Recently setup a demonstration of consuming data with
SAP DATASPHERE APIs with Postman. The blog scope is limited to facilitate postman setup.
Here are the steps to follow
- Within your Datasphere tenant setup an OAuth Client by navigating to System-->Administration-->App Integration

Leave the Redirect URL as blank. Copy your ClientID and Secret.
From the App-integration page - also grab the Auth URL and the TOKEN URL. You will need it in step 2.
2. Now Open Postman and setup a new collection. I am calling it SAP DATASPHERE SPM. It is best to setup the OAUTH2 authorization at the collection level and have the children POSTS/GETS inherit it.

Configure the New token as shown.
Choose GrantType: Authorization Code
Callback Url:
Grab the Auth URL and the Token URLs from System-->Administration-->App Integration wherein you setup the OauthClient

Click on 'Get New Access Token'
At this point you should be prompted to login to SAP BTP.

Once you login to browser and continue you should get your Token.

Click on 'Use token'
Now you can setup your individual requests to get spaces or data with Authorization set to -- 'inherit from parent'
clicking on 'Send' should yield results.