In this post we look briefly at the Open Service Broker API, and how service brokers are used to facilitate access to services on runtimes on the SAP Business Technology Platform.
The advent of the SAP Service Manager (SM) brought about the ability to connect multiple platforms and multiple service brokers together on the SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Services exposed by brokers on different platforms can be instantiated wherever you need them.
To explore this a little bit, I thought I'd share an experiment, which doesn't use SM directly, but at least helps us think about service brokers, services, the Open Service Broker API (OSBAPI) and related topics. That way we are more prepared to understand SM and what it brings.
The experiment
The experiment is to make a service available in a Cloud Foundry (CF) space on my SAP BTP trial account. That service is a PostgreSQL database, facilitated by the
ElephantSQL PostgreSQL-as-a-Service offering, which has a free plan. The reason for choosing this service was because there's a lovely repository on GitHub,
elephantsql-broker, from
James Clonk, which makes this service available via the OSBAPI, which is the standard API for service brokers and SM.
elephantsql-broker repository takes you through the steps of deploying the service broker to a CF space, and then registering it to that space. What I want to show you in this post is running the service broker in a container locally on your machine, making the API available to the outside world, and then registering it to a CF space.
Briefly, here's what we're going to do:
- clone the repository locally
- get an API key for the service
- build the Docker image with the service broker
- test an instance of the image (a container)
- start a new instance of the image, supplying the API key and other info
- expose the port, that the service broker is listening on, to the outside world
- register that service broker in a CF space
- view the service offering available, with the plans available
- create a service with a specific plan
- create a service key for that service instance
- clean up afterwards
Of course, all the time, we'll be making observations as to what's going on.
A note on PostgreSQL availability
SAP BTP offers a hyperscaler option based PostgreSQL service, which you should definitely consider for non-experimental requirements. It provides a way to directly consume the PostgreSQL service provided by infrastructure providers.
The whole point of this particular exploration, however, is to understand how services can be used across platforms and environments, and how you can make your own services available to your apps on SAP BTP, via the OSBAPI. And as a side effect of this, you gain a better understanding of the context in which SM operates.
The repository
All the detailed instructions you need are in this fork of the original elephantsql-broker repository, in a new branch called "docker":
The assumptions and prerequisites
This is all done on my local machine, which runs macOS natively, but on which I've also installed
Docker Desktop. You are of course free to use an alternative container engine (such as
Podman) if that works better for you. You are on your own in terms of using Podman though - I have no experience there!
You'll also need access to a subaccount on SAP BTP - you may find this tutorial helpful:
Get an SAP BTP Account for Tutorials. I'll be using my trial subaccount.
You'll need the
cf command line client. I have recently moved from version 6 to version 7 recently; I only mention this because my sample output in this post will be mostly from cf version 7, where the options for 'cf marketplace' are different.
You'll also need
ngrok to make a service available to the outside world (this is an amazingly useful piece of software for experimentation, learning and development in general).
Finally, you'll probably want to have
curl installed too. But who doesn't already have that?
Even if you don't want to follow along yourself, you may enjoy reading through the steps anyway, to get a better understanding. I'll try to explain what's going on along the way.
The steps
OK, it's time to get down to it. A lot of the detailed instructions are in the repository, so where appropriate, I'll point you to the right places there. I'm going to use my
directory as the working directory into which I'll clone the repository.
Clone the repository
With the following command, clone the repository:
git clone
The output should look something like this
Cloning into 'elephantsql-broker'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 564, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 564 (delta 0), reused 3 (delta 0), pack-reused 557
Receiving objects: 100% (564/564), 6.31 MiB | 10.50 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (221/221), done.
Once inside the cloned repository (with
cd elephantsql-broker/
), you should then check out what branches are available remotely:
git branch -rv
This should show information similar to this:
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
origin/docker c50c145 add info on how to run broker in a container
origin/master 9cfc107 refactor makefile
origin/recordings ed2e832 add animated recordings
It's the
branch where I've added instructions for this, so check that branch out:
git checkout docker
and you should see something like this:
Branch 'docker' set up to track remote branch 'docker' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'docker'
Now you have the
Dockerfile which you'll need, shortly, as well as a local copy of the
Get an API key
Now it's time to register for the PostgreSQL platform service and
get a free API key. The link is provided in the main README, in the
Deploy service broker to Cloud Foundry section (but don't worry, you're not going to deploy the service broker to CF, you're going to run it in a container).
As a quick reminder - be a good net citizen and don't abuse the free tier of this service, or any service for that matter. I've just used it briefly to instantiate then remove a database for this experiment.
Here's what my API key looks like (it starts
), in the API Access area of my settings:
Build the Docker image
Next we can build the Docker image, which contains the service broker for ElephantSQL, written in Go. The
Dockerfile is based on the simple example from the
Golang official image in Docker Hub, and looks like this:
FROM golang:1.17
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod download && go mod verify
COPY . .
RUN go build -v -o /usr/local/bin/ ./...
ENV TZ="Europe/London"
ENV BROKER_USERNAME="((username))"
ENV BROKER_PASSWORD="((password))"
ENV BROKER_API_KEY="((api_key))"
ENV BROKER_API_DEFAULT_REGION="google-compute-engine::europe-west2"
CMD ["elephantsql-broker"]
The detail for this step can be found in the
Build the image section of the repository, but is essentially this:
docker build -t elephantsql-broker .
The image created will, when instantiated (i.e. when a container is created from it), will execute the broker, which will begin listening for incoming OSBAPI calls on port 8080 by default.
Start a test container
Let's just kick the tyres at this stage. The service broker has a simple health check API endpoint, which we can call to see if things are generally OK. Let's start a container up, taking "
the simplest thing that could possibly work" approach:
docker run --rm --detach --name broker elephantsql-broker
As output, we get a long GUID like this:
and are returned to the prompt. This is because we used the
option to get the container to execute in the background. In case you're wondering, the
option tells Docker to remove the container once it is stopped, to keep things clean, and the
option lets us choose a name for the container.
There's nothing much to see, but we can do a couple of things. One is to check the logs, like this:
docker logs broker
We see something like this:
level=info msg="port: 8080"
level=info msg="log level: info"
level=info msg="broker username: ((username))"
level=info msg="api url:"
level=info msg="api default region: google-compute-engine::europe-west2"
So something is happening! Let's try to access the health check API endpoint. But - what hostname do we use? Is it
? Well, where we are right now, on my laptop's macOS operating system level, let's try it:
curl localhost:8080/health
But this returns a message like this:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused
That's because the broker is listening to port 8080 but only inside the container. Let's jump into the container and try it there. First, we can jump in by starting a Bash shell in the container:
docker exec -it broker bash
We're placed in a shell, inside the container (we can sort of tell we're in the container because (a) we're suddenly the
user and (b) the hostname is a generated ID):
Now if we run that same
invocation here (yes,
is everywhere!), we get a result:
"status": "ok"
That's good. Let's exit the shell (with
or Ctrl-D) and then stop the container (and it will be automatically cleaned up because of the
docker stop broker
Start a new container with the requisite settings
Now that we know things look reasonable, let's start up a new container, supplying what we need:
docker run \
--rm \
--detach \
--publish 8080:8080 \
--env BROKER_USERNAME=brokerusername \
--env BROKER_PASSWORD=brokerpassword \
--env BROKER_API_KEY=your-api-key \
This is detailed in the
Create a container from the image section of the repository.
The publishing of port 8080 outside the container to the host OS (with the
option) means we can check the health from the macOS level now; running this in my local shell:
curl localhost:8080/health
now returns:
"status": "ok"
What's more, we've supplied the authentication details that will be needed to register and make OSBAPI calls to the broker from my CF space on SAP BTP, and also the API key for the ElephantSQL service.
Make the broker available to the outside world
We first could only access the broker when inside the container it was running in. Now we can access the broker from the host where the Docker engine is running (i.e. my laptop). But we need the broker available for access from my CF space on SAP BTP.
Let's use the excellent
to do this; it's covered in detail in the
Make the service broker available beyond your local machine section of the repository, but briefly involves telling
to create a secure tunnel that will carry traffic to port 8080 on the local host. Note that with great power comes with great responsibility; take care to use
sensibly here.
Invoking this:
ngrok http 8080
will result in that tunnel being created, giving both HTTP and HTTPS forwarding URLs, as shown in this example monitor display:
ngrok by @inconshreveable
Session Status online
Session Expires 1 hour, 59 minutes
Version 2.3.40
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding -> http://localhost:8080
Forwarding -> http://localhost:8080
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
This means that the broker is now also available (protected with the username and password specified earlier) at
, which is also accessible from CF on SAP BTP.
Register the service broker in CF
The trial and free tier accounts on SAP BTP give us access to different runtimes, including Kyma / Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry. Both of these platforms have a concept of a service catalogue, or marketplace, where developers can check to see what services and plans are available for consumption.
As guests on any given Cloud Foundry environment instance on SAP BTP, we don't have full administrative access to the entire environment, but we do have access at organisational and space level. In this context, it's possible for us as individuals to manage service brokers at the space level.
If you enter
cf help
in a shell, you get a summary of the different commands, grouped into different areas. For example, there's the "Space management" area with the
and other commands, and there's the "Application lifecycle" area with
and so on.
But if you enter
cf help -a
you get a whole boatload more, including this group of commands:
service-auth-tokens List service auth tokens
create-service-auth-token Create a service auth token
update-service-auth-token Update a service auth token
delete-service-auth-token Delete a service auth token
service-brokers List service brokers
create-service-broker Create a service broker
update-service-broker Update a service broker
delete-service-broker Delete a service broker
rename-service-broker Rename a service broker
migrate-service-instances Migrate service instances from one service plan to another
purge-service-offering Recursively remove a service and child objects from Cloud Foundry database without making requests to a service broker
purge-service-instance Recursively remove a service instance and child objects from Cloud Foundry database without making requests to a service broker
service-access List service access settings
enable-service-access Enable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs
disable-service-access Disable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs
We'll now explore just a subset of those commands, relating to service brokers.
What do we need to do to register our new broker? Let's have a look, with
cf create-service-broker --help
, which shows us this:
create-service-broker - Create a service broker
cf create-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER USERNAME PASSWORD URL [--space-scoped]
--space-scoped Make the broker's service plans only visible within the targeted space
enable-service-access, service-brokers, target
Because we don't have administrative access to the entire CF environment instance, we'll need to use the
option. But that's OK, this is just an experiment to understand the different pieces. Let's try:
cf create-service-broker \
elephantsql \
brokerusername \
brokerpassword \ \
This results in the following message:
Creating service broker elephantsql in org 1cbb5e7etrial / space dev ...
Moreover, we can now see the broker in the list, using
cf service-brokers
Getting service brokers ...
name url
But wait, there's more to see! In the
monitor, each request is listed, and we see one (it's the first one) suddenly appear, and it looks like this:
GET /v2/catalog
What's that? Well, if we look at the
Open Service Broker API reference, we see in the
specification, specifically in the
Catalog Management section, that:
"The first endpoint that a Platform will interact with on the Service Broker is the service catalog (/v2/catalog
). This endpoint returns a list of all services available on the Service Broker. Platforms query this endpoint from all Service Brokers in order to present an aggregated user-facing catalog."
So the process of registering the broker caused a request for the catalog to be made - makes sense!
We can make our own call of course, to see what's returned, like this:
curl http://brokerusername:brokerpassword@localhost:8080/v2/catalog
It's a JSON object describing the service and plans available. If you're interested in where this comes from, take a look at the
catalog.yml file in the repository.
Let's continue with the consumption, and keep an eye on the OSBAPI calls made to the broker.
View the service offerings available
Many of us are already famililar with the
cf marketplace
command. This provides a list of available service offerings. Running it in my trial subaccount CF space returns a lot of information! There are many, many services available to me, each with their own plans, and surfaced through various brokers. Here's a list, where I've removed the "description" column to save space.
Let's stare at it for a minute:
What do we see? Well, there are a myriad services each with different plans. For example, the "hana-cloud-trial" service has three plans available: "hana", "relational-data-lake" and "hana-cloud-connection".
But what we also see is that each service is provided by a broker, shown in the rightmost column. All but one of these brokers follow a similar naming convention:
For example, the "hana-cloud-trial" service offering is made available by this service broker:
Can you guess what the
prefix represents? These are all service brokers managed by, effectively proxied by, the SAP Service Manager.
But take a look at the last entry in the list - it's our "elephantsql" service, with the three service plans "turtle", "spider" and "cat" that we have in the
catalog.yml file. And through what mechanism is it available to us? Via our very own
service broker that we've registered to this CF space just now. In fact, the detail in this output to
cf marketplace
was gathered in the previous step, in the HTTP GET request to
Note that when we called
cf marketplace
, the
monitor showed no further request. So this catalog information is cached.
Before we move on, let's explore the
option of
cf marketplace
, which lets us see the plan details for a particular service offering:
cf marketplace -e elephantsql
This produces a nicely formatted table like this:
Getting service plan information for service offering elephantsql in org 1cbb5e7etrial / space dev ...
broker: elephantsql
plan description free or paid costs available
turtle Tiny Turtle - shared instance (free) free USD 0.00/Monthly yes
spider Simple Spider - shared instance paid USD 5.00/Monthly yes
cat Crazy Cat - shared instance paid USD 10.00/Monthly yes
Create a service instance
Let's create an instance of our "elephantsql" service. The "turtle" plan is free, so let's go for that. All we're going to do is create a PostgreSQL database instance, and then destroy it, anyway.
We've surfaced our service availability to the
level, so we can use normal
commands to create a service instance here. The
command requires three parameters: the name of the service, the name of the plan, and what to call the service instance once created. As usual, I'll follow my basic pattern of naming the service instance based on a combination of the service and plan name:
cf create-service elephantsql turtle elephantsql-turtle
And lo, an instance is created!
Creating service instance elephantsql-turtle in org 1cbb5e7etrial / space dev ...
But what's happened behind the scenes?
Well first of all, the
monitor tells us that another call was made to the service broker:
PUT /v2/service_instances/fac57b37-f51e-499c-8aae-cf18fa105806
This is another OSBAPI call, this time a
provisioning call to request the creation of an instance of whatever service the broker is making available.
Moreover, we can see the result of the instance creation request - we can see the instance in the ElephantSQL console:
Create a service key
Let's go one stage further and create a service key. As we know, this is information that can be bound to an app to supply credentials that are required to operate or interact with the specific service instance.
With the
cf create-service-key
command, we can do this, and it gives us what we want:
cf create-service-key elephantsql-turtle elephantsql-turtle-sk
This gives us a service key:
Creating service key elephantsql-turtle-sk for service instance elephantsql-turtle ...
And guess what? This meant another OSBAPI call made from CF to the service broker; this time to
create a service binding:
PUT /v2/service_instances/fac57b37-f51e-499c-8aae-cf18fa105806/service_bindings/4b96c749-6fa2-43ae-a089-db8df149eaf9
We can ask for the contents of the service key with
cf service-key elephantsql-turtle elephantsql-turtle-sk
This gives us the content in JSON format:
"apikey": "ed0808bb-2cf6-4219-bfb0-9024...",
"database": "qezrugwo",
"database_uri": "postgres://",
"host": "",
"hostname": "",
"password": "UTGenw...",
"port": 0,
"scheme": "postgres",
"uri": "postgres://",
"url": "postgres://",
"username": "qezrugwo"
This information ties up with what we see in the console too.
Delete the service key and instance
We're almost at the end of our journey of exploration. Let's clean up, and also observe what happens when we do.
First, we need to remove the service key:
cf delete-service-key elephantsql-turtle elephantsql-turtle-sk
After prompting, this does what we ask:
Really delete the service key elephantsql-turtle-sk?> y
Deleting key elephantsql-turtle-sk for service instance elephantsql-turtle ...
And as we can now guess, this operation is achieved with yet another OSBAPI call to the service broker, as evidenced in the
DELETE /v2/service_instances/fac57b37-f51e-499c-8aae-cf18fa105806/service_bindings/4b96c749-6fa2-43ae-a089-db8df149eaf9
Finally, let's delete the service instance itself:
cf delete-service elephantsql-turtle
Again, the prompt and then the confirmation:
Really delete the service elephantsql-turtle?> y
Deleting service elephantsql-turtle in org 1cbb5e7etrial / space dev ...
And as we can again guess, the beauty and balance of the use of the OSBAPI is shown again in the
DELETE /v2/service_instances/fac57b37-f51e-499c-8aae-cf18fa105806
(Observe the whole time here that the OSBAPI design respects HTTP as a protocol and uses the methods appropriately; GET to request, PUT to create, DELETE to remove, and so on).
Wrapping up
This has been a long post, longer than I expected, but I hope it's been a helpful story, an exploratory journey, that's helped you understand some of the fascinating jigsaw puzzle pieces that is multi-cloud, multi-environment and the SAP Business Technology Platform in general.
We've glimpsed how services are made available, got a feel for what service brokers are and how they fit in, and seen first hand some of the Open Service Broker API calls being made in response to regular
requests to manage service instances and keys.
I want to leave you with one question to ponder. With so many services available, and running in different places, on different platforms and environments, how do we make these services available to as many apps, on as many platforms as possible, without creating a tangled mess of multiple connections running between each platform and service broker?
Here's a clue to the answer: it might be SAP Service Manager
A quick note for my SAP colleagues: The page
Running the broker in a Docker container and the corresponding
Dockerfile were added to a new branch (
docker) of a fork of the original upstream
elephantsql-broker repository, in the context of a spare time open source contribution. If you're interested in open source, spare time contributions or third party contributions, and how I went about this one, drop me a line.