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The impressively beautiful themes :razz: we create and utilize on the Enterprise Portal are not merely empty shell's but rather complex containers involving coded elements, components and segments.

In some instances a change occurrence such as a Portal upgrade or System Migration can cause a theme setup and display to become :neutral: problematic.

On many occasions a change in browser utilization can often result in rendering issues also.

Examples of such issues include the following:

  • Partial rendering
  • Disappearance of elements
  • Non-delectable icons and navigation points
  • Cut screens

In true essence the elements which go into making a theme can become problematic due to their conjunctive complexity when grouped together. Standard Theme Types

  • SAP_Tradeshow
  • SAP_HighContrastBlack
  • SAP_BlueCrystal
  • SAP_GoldReflection
  • SAP_Chrome
  • SAP_Streamline

If you encounter theme based issues there are a few avenues of analysis to follow.

  • One key point to check and review is whether the issue is confined to one particular web browser platform. If you are able to reproduce the issue across all browsers e.g. IE, Chrome, Mozilla etc then this would signify the "theme" itself needs troubleshooting as opposed to the environment in which it functions.

The second recommendation would be to ensure that the themes are being held and holstered correctly and not facing any deployment issues. You check the deployment by navigating to :

  • \usr\sap\<sid>\<instance-id>\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\\irj\servlet_jsp\irj\root\WEB-INF\deployment,\pcd ,\tempand \pcdContent

If you find any files with .err extension there, kindly remove the .errextension.

Then restart the J2EE engine. Should the issue still not be resolved and there does not exist any.err files,

kindly locate following * files in the deployment directory and remove the * extension and restart the J2EE engine.

Note: Please make sure that you do not delete the entire file,you onlyneed to remove the .err or * extension.

In cases like these the main points of analysis and investigation are to delete the standard SAP themes and then perform a restart.

During the restart they will be automatically regenerated. For this please ensure to do the following: Make sure you have your custom themes backed up.

  1. Delete the SAP-supplied themes using the PCD Inspector.
  2. Very important - only the central instance should be up and running during the deletion of the themes
  3. Please also make sure only SAP themes and not your own custom ones are deleted as custom themes will not be regenerated.
  4. Now stop the portal.
  5. Go to the file system and delete the theme from the file system for each server node, if they have not already been deleted by the portal.

The paths where the themes can be found are:

  • \usr\sap\<SID>\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\\irj\servlet_jsp\irj\root\WEB INF\portal\portalapps\ t aldesigndata\themes\portal&
  • \usr\sap\<SID>\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\\irj\servlet_jsp\irj\root\WEB-INF\portal\portalapps\ signdata\themes\portal

Restart the portal. Only the central instance should be started at this stage.

  • Check to see if the SAP standard themes are now working as required?

If not another stage of troubleshooting is required (which I will cover in another blog posting). Simply following high level investigation analysis steps such as those outlined above can help you determine many key points such as:

  • Are you dealing with an actual theme issue or a browser issue?
  • If you are dealing with a theme issue is it confined to a custom theme/standard theme or all themes?

If you analyze theme issues from an overview scope you can fine-tune your investigation from the offset and help eliminate countless possibilities thus making it easier to find and attain a quick, quality resolution.