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You are operating within a NW Enterprise Portal environment and are seeking consultation surrounding the "New Session" button option which had be used previously as a means of Launching "new" SAP GUI Windows triggered from the Portal itself. As with different System Versions and Landscapes there can be a host of changes in both functionality and visual display which can lead to a path of confusion. The purpose of this blog postings is to essentially shed some light on this "New Session" option in association to the Enterprise Portal & SAP GUI.

You've read various documentation and come across conflicting information

As with many queries in association to issues which are highlighted in Enterprise Portal environments on many occasions the answer along with the resolution is Product Specific. Let us say for instance you are operating on a NW7.30+ (Upwards) version and wish to go ahead and enable the button's functionality in accordance to business requirements and preference. The likelihood may be that you have come across various SCN Postings and SAP Documentation listing certain constraints, functional impairments and consequences which may come as a result of doing so i.e. activating the button.

Some Users see the Button & Others do not

The fact that some users see the 'Create New Session' button enabled is in fact a Product error and is described in the Note 1301239 'Portal: "Creates New Session" icon/button is active'.

  • This occurred with SAPGUI 7.10 < patch 12 and prior to the kernel patch 700 63, from where it is corrected.

This behavior will not be changed in subsequent patches. For more info:

View The Configuration

  • NWA - Operations -> open Start & Stop -> tab Java applications.
  • Open "" application name and in Portal Service details section, click on "Portal Service Configuration"
  • Check the property " Disable new session buttons in SAP GUI for windows"?

Can I Activate the Button? Central Documentation

  • SAP Note: 1258154 - EP 7.0: Different behavior for SAP WinGUI in the portal.

The note documentation outlined above should serve as the central point of reference for any queries related to the GUI's operation in conjunction with the Portal.  As we see in the documentation there are some "constraints" indeed however the key point to highlight is that as indicated in the note "not supported" steps are in association to lower Product Versions but you need you check you're own System Versioning coinciding with this note. The configuration described in Note 1258154 is available from 7.02 SP10.

  • The workaround for lower versions is not supported by SAP, as described in the note.
  • The solution mentioned in the note 1258154 is just a workaround.

This portal-specific behavior (including the disabled new session button) is by design. Therefore the reported behavior in not an 'issue': it is the correct by-design behavior. This ties back into  what we mentioned earlier surrounding SAP Note: 1258154 and the highlighted marked as "NOT recommended and NOT supported" nevertheless available for your convenience.

  • SAP Note: 1301239  has been superseded by SAP Note: 631198 - Behavior of SAP GUI for Windows in SAP Workplace/Portal  & SAP Note: 866219 - New DIAG support bits & SAP Note: 1258154 - EP 7.0: Different behavior for SAP WinGUI in the portal.

Just to reaffirm the fact that "Create New Session" and "Generate Shortcut on Desktop" are not available under EP, and this is a documented restriction which is based on the EP-Framework:

In case that these menus' are active, the user would be able to create a new session *outside* the EP.

This is definitely not wanted and is therefore restricted. We have to prevent situations, there the user can open a new session beyond the EP. Remember if you see the button activated it would be recommended to review and consult SAP Note: 631198.

In GUI 7.10 and earlier releases there was a noted bug in which the icon was active which has now been resolved in all upwards versions.

  • The button should now be deactivated if you start the GUI from EP.