With the blog post
Alerting for stuck messages on the Adapter Engine a feature to alert on messages that appear to be no longer processed has been provided. This functionality has later been included in the standard coding.
In certain situations this alert mechanism may not be sufficient or more specifically procude false alarms as it does not allow to filter on message status.
Download & Deployment:
Use the following link to download the enhanced version:
Download EAR
The ear-File then needs to be deployed to your system. Make sure that these changes are tested on a non-production system before using it in your production environment.
After deployment you can find the new application via NetWeaver Administrator -> Operations -> Systems -> Start&Stop -> Java Applications. The application list should have a new entry with name “pi.alertstuckmsgv2” and vendor “”. Please verify that it is started without errors.
Scheduling the Job
Scheduling and configuring the job can be done via NetWeaver Administrator -> Operations -> Jobs -> Java Scheduler. Here you can find the new job template in tab “Job Definitions”. It should list a new job type with name “AlertStuckMessagesJobv2” and application “”.
For details about scheduling refer to the original blog post:
The difference in scheduling which supports the new enhancement is the parameter "StuckMessageStatusList" which can be populated with comma-separated status values. The mentioned status values are those which are taken into account for alerting. Messages having another status will not be alerted.
The default value (list) is: TBDL,DLNG,HOLD
All other parameters from the original version and the provided information in the blog post is still valid.
This blog post and its provided alerting application allows you to filter for "stuck messages" to be alerted on by message processing status. It heavily builds on already available functionality published in other / earlier blog posts and available in SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration standard functionality.