SAP S/4HANA 2021 is released – and with it a new version of gCTS. We hope that the new and changed features are helpful for you when you work with gCTS.
In this blog post, I will ty to give an overview about the new options and what they could be used for.
The gCTS Registry
The gCTS registry has been designed to distribute objects to repositories. Up to now, the transport layer that was assigned to an object (or a package, or a transport request) was the thing that decided about the repository to which the content of a transport request got pushed. With the registry, you can now use one single transport layer for all repositories. (and no – this does not remove the option to use CTS and gCTS in parallel).
One system in your landscape has to become the ‘host’ of the registry – the system ANY in the picture below. Development systems that should work with gCTS then need to get informed about this registry. With that, you can then assign objects to a repository in all of the systems involved.
Idea of Registry
Up to now, the registry is not integrated in the standard process of releasing a transport request or in developing at all. We published a blog post on how this can be done by implementing a BAdI:
Integrating gCTS with Transport Organizer processes.
We recommend that you use the registry for customizing that shall be handled via gCTS.
configuring and
using the registry, please also take a look at the SAP Help Portal.
Setting Permissions and Collaborating
New permissions –new ABAP roles, and authorization objects, as well as collaboration permissions for Git repositories – are provided. This doesn’t mean that your current roles don’t work anymore. But if you wish to differentiate a bit more on who is allowed to do what and if you would like to work in a more Git-like way for managing collaboration on repositories, you can make use of them.
If you are not an administrator, you can ask the owner of another repository to add your user as a collaborator to his repository.
How collaboration works
The idea is the same that you might know from Git: You can create teams and add them as collaborators, or you can add single users. The teams have to be created once and can then be used for many repositories. @
Especially if you work with that concept in Git: please note that there is no synchronization mechanism between Git and gCTS concerning teams or collaborators and their respective access to repositories. You need to maintain things twice.
You can find more details on the SAP Help Portal at
Authorization Concept in gCTS.
New Deployment and Import Options
gCTS has been enhanced with several options to get other object versions into your local system:
- Up to now, a new commit was created, when you solved a conflict, but if you did not decide to go for the version of the development system, that version was not available in the ABAP runtime of the development system. You can now re-deploy this solved version into your development system. This is not an automatism – so you can still keep the version that you have on the development system and continue working on it.
You can find more information on the SAP Help Portal in the topic Manually Commit Files.
- • You can start re-deployments to any system. You can either deploy the latest commit again or repeat the last repository action. Deploying the latest commit again will re-deploy the whole content of the repository again into your system. Repeating the last repository action will repeat whatever you did last. This can mean that a commit is deployed again or any other action that you did. Check the activities tab to see what happened last.
These options are helpful, for example, if you would like to import your customizing (repository) into another client.
You can find more information on the SAP Help Portal in the topic Manually Deploy Objects
- If you are currently working on an object that is about to be imported, gCTS will now inform you about this. You can then decide whether you would like to continue and overwrite the local version or if you do not import the version of the object at this point in time. The check is done when you change the active commit, switch or merge branches, manually deploy objects or commit when you solved a conflict
And there are additional enhancements and changes available in gCTS starting with SAP S/4HANA 2021 – check the What’s New-viewer at
Git-Enabled Change and Transport System for more.