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If you have recently integrated the Peppol Exchange process for the cloud edition of SAP Document and Reporting Compliance with your SAP S/4HANA or SAP ERP system, then you probably want to test your new solution before you go productive with real business partners!

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to test on your own whether everything from sending to receiving electronic documents through the Peppol network works properly.


Before you start testing, please check whether you have fulfilled all prerequisites:

    • You are either on the latest support package available for your release or you have completed the implementation of SAP Notes described in the implementation guide for SAP S/4HANA or SAP ERP.


The list of SAP Notes to implement differs depending on the product and the release of your system. Therefore, ensure that you’ve selected the correct version.


Testing with "yourself"

Following Peppol’s four corner model, the document is sent from your business system (Corner 1 in the picture below), it will then reach the Sender Access Point (Corner 2), which will forward the document to the Receiver Access Point (Corner 3). The Receiver Access Point will send the document to the final Receiver (Corner 4).

The easiest way to run the end-to-end test is to use for both sender and receiver your own participant identifier, with which you’re registered in the Peppol network. Even if you’re not planning on using both sending and receiving capabilities of the service in production, we recommend you to execute this type of test.

Preparation for end-to-end testing

Companies can register with different identifiers (VAT, GLN, Leitweg-ID, etc.) in the Peppol network, so you can decide which identifier you want to use for testing. For the following steps it is only important that you always use the same identifier.

Step 1: In your Peppol Exchange dashboard

    • Under Configure Participants, register your participant with the identifier you want to use for your company for testing.Important: In the Configure Participants app, always maintain your own participants and not participants of your customers.
    • Enable the participant for both sending and receiving documents.


For detailed instructions how to perform the described steps, go to:


Step 2: In your business system 

    1. For your company code maintain the same identifier that you registered in the service, as described in the documentation Maintain <identifier> for Company Code, for example, for Austria in Maintain VAT Registration Number for Company Code.
    2. Add an entry to the Assign Party ID Types to Companies (EDOEUCOMPV) view, corresponding to the company code and participant type used at point 1.
    3. Enable the company code for source type SRC_FILE in the Activate Source Type Documents for Company Code (EDOCOMPANYACTIV) view, to be able to receive incoming documents.
    4. Create a test business partner and maintain the same identifier you used for the company code at point 1. Follow the steps described in the documentation Maintain <identifier> for Business Partner, for example, for Austria in Maintain VAT Number for Business Partners.
    5. Add an entry to the Assign Party ID Types to Business Partner (EDOEUBUPAV) view, corresponding to the business partner and the participant type you used.

For detailed instructions how to perform the described steps with your specifications (country/region, product/release and identifier), go to the Supported Business Scenarios by Product and navigate as shown on the right.


Execution of end-to-end testing

Create either a billing or a journal entry (SAP S/4HANA), or accounting document (SAP ERP), and submit the generated electronic document from the eDocument Cockpit (EDOC_COCKPIT) or the Manage Electronic Documents app.

For detailed instructions how to perform the described steps with your specifications, go to the Supported Business Scenarios by Product, choose the link to the documentation for your business system and respective release, then search for your country, choose the link to Electronic Customer Invoices, and check the Processing Customer Invoices topic.

If you set up your system as described above, you will be able to see both the outgoing and incoming documents in the eDocument Cockpit in your business system. When you achieve that, it means that both your business system and service part of the solution are configured correctly, and you are ready to test with customers or move the implementation to your productive system.

For more information about testing check the Best Practices for Testing in the help portal or the Attention points for testing blog post. 

If you want to test the Peppol Exchange process with your Business Partners, check out the Testing the Peppol Exchange Process with Your Business Partner blog post.

Please share your feedback and thoughts in a comment. If you have questions about SAP Document Compliance, you can post your question here.