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This blog provides existing SAP BW and SAP BW/4HANA customers an overview how easy it is, to convert existing artefacts from previous investments into BW bridge and our strategic target solution SAP Datasphere.

With Wave 2023.12 of SAP Datasphere,/SAP BW bridge we have shipped a highly anticipated feature. Conversion from existing Queries (BWonPrem) into SAP BW Bridge and Entity Import to SAP Datasphere is beeing offered for SAP BW 7.3 and higher. 

All semantic information from a Composite Provider/DataStore and InfoObjects can be easily reused in SAP Datasphere.



  • Collect the InfoObjects that are used in a Composite Provider/DataStore Object and show the whole list of objects with the possibility to mark what and which Objects should be taken over to SAP Datasphere.

  • During import the user can decide which information (on InfoObject level) should be transferred as a remote table to SAP Datasphere.

  • Masterdata tables from SAP BW Bridge will be imported as Remote Tables in SAP Bridge Space.

  • Text tables from SAP BW Bridge will be imported as Remote Tables in SAP Bridge Space


Sequence of Screens in detail:

  1. Selection of Connection Types via tiles (SAP BW Bridge)

  2. Selection of Target Space (In SAP BW bridge scenario target space is also needed in addition to the bridge space)

  3. Selection of connection

  4. Search for relevant Object

  5. Preview (SAP BW bridge: Selected queries)

  6. Scheduling

  7. Summary with Import Button



How is it possible to transfer a single query from SAP BW to SAP BW bridge?


Logon to target System and run the task manager for technical configuration. Select the preferred conversion method (shell or remote). In the example, a classic shell conversion is used.


Conversion Phase: Scope definition

Now we have to define a Scope, select the InfoProvider where the query is build on top.

After selecting the start object, run the tasklist.


Conversion Phase: Scope definition

In the second step of the tasklist, we have to specify the objects/artefacts of the migration. Query Elements can be shown and selected for the transfer in the table. It is also mandatory to define a package and transport request.

After that, you can start running the tasklist again. You will move now from scope definition into the prepare phase.


Conversion Phase: Prepare

If there is no custom coding inside of the dataflow, select the checkbox "resolved".You will move from the prepare phase to finalization phase.

Conversion Phase: Finalization

Start running the tasklist again. After a few seconds (dependet on the size of the data model) you will get a message, that the tasklist run ended successfully.

You can check directly afterwards in your SAP BW Bridge Environment, if all relevant objects were mrigrated from your source system to SAP BW bridge. You won't find Queries in your SAP BW Bridge, there is no OLAP Engine. Queries have to be imported as Entity in your SAP BW Bridge Space of SAP Datasphere.

Select your SAP BW Bridge Space provider by SAP in your SAP Datasphere Tenant and import Entities from SAP BW Bridge into your wished target space.


After successfull import of the query, you will find a Remote Table based on the ADSO's under the Composite Provider in your SAP BW Bridge Space and the relevant query information in selected target space in the databuilder and businessbuilder. The CompositeProvider is reflected as SQL View in the databuilder.The query itself is created as perspective inside of the businessbuilder.




  • Queries on top of InfoCube’s/DSO’s with NavigationAttributes are not possible

  • Remodelling in SAP BW Bridge destroys the query definition

  • There are two reports for the checks.

    • In SAP BW4 systems, the name of the report is: RSDWC_QUERY_CHECK_FOR_BRIDGE.

    • In SAP BW systems, the name of the report is: RS_B4HANA_RC_CHECK_QUERY.


Supported and Unsupported Features (State: Wave 2023.12) 


Further interesting Roadmap entries on BW bridge Model Import:

Handling and reuse of hierarchies in SAP BW bridge

Overview of migrated queries and the option to delete from SAP BW bridge


Please let me know, if you have any detailed question regarding the Entity Import & Model transfer for SAP BW bridge as well as SAP BW/4HANA.


