Recently (6.6.2016) I have attended the SAP Forum & ISUG (Israeli SAP users group) 2016 convention that was held in Rishon Le'zion, Israel. More than 1,500 partners and customers have attended this convention and were exposed to the latest innovations from SAP and its leading partners.
Among dozens of sessions in 8 different streams - there was one session that (naturally) caught my eyes: "
To take the law to your hands - clever usage of rule engines".
In this session Amir Neidman, a leading
BRFplus and
HRF consultant, explained the advantages of implementing business logic via BRMS (Business Rules Management System) instead of coding.
Then Amir showed some rules from a project he is currently leading in
Clalit health services, which is the biggest healthcare services provider in Israel. This project has 4 modules (1 & 2 are already productive):
- Personnel standards management - A SAP HR & BRFplus project: Rules to determine how to assign and distribute personnel to the organizational units.
- Requests management - A SAP Solution Manager ITSM & BRFplus project: Rules for assignments of requests to the best fitting expert.
- Billing project - A SAP TRM, SAP PSCD (Public Sector Collection & Disbursement) & BRFplus project: Validations, pricing and different work flow related determinations as part of the billing process.
- Hospital management - A SAP IS-H (Industry Solution for Healthcare) & BRFplus project: Validations, routing and price calculations to support the management of Clalit's (14!) hospitals.
Then he gave a brief introduction to BRFplus,
DSM and HRF. Amir also conducted a demo of
HRF - for the first time in a convention in Israel! In that demo he showed how he can execute one of Clalit's rules on historical database, and change the prices in order to simulate the affects of these changes on historical revenues.
In another session
"Customer story - 'Meitav' league: Real-time control & decision making" by Lieutenant Colonel Almog Adler, another project that includes BRFplus rules was shown. This system - "Meitav" (which means the best - in Hebrew), is used for the recruitment process of new soldiers in IDF's (
Israeli Deference Force) recruitment offices. Almog's session was focused on the management of the recruiting processes via dashboards and reports that brings immense clarity and healthy competition between the commanders and soldiers involved in the recruiting process. As per Almog the satisfaction rate is constantly climbing due to this systems - both for the clients and the servers!
For me as a product owner in the rules domain, it was fascinating to see such complex, deep and large scale implementations of SAP's own rules technologies on productive customers' projects. And off course to hear the satisfaction and compliments of the customers and partners was very encouraging. I am looking forward to hear more partners and customers stories in the next convention!