications with iOS and Android Hybrid applications - part 2Step 2 - Enable push notifications for iOS
This partSteps 3 -> 6 - Create an app on HCPms, then another in SAP Web IDE, deploy the app to mobile services and test the app with some push notifications

Step 3 - Create an application on HCPms

1 -  Go to your HCPms Administration page (https://hcpmsadmin-<your_trial_account> Replace the string "<your_trial_account>" with your HCP Trial Landscape account

2 - From the toolbar click on the button to create a new application

3 - Specify an Application ID and other parameters and click on Save

NameAcme Products
DescriptionProducts for Push Notifications
Security ConfigurationNone

NOTE: The application ID must be the same you used to create the Server API Key on Google and the certificate on the Apple Developer portal, otherwise the application will not be recognized as recipient of the incoming notifications.

4 - Click on the Back End tab and configure your back end connection. This step is not really required, because we are not going to consume data from the backend, but for the sake of completeness we are going to specify this information as well. I'm using here, as back-end URL, the public SAP Gateway service.

Back-end URL
Authentication TypeBasic Authentication

5 -  Click on the Push tab and here you have the possibility to configure the push mechanism. Depending on which platform you want to use you can configure push notifications for Apple or for Android. In my case I'm going to specify both, because I want to show you how to deal with both platforms.

So for Apple I'm going to specify that I want to use the Sandbox as APNS Endpoint (I'm not going on production right now!), I load the certificate I generated in the previous part and I enter the password I assigned to it.

For Android I just need to specify the API Key and the Sender ID I've got in the first part of this blog

When finished click on Save

6 - The application on HCPms is correctly configured.

7 - Open your HCP cockpit and go to Services --> Development & Operations

8 - Click on Configure Development & Operations

9 - Click on Roles on the left toolbar

10 - Select the Notification User role and assign your user to it, if not yet assigned

Step 4 - Create an application in SAP Web IDE

Let's create now our hybrid application with SAP Web IDE which will be deployed on mobile devices to receive push notifications. The application I'm creating here is really basic, but feel free to extend it with the necessary enhancements.

1 - Open SAP Web IDE and go to File --> New --> Project From Template

2 - Choose a SAPUI5 Application

3 - Enter a name for the project (i.e. PushNotificationsDemo) and a namespace (i.e. com.push.notifications). The namespace I'm using here is important because it's referenced several times in the code you'll see later in this article. So I recommend you to use the same for this testing phase: if you want to specify a different namespace you will have to change the code accordingly. Don't forget to set this project as Hybrid Mobile Application

4 - Keep the proposed Type and Name for the view and click on Next

5 - Click on Finish

6 - Your application is ready. Starting the app you will only get a blank window with a title

7 - Inside the webapp folder create a new subfolder named util

8 - Inside the util subfolder create a new javascript file named PushController.js

9 - Paste the following code:"com.push.notifications.util.PushController");
com.push.notifications.util.PushController = {
  regSuccess: function(result) {
  console.log("Successfully registered: " + JSON.stringify(result));
  regFailure: function(errorInfo) {
  console.log("Error while registering.  " + JSON.stringify(errorInfo));
  resetBadgeSuccess: function(result) {
  console.log("Badge has been reset: " + JSON.stringify(result));
  processNotification: function(notification) {
  console.log("Received a notifcation: " + JSON.stringify(notification));
  if (sap.Push.isPlatformIOS()) {
  var notif_alert = JSON.parse(notification).payload.aps.alert;
  var notif_sound = JSON.parse(notification).payload.aps.sound;
  var notif_badge = JSON.parse(notification).payload.aps.badge;
  var notif_data = JSON.parse(notification);
  } else {
  var notif_alert = notification.payload.alert;
  var notif_sound = notification.payload.sound;
  var notif_badge = notification.payload.badge;
  var notif_data =;
  notif_data, {
  icon: sap.m.MessageBox.Icon.INFORMATION,
  title: notif_alert,
  actions: [sap.m.MessageBox.Action.OK]
  if (sap.Push.isPlatformIOS()) {
  registerForPush: function() {
  console.log("Device is = " + sap.ui.Device.os);
  var sender = ( ? "XXXXXXXXXXXX" : "");
  console.log("Sender is [" + sender + "]");
  console.log("attempting to register for notifications");
  var nTypes = sap.Push.notificationType.SOUNDS | sap.Push.notificationType.BADGE | sap.Push.notificationType.ALERT;
  sap.Push.registerForNotificationTypes(nTypes, this.regSuccess, this.regFailure, this.processNotification, sender); //GCM Sender ID, null for APNS
  unregCallback: function(result) {
  console.log("Successfully unregistered: " + JSON.stringify(result));
  unregisterForPush: function() {
  processMissedNotification: function(notification) {
  if (notification) {
  console.log("Received a missed notification: " + JSON.stringify(notification));
  alert("Received a missed notification: " + JSON.stringify(notification));
  if (sap.Push.isPlatformIOS()) {
  checkForNotification: function(notification) {
  setTimeout(function() {
  console.log("Checking for notifications...");
  // TODO: do your thing!
  }, 0);

10 - There is one thing that you need to change in this file. It's the Sender ID you can find at line 39: you need to replace the string "XXXXXXXXXXXX" with the Sender ID you got in the first step

11 - Save the file

12 - Open the file webapp/controller/View1.controller.js, paste the following code and save the file:

], function(Controller, PushController) {
  "use strict";
  return Controller.extend("com.push.notifications.controller.View1", {
  onBeforeRendering: function() {
  if (!sap.ui.Device.system.desktop) {
  //push notifications
  alert("Registered for push!");

13 - Open the webapp/index.html file and add the following code just before closing the last <script> tag. Then save the file

  window.onload = function() {
    console.log("In the onload function");
  if (window.cordova || getUrlParameterName("companionbuster")) {
    console.log("is cordova");
    //push notifications

NOTE: Again, pay attention to the fact if you used a different namespace you need to replace it around all the proposed javascript code. The same if you used different paths.

14 - Your application is ready. You just need to deploy it on your mobile device.

Step 5 - Deploy the app to mobile devices

Let's deploy it first on your local hybrid application toolkit.

1 - Start your HAT tool. You can check that HAT is running from the settings menu

2 - In SAP Web IDE right click on the name of the project and configure HAT settings

App NamePushNotificationsDemo
DescriptionPush Notifications Demo
PlatformsAndroid, iOS or both
Plugins --> KapselLogon Manager, Push
HCPms Hosthcpms-<your_trial_account>

3 - We are ready to deploy the app on our devices. Let's start with iOS. If you don't need this part you can go directly to point 9. Do Deploy --> Deploy to Local Hybrid Application toolkit and wait until the project is successfully deployed

4 - Right click again on the name of the project and run it on the iOS Device

5 - The application starts on the device. Just click on Register. We are not going to authenticate with any backend because with this basic app we don't consume it

6 - Click on Disable Pascode and then on Submit

7 - You might be requested to allow this app to receive push notifications. Accept the request by pressing OK

8 - The application is successfully registered for receiving push notifications

9 - Do the same for Android if you need it

10 - For Android you need to specify if you want to use a Test or a Custom Key. For the purpose of this exercise, just choose to use a Test Key and click on OK

11 - Even the Android application is ready and registered for push notifications

Step 6 - Send push notifications and test the apps

All is ready now. We just need to find a way to send push notifications to our application on the two different devices. For this goal I'm going to present here 2 ways. The first way is to send push notifications through a NodeJS application; the second way is to use a REST Client like Postman that you can install as a pluing in Google Chrome. Both ways are valid and will send a post request to the notification end point.

1 - Let's start with the first way. You need NodeJS installed. I'm using version 5.4.1, but even older versions are fine.

2 - Create a new push.js file on your machine and fill it with the following code:

var requestify = require('requestify');
requestify.request('https://hcpms-<your_trial_account>', {
    method: 'POST',
  body: {"alert": "Information!", "badge": 1, "data": "You just received a push notification!", "sound": "soundval"},
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    auth: {
        username: '<your_trial_user>',
        password: '<your_trial_password>'
    dataType: 'json'
.then(function(response) {
    // get the response body
    // get the response headers
    // get specific response header
    // get the code
    // Get the response raw body

3 - Replace the following strings

<your_trial_account>with your HCP Trial Landscape account
<your_trial_user>with your HCP Trial Username
<your_trial_password>with your HCP Trial password

4 - Save the file

5 - From the terminal window, install the needed "requestify" module by running the command

npm install requestify

in the same folder where you have put the push.js file

6 - Run the command "node push.js"

7 - The script is executed. In a few seconds your mobile devices should be able to receive the notification

8 - If you feel more comfortable to use Postman, just create a new request with the following parameters and click on Send

9 - The result should be exactly the same

10 - Congratulations! You successfully sent push notifications to your devices!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for this blog, really helpful. But I am stuck at the last point. I followed all the steps, but still I am not able to push notifications. The Error is 403 forbidden. Have a look at it and if you could identify what I am doing wrong

0 Kudos

Sorry, for the error with push.js you are right, I forgot to mention that you need to install the "requestify" module first. This can be done by running the command "npm install requestify" in the same path where the "push.js" file is.

I'll update the blog.


Former Member
0 Kudos


I am still not able to receive the notification even though, I am not getting any error. Do you think is this to do with any services in web IDE? like sap cloud connector or sap hana services, or something related to this?

Also tell me, if I run this URL on the browser, does it show anything??Should it open anything? since when I am trying to do so, a blank screen appears


when I try to run    only a sap logo appears.

Is it to do with any services?

Sanjo Thomas

0 Kudos

Simmaco Ferriero, could you look where is my problem here:

Deploying an app on an iOS device from Web IDE with HAT

Thank you und regards,

Kevin Kussyk

0 Kudos


how can I get the registiration ID, which is saved in the HCPMS, in the application?

Thank you and regards,

Kevin Kussyk

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Simmaco Ferriero,

First of all, thanks for your effort writing this blog. It really helped me understand how Push Notifications work in HANA Cloud. While I was following your blog I've come across an issue I unfortunately can't resolve on my own. I've managed to get everything working on my Android Device, untill I'm running the .apk on my device.

On my computer, the hybrid and webapp folder got created, so far so good.

Inside the hybrid folder, the content from the webapp folder seems to be placed in the root instead of the www folder where the webapp should be located.

This causes the issue that the .apk will only display the standard generated Cordova www folder and not my webapp as build in the WebIDE. Could you tell me why this is happening?

I've tried manually moving the webapp folder content into the www and got the application working by building it locally using Cordova, but then my Push Notifications won't work. It seems to be registering for push, but it won't show up in my Pushdesk or receive any push notifications via NodeJS or Postman.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Sander,

for me it's the first time I see such kind of problem with the SAPHybrid folder.

  1. Which version of HAT are you using?
  2. Which landscape of SAP Web IDE (Trial, your production environment, local installation)?
  3. Are you able to run a very basic application created with the SAPUI5 Application template on your Android device?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Simmaco,

Thanks for your quick response.

1. I'm currently using HAT version 1.19.2 with Node v5.4.1, NPM v3.3.12 , Cordova 6.3.1 and Kapsel 3.12.2.

2. I'm currently working on the trial landscape.

3. I can run the application fine online in the webIDE, but if I try to build anything on my android device, it'll only show the default Cordova www folder.

I've tried to change the folder structure to webapp/www/<Controllers,Views, etc> in the WEBIDE but this didn't work because the resources folder was not in the Hybrid folder anymore after this. I hope you can assist me further on this.

Kind regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Simmaco,

Thanks for your quick response.

1. I’m currently using HAT version 1.19.2 with Node v5.4.1, NPM v3.3.12 , Cordova 6.3.1 and Kapsel 3.12.2.

2. I’m currently working on the trial landscape.

3. I can run the application fine online in the webIDE, but if I try to build anything on my android device, it’ll only show the default Cordova www folder.

I’ve tried to change the folder structure to webapp/www/<Controllers,Views, etc> in the WEBIDE but this didn’t work because the resources folder was not in the Hybrid folder anymore after this. I hope you can assist me further on this.

Kind regards,

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hello Experts,

i just tried to get this work for me but i dind´t got it.
As you see in the screenshot i get the following return when i send the REST Post.

"status": {
"value": "OK",
"code": 0
"notificationId": null,
"results": [
"status": {
"value": "Unknown push target type",
"code": 2
"registrationId": "c060da27-9787-41b0-b4ba-ca1f3314ca05",
"notificationId": ""

I think i did the every step menioned here but I don´t find the mistake.

Does somebody have an idea what I do wrong?

Thank you!

