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While administering your Enterprise Portal, it can be time consuming to locate content when only the PCD content Location is known. Additionally, in cases where content may share the same or similar title, it can be time consuming to locate the correct object.

Take for example the PCD Content location for the ESS Role made up of the Object IDs:


For us to Navigate to this particular Role via Content Administration, the location Titles are quite a bit different to the Object ID:

Portal Content -> Content provided by SAP -> Employee Self-Service -> Roles -> Employee Self-Service

While it is possible to hover over an object (or single click on NW 7.0x systems) to check the location, starting from Netweaver 7.3X releases, there is a feature which allows the user to customize the display of Content both inside the Portal Catalog and also within Roles. In this blog I will show you how to activate these features, step by step.

Activating the Object ID to display under the Portal Catalog (pictured above)

  1. Invoke the NetWeaver Administrator tool: http://<host>:<port>/nwa
  2. Navigate to the following location: Configuration -> Infrastructure -> Application Modules
  3. Search for the following Module in the Module List area
  4. Choose the WebDynpro Properties tab
  5. Select 'Components/' under the Web Dynpro Properties
  6. Set the view_mode property to equal any one of the below options:
    1. title - Displays the name of the object
    2. id - Displays the object ID
    3. id_title - Displays the object in the following format: objectID (object name)
    4. title_id - Displays the object in the following format: object name (objectID)
  7. Save your changes and log off/log back on to your Portal to observe the changes :smile:

You can reference the below screenshot to observe the exact location of this property:

Furthermore an enhancement was introduced in later SP levels which allow customization of the Object Title inside of a role, as illustrated below (SAP Note: 1760405😞

To enable this enhancement follow the steps as above, however for Step 3 choose the Module instead.

For further information you can reference the SAP Help documentation here: