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Agreed, that’s a provocative question on the one hand side but also valid on the other because of the existing SAP HANA for SQL data warehousing solution and the tremendous growth of SAP Datasphere (next-gen. SAP Data Warehouse Cloud).
SAP offers three data warehouse solutions. Two of them support only on-premise and private cloud scenarios and these are SAP HANA for SQL data warehousing and SAP BW/4HANA. And the new kid on the block, the SAP Datasphere is a pure public cloud solution although you can no longer speak of a kid when you have a closer look at the well-developed feature scope of it.
Against the background of SAP`s cloud-oriented strategy focusing SAP Business Technology Platform functionality, you might tend to answer the question with a clear “no“ and add that SAP BW/4HANA`s days are numbered. But as is so often the case, complex questions need to be examined more closely.
Even though SAP pushes mainly cloud-based developments, it takes two to a tango. With other words, there are still many customers who decide to follow an on-premise or private cloud strategy due to valid reasons. To realize such in the data warehouse area you need to go either with SAP HANA for SQL data warehousing or SAP BW/4HANA.
Thanks to its long history, it is especially SAP BW/4HANA with its feature scope, tools and business content that is more than mature to support any data warehouse scenario. What some also don`t have on their radar is SAP´s commitment to support SAP BW/4HANA for the next 17 years which appears as an eternity in the IT world. What comes after that or how to keep the chance to jump on the bandwagon any time and to move to the cloud? SAP Datasphere, SAP BW bridge is the safety net for all SAP BW/4HANA customers. It supports the transfer of SAP BW content into a prospective cloud future at any time.
Saving the best for last! You can now learn SAP BW/4HANA basics in a brand-new free learning journey “Getting Started Building an On-Premise Data Warehouse using SAP BW/4HANA”. Join now and familiarize yourself with all SAP BW/4HANA basics that need to be known to start your journey and become a future SAP BW/4HANA expert. How? Expect further advanced SAP BW/4HANA learning jouneys that will follow in the coming weeks and months.
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