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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Disclaimer :

SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Messaging has been given a name and is now known as SAP Event Mesh. Do follow this blog by martin.bachmann to get complete details. Following this concept, this blog has been changed to include SAP Event Mesh. However, the images will still have the SAP Enterprise Messaging names.

This blog is not meant for the Enterprise Messaging in Neo which is being used in CPI. In case you want to follow this, please go through the blog written by Appala. 


Please note that, now only default version of SAP Event Mesh is available. Hence, may I request you to follow  this tutorial to create an instance of SAP Event Mesh. And it is available only in the productive landscape. It is not available on Trial landscape as of now.


Following blog was created for dev plan of SAP Event Mesh which is obsolete now.


Regardless of your line of business or geographic location, all businesses today have one overriding thing in common: to be a success you must be a digital business.

The rewards of digital business are considerable, but the initial transition can be challenging.  New innovations are required to connect hundreds and thousands of devices, applications, and systems in an enterprise world.

Any Enterprise system mostly deals with lot of heterogeneous systems, each one catering to a specific requirement of the overall ecosystem. In such a complex environment with diverse technologies, integration between components becomes very complicated because of business data of diverse formats. Moreover, the complexity increases many fold because of the possibility of high load, need of secure & reliable communication, making sure the systems are loosely coupled. And also in today’s world, one of the obvious demand of digital business is to be able to build a flexible, innovative cloud based solution so that, the system can capitalize on new connections between devices, applications and systems.

So, in short, to digitize and integrate your business in an enterprise world, you require a messaging infrastructure which

  • Supports high volume, high-speed communication between applications and systems.

  • Decouples communication using standard asynchronous messaging patterns.

  • Provides reliable data transmission for mission critical scenarios to ensure guaranteed message delivery.

  • Handles peak loads.

  • Supports open protocols for effective decoupling of devices and applications.

  • Facilitates event-driven architectures to consume system events in the Cloud.

SAP Event Mesh has been designed and developed as a tool to provide such features under the Integration capability umbrella of cloud foundry based SAP Business Technology Platform. Added to that, SAP Event Mesh provides the feature in serverless way and is fully managed by the provider. Thus taking most of the burdens from the developer.


This blog tries to provide an introduction of SAP Event Mesh. This of course shall be followed with blogs which will speak in detail about each aspect of SAP Event Mesh.

New serverless offering on SAP Business Technology Platform

  • Messaging as a service: SAP Event Mesh (generally available)

  • Functions as a service: SAP Cloud Platform Functions (beta)

  • Backend as a service: SAP Cloud Platform Backend service (beta)

These services run in a serverless environment, meaning it is SAP as cloud provider (and not you) who is responsible for managing and dynamically scaling the resources required for your applications. Resource utilization is closely monitored and caters for micro-billing meaning you pay only for the resources your applications use. Pay-per-use details are published with global availability of each service and do not apply to beta releases.

SAP Event Mesh service allows you to send and receive messages reliably using open standards and protocols. You can decouple application logic, develop micro services and support event-driven architecture.

Salient capabilities of SAP Event Mesh include

  • Connect applications and services seamlessly

  • Communicate reliably at large scale

  • Send and receive high number of messages in real-time

  • Enable event-driven applications

Salient benefits of SAP Event Mesh include

  • Easy consumption Client Libraries

  • Out-of-box event enablement for S/4 HANA and other applications in future

  • Easy Management of Queues and Topics through Dashboard

  • High throughput, low latency

  • High availability clusters and elastic scalability

  • Decoupled application logic, develop micro services

Getting Started

SAP Event Mesh falls under SAP Business Technology Platform Integrations capabilities. To be able to access the SAP Event Mesh as a pre-requisite, a user should already have a space in a Cloud Foundry sub-account.

Once the pre-requisite is satisfied, basic steps to create an SAP Event Mesh application includes

  • Create an SAP Event Mesh service instance

  • Configure SAP Event Mesh service instance

    • Queue

    • Queue Subscription

    • Application Configuration

  • Build an Application using SAP Event Mesh service instance

Create an SAP Event Mesh service instance

  1. Navigate to Spaces in CF and choose

                     Services > Service Marketplace >SAP Event Mesh Service

  1. Select a Service Plan (Lite or dev) and chose Next

  1. Parameters 

Specify parameters as below

emname : SAP Event Mesh instance name

management: true implies REST APIs for management

Enter instance name and choose Finish.

An instance of SAP Event Mesh service can also be created from Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface.

So now you have an instance of SAP Event Mesh service available for you to be able to work on it.

This blog has provided a brief introduction on SAP Event Mesh service and it’s capabilities. As mentioned above, we shall come up with several other blogs which shall provide in detail on HOW TO WORK WITH SAP Event Mesh.

0 Kudos
FYI. I am using the URL encoded format in SCPI HTTP Address section.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Varun,

Can you please share your service key ?



0 Kudos
Hi Pradeep,

I am connecting Enterprise Messaging Queue, using the SCPI AMQP Websocket receiver Adapter.

But sometimes when the SCPI Iflow tries to send the message to the AMQP receiver adapter, it give the below error.

Uncategorized exception occurred during JMS processing; nested exception is org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsConnectionRemotelyClosedException: client failed (220012) [connection rejected (too much connections)] [condition = amqp:internal-error]


Can you please let me know why such errors are observed?

Please let me know if you need any more details.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Varun,

By default one EM instance can create 10 connections.
How many connections are you creating?


0 Kudos
For those who faced the next error at the moment of entering the Enterprise Messaging Application even after adding the right role to your user.

(Roles :
Enterprise Messaging Display: It provides the ReadRole.
Enterprise Messaging Developer: It provides the ManageRole and the TestRole.
Enterprise Messaging)



You are not authorized to access the Enterprise Messaging Cockpit. Get your user assigned to a role to gain access, see Create User Groups, Role Collection and Assign Role Collection


You just need to delete the cookies.

0 Kudos
Hi Pradeep,

I am using trial Account. Will Event Mesh be made available for trial plan. Though i was able to subscribe to Event Mesh Application using standard plan, i am not able to proceed forward with instance creation or not able to access the Event Mesh cockpit.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Kalyan,

Default plan which is the active plan for Event Mesh is not available in the Trial environment. You need to use productive environment to be able to work on it.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Dear Pradeep,

are you kidding? The SAP Enterprise Messaging was available in BTP Trial. And now with Event Mesh it's gone? How should the SAP Community learn to use it? I hope there are already plans to provide it in the Trial environment.

Best regards
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Gregor,

Default version was never available in trial environment. However, the dev version was available and is also available now.



0 Kudos

Hi Pradeep ,

Thanks for this blog and your answers for all queries.

I am new for Event Mesh and working on a solution with Event Mesh.

I have one question

Do we need SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility service instance to receive events from S/4 Hana cloud or it is not required ? as i can see you have directly connected S/4 Hana cloud with EM in other blog

why i am asking. because his link says it is required





Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
There is another blog for it. Please follow the S/4 HANA related blog.



0 Kudos
Hi Pradeep,

I can create Event Mesh Service in dev plan now, but cannot create instance yet. When go to Event Mesh application, it's empty there.

In such case, without namespace or topic information, can we still send or receive message from the event mesh? If yes, is there any tutorial for that?

Thanks a lot!


0 Kudos
Hello pradeep.panda

I'm trying to configure Event Mesh in my trial BTP account to receive events from an S/4Hana Cloud system. When I try to create the Event Mesh instance I can select only plan "dev".

As you say in this blog, dev plan is deprecated and default plan should be used. I supose for productive instances there is no problem and I could select that plan, but what about the trial?

Is there any method to create the Event Mesh instance and get it work correctly on a BTP trial?
I've done almost all the configurations in BTP and S/4Hana Cloud, but I cannot create the Instance because when I select "dev" plan the Event Mesh Service Descriptor JSON File that SAP recommends to use is not valid.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Alejandro,

In trial landscape, you can not create an instance of "default" type. You need to be on productive landscape with proper entitlement of Event Mesh service, to be able to work on "default" type.

We understand the issue all of you are facing while trying to work on the event mesh in trial landscape. Recently we have updated the tutorial, where we have introduced few information needed to be able to create an instance of "dev" type.  Please follow the steps. Should you face any issue, please do not hesitate to raise a request there or raise a voice here.


0 Kudos
Hello Pradeep, Thank you for your response and the link.

I could create the Event Mesh Instance for my dev plan, using this JSON provided in the tutorial you shared:
"emname": "<your-emname>",
"options": {
"management": true,
"messagingrest": true

Now, I think I have all the necessary send Events from S/4Hana Cloud to Event Mesh, but I cannot achieve this. I mean, I have:

  • BTP trial

  • S/4Hana Cloud system registered in BTP trial.

  • Event Mesh Instance (dev plan) in BTP trial.

  • S/4 Hana Cloud Extensibility instance in BTP trial .

  • Event Mesh service subscription in BTP trial (that generated automatically the Communication Arrangement SAP_COM_0092 in S/4Hana Cloud).

  • Configurations needed in Maintain Event Channel Binding fiori app on S/4Hana Cloud.

    But the problem is that I cannot merge all together to make it work. I don't know exactly where I shold configure the queue and make the subscription to receive the events (I think I must do it in my Event Mesh Instance - dev plan, I did it, but I'm not receiving any message.

By the way, in my landscape I'm using an S/4Hana Cloud DEMO System with my BTP trial account. (I cannot use the BTP account of my customer because it's a Neo Environment, so I'm trying to test the Event Mesh service with my trial BTP account).

Based on my landscape, Is there any kind of limitation to make it work?

Any help will be helpful.


0 Kudos

Hello Pradeep,

Do we have the extensive monitoring feature available now? If yes, then what are the features that it brings and how can we enable it in BTP?

This URL does not have much info -

Best Regards,

Abhijeet Sinha

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
HI Abhijeet,

Though we have monitoring features available but they are not extensive. However, we can assure you the new releases which are going to happen very soon will have descent monitoring features. If you are a customer or partner of SAP, may I take this opportunity to invite you (and whoever is interested) to share your details to my mail id (, so that i can register you for a Customer Engagement Initiative program which is scheduled to start sometime mid of December. The link to the CEI Initiatives are

  1. Manage and govern global event meshes using SAP Event Mesh

  2. SAP Event Mesh integration with Microsoft Azure Event Grid

The first one will also have sessions with information on Monitoring also.
0 Kudos
Hello Pradeep,

Thanks for the revert. I understand that within BTP there is not direct monitoring capability available for Event Mesh however using an external system like Focused Run, is there a way the events/queues/topics etc. can be monitored?

Best Regards,

Abhijeet Sinha
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Pradeep,

It works indeed like that to create an instance, but it's a dev instance, not default. However, I also get the authorization error on the subscription despite having the roles. So could you please confirm officially if we can try out Event Mesh in a trial account? And if not, why is that not available while other (more complex) services are?

Thank you,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Philippe,

In trial environment, you can create and work with a dev instance. You can follow below set of tutorials (mission) for that. Default plan is available only with the productive environment.


0 Kudos
Hi pradeep.panda Great Blog Post!

I have applied the pre-requisite but it is still service "Event Mesh" is not appearing in the list.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Alexandar,

As updated in the blog, please follow the tutorial for the hands-on exercise and this blog is now more of an event mesh concept provider. And if you are following the tutorial, it will be nice if you raise a ticket there.

By the way, going by the picture which you have shared, looks like you have not included the event mesh service to your sub-account (as is done for any btp service) through entitlement.



0 Kudos
Hi Pradeep,

We have implemented some interfaces using Webhooks. However, we are encountering issues with duplicate document postings in S4 from ECC via Event Mesh whenever the S4 system takes more than 30 seconds for processing. and EM is retrying automatically.

Could you please assist me in increasing this response time by adjusting the configuration? Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated.