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1. Create the Connection at HCP

2. Create the Connection at HCC if you use the HCC

3. Prepare your Application at the HCPms

4. Get an SAP Mobile Secure Account

5. Create an Android Signing ID

6. Get you SAP Mobile Secure Cloudusername and password

7. Download the packager

8. Prepare the appconfig

9. Package the App

10. Create the Cordova App

11. Download it from your SAP Mobile Secure Account and run it

1. Create the Connection at HCP

Login to your HCP and go to Destinations and create a new Destination.

For more information about it  look here: Setup your SAP Web IDE on HANA Cloud Platform Part 1

2. Create the Connection at HCC if you use the HCC

If you have to use the HANA Cloud Connector enter here your information about your Backend an dyour virtuel system.

For more information about it look here: Setup your SAP Web IDE on HANA Cloud Platform Part 1

3. Prepare your Application at the HCPms

At the HCP Cockpit click on Services

Scroll down to Mobile Services

Click on Development & Operations

Note: if you use this the first time, you have to enable it.

Click on Go to Service

Your HCPms will launched

On the Left Side click on Account Configuration

enter the following Authentication settings and click Save


At the left click on the Applications tile and create a new Application

Enter the following Data and click Save

Application ID:

Name: My Contacts

Type: Hybrid

Security Configuration: Basic

Open this Application and scroll down at the Information Tab

Enter the following SCIM Configuration Settings and click Save:

Check Override Global HCPms SCIM Configuration

URL: in order to provide app specific URL (pointing to the ABAB Service document, protected by basic auth) ideally a simple service like http://<server:port>/sap/bc/ping

Proxy Type: OnPremise (if you have to use the CloudConnector) or Internet (without CloudConnector)

go to the BackEnd Tab

Enter the following Data and click Save:

BackEnd URL: http://<server>:<port>

Proxy Type: OnPremise

Authetnication Type: Basic Authentication

Rewrite Mode: Rewrite URL on Back End

Check Via HCP App