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Dear Reader,

If you'd like to try  Fiori Launchpad on HANA Cloud Platform (HCP), and understand the end to end scenario, keep reading.

Fiori Launchpad is available @ HANA Cloud Platform since Nov, 2014 (GA).

The Fiori launchpad user interface is platform agnostic. It has the same user experience on all deployment options (For more information, see Simplifying your UX with SAP Fiori launchpad on SAP HANA Cloud Platform).

How can you get Fiori Launchpad running on HANA Cloud Platform?

Go to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform page and register to get a HANA Cloud Platform account (this isn't yet available in the trial version).

You have to ensure the following:

  • Your account is subscribed to SAP Fiori launchpad.
  • You are assigned to the predefined TENANT_ADMIN role with administrative permissions.

If you need support with these two requirenments, please contact the DevOps team (

For more information, see Managing Roles in SAP HANA Cloud and assign launchpad users to roles.

You already have an account, where should you start?

Follow the "DD-CC" steps: (Develop > Deploy > Configure > Consume)

Develop your Fiori/Fiori-Like application using Web IDE

The basic guidelines:

  • UI Development:

Develop the Fiori UI on top of HCP as an “HTML5 application”.

We recommand using the Web IDE’s templates for Fiori applications.

  • oData/Gateway

You need to have an on-premise Gateway system connected to the cloud, either with a cloud connector or exposed outside the Firewall.

Alternatively, you can use GwaaS (Gateway as a service)

  • Backend Logic

Additional backend logic can be developed as Java applications on HCP.

The Java application exposes REST services that can then be accessed by the Fiori client-side application much like the access to the oData calls.


  1. Open SAP Web IDE.See Opening SAP Web IDE.
  2. Enable OData model editor plugins. See Optional - Enabling Fact Sheet Editor and OData Model Editor Plugins
  3. Connect remote systems.See Optional - Connecting Remote Systems.
  4. Check or enter Git user settings.See Optional - Entering Git User Settings.
  5. Develop your app based on Fiori/ Fiori-like templates or patterns.

The screenshot below shows the available template when creating new project using WebIDE.

Alternatively, you can also extend an existing application (For more information, see SAP Web IDE Developer Guide)

The Web IDE documentation is available here - SAP Web IDE Developer Guide

Deploy your application on GIT the Cloud Repository (HTML5 Repository)

SAP HANA Cloud Platform enables you to easily develop and run lightweight HTML5 applications in a cloud environment. HTML5 applications on SAP HANA Cloud Platform consist of static resources and can connect to any existing on-premise or on-demand REST services. Compared to a Java application, there is no need to start a dedicated process for an HTML5 application. Instead the static resources and REST calls are served using a shared dispatcher service provided by the SAP HANA Cloud Platform.

Once you are finished, you need to push your code to the GIT Cloud repository.


1. Clone a repository.

2. Create a project and add an html file.

3. Push the file to the GIT repository.

4. Test the application.

5. Create a version and activate the version.

Check out this tutorial - SAP HANA Cloud Platform

For more information (Work with HTML5 repository), see  - SAP HANA Cloud Platform

To ensure seamless integration of your app in the launchpad, perform the following:

  • Your HTML5 app (a Helium SAPUI5 Fiori app) has been developed, tested, and deployed on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
  • All required back-end destinations for your app have been configured and tested.

Configure your Appa using Fiori Configuration Cockpit (FCC)

You perform the content creation and design tasks in the SAP Fiori Configuration cockpit.

To access this page navigate to: https://fiorilaunchpad-<accountname>

The applications are launch from tiles. Today, there are three tile types:

[1] Static tiles that run any static app url,

[2] Dynamic tiles that run app and display aggregative number based on oData

[3] Custom tiles that can run whatever you like in the tile.

(Heads-up: additional tile types, such as news and others, areplanned as part of the product roadmap)

Perform the following tasks:

To integrate apps in launchpad sites and make them available in catalogs at runtimeConfigure apps: set app properties and tiles, assign categoriesConfiguring Apps, Manage App Assignments
To enable role-based access to appsCreate and configure content packages: set properties, assign apps and rolesConfiguring Content Packages
To ensure visibility and organize the display of apps in launchpad sitesCreate and configure groups: set properties, assign apps to groupsConfiguring Groups

Consume Your Application in Fiori Launchpad on HANA Cloud Platform

To access a launchpad site:

  1. In the Site Directory of SAP HANA Cloud Portal, hover over a launchpad site and click Manage.
  2. In the Administration page that opens, click the Launchpad Runtime tile. The runtime version of this site opens.

For information about the runtime capabilities of SAP Fiori launchpad, see Using the Launchpad. Note, however, that not all the capabilities are available on cloud.


Inbal Sabag

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Inbal,

is the FLPDNG also available in the Trial accounts?

Best regards


Former Member
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Great article from a professional author!

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Very soon.

At the moment we are working to enable that during Q1, 2015 (Hopefully early February). I'll keep you posted.

Active Contributor
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Dear Inbal,

great blog, many thanks. However, since my HCP trial account is missing the SAP Fiori launchpad subscription option, I tried to reach the DevOps team via the link you provided, but the respective e-mail address:

does not seem to work for me. Is this perhaps and SAP internal e-mail address? Is there a way to reach the DevOps team externaly?

Best regards


0 Kudos

Hello Frank,

Fiori launchpad is not available in trial yet.

We are currently working to enable it and I hope it will be released soon.



FLP Development.

0 Kudos

I have a Fiori Apps in Eclipse. I want to migrate it to WEB IDE. .. I did import the file from Local to WEB IDE. but there is no output .

0 Kudos

Hi there, great blog!

Any chance that Java applications, with UI5 fronted, developed according to Fiori-like UI5 best practice, can be integrated into FLP@HCP?

thanks, regards


0 Kudos

What do you mean there's no output?
What exact steps did you perform?
And what do you mean you imported the "file"?


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Basically it should work. As long as there is a separation between the client static resources and the server logic.

Please let me know if you are facing any issue and I'll guide you accordingly.



0 Kudos

Hi Inbal,

I tried the integration of a UI5 application based on HCP Java (not on HTML5). Integration works only if I use the URL-based application template in FLP.

I've tried the UI5 application template but the application won't start and generate an error dialog.

Is this ok or maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Thanks, regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Inbal, I got access to and have subscription to FLP, but I can't register my App to Fiori Launchpad. So I tried to configure in manually. Can you tell me how the URL has to look like when my App is stored in HCP and I want to embed it in FLP?

Thanks, Thomas

0 Kudos

Hi Inbal,

I've just given it another try. I subscribed to flpportal in the HCP cockpit and would expect a drop downbox when I click the large plus sign in the portal site directory, allowing me to pick Fiori Launch Panel. I'm not seeing any signs of that dropdown box yet though.

Could it be that it's not completely available on trial accounts yet?

Best regards,

Jan Penninkhof

0 Kudos


FLP is now available in trial accounts. See the blog by ifat.shwartz - SAP Fiori Launchpad Joins HANA Cloud Platform Trial


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Hi Inbal,

thank you for this great blog. I could start my FLP administration and the FLP itself now on hanatrial. I also managed to create a URL application that I can see and run on my FLP.

But how can I add a Fiori app that I developed in HCP WebIDE?

I created a SAPUI5 app in FLP app configuration for this application. But I'm not sure what the correct values for "component url" and "component name" are. How can I determine this values?

Regards Helmut

0 Kudos

Many Thanks Inbal, I already experienced Fiori app implementation on-premise and worked extensively, but I feel this is the time now to explore Fiori/Web IDE on-cloud.

Thanks Again for sharing and helping us to evolve.

Warm Regards


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0 Kudos

I found the correct properties for my app:


set to "/" cause I created the project at the root of my Web IDE.


set to "FioriSalesOrder" cause I declared at the top of my Component.js file:"FioriSalesOrder.Component");


set to "fiorisalesorder" cause I named my app like that when I deployed it to HCP.

Former Member
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Is fiori launchpad available on hana trial now?



Active Contributor
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Hi Ajay,

yes it is, that's the reason for this blog. Follow the steps above.

Regards Helmut

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Helmut.

Someone commented before as its not available, so was just confirming.

0 Kudos

Perfect Post.

I really liked it.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thank you :smile:

I'm working on my next blog - to explain Fiori as a service vs. FLP@HANA Cloud Platform.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Inbal,

I read that HCP allows you to connect your own data to your customized SAP Fiori apps hosted on SAP HANA Cloud Platform.

If i can create my Fiori APP (which connects to my onpremise ECC box) and host it in the HCP, will I be able to use the HANA resources there on HCP? What will Ineed to buy from SAP to get the HANA capabilities on the cloud for my app, if they are not already provided with HCP license? Any idea of the expenses? Thanks.

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I'd like to get a better understanding of your scenario - You would like to use HANA power, however your app data is based on on premise. Basically this is impossible.

I think you should replicate your data to be available on HCP in order to use HANA advantages, as only the UI sources are deployed on the platform, while the data itself is still on premise.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Inbal,

Do you know when the flpportal will be able for the I mean, for the SAP internal version.

Thank You.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

yes, it should be available. Go to services > HANA Cloud Portal > open the default site > this is the launchpad.

in order to get to the Fiori configuration cockpit to configure your tiles open if from the site directory entry under Cloud Portal.

Let me know if you have any issues.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Inbal,

I registered my salesorder application in fiori launchpad and when I launch the application I get the message "The requested resource not found" and it appears to be issue with accessing the oData service. Please let me know where to get the componentId for modifying the service URL<componentId>)

Regards, Keshav

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Inbal,

I got the answer. It is what we declare in Component.js file"salesorder_ns.Component"), in this case it is salesorder_ns.

Best Regards, Keshav

Former Member
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I have created a separate scenario application in SAP WEB IDE and deployed the app in SAP HANA cloud trial account and also in Fiori launchpad trial account. I can run the app from launchpad but  it is asking for my HCP account credentials. I want to add a custom user authentication so that need not to pass my HCP credentials for testing purpose. Can someone please guide me how to do that?

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Hi Ankur,

I think you have to configure a Trusted Identity Provider in the Trust section of you HCP Trial Cockpit.

Best regards


Former Member
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Hi Gregor,

i have bypassed the authentication for SAP Fiori app by setting the AuthenticationMethod = None in Neo-App.json file. Then deployed it in SAP HANA cloud platform and get the link from HTML5 tab.

Now, I am looking for something similar for Fiori Launchpad also. Please let me know if there is a way to achieve that or Trusted Identity Provider is the only option.

Also, i don't want to do the coding in Eclipse, so if you can explain me how can i configure TIP in Trust section and app designed in SAP Web IDE.

Many Thanks.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Ankur,

I can't answer on what you have to do to achieve no authentication for the Fiori Launchpad.

On the Trusted Identity Provider settings: This setting is not part of SAP Web IDE but also not in Eclipse. Just go to  -> Trust.

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gregor,

Actually, i have created a demo app and i want my colleague to test it. I have given him the fiori launchpad link. when he is accessing that link, it is asking for Username and password. i dont want to give him my HCP credentials, so want to bypass this authentication.

Can you plz explain me if i can create a test user and assign that to fiori launchpad, so need not to share my HCP credentails

0 Kudos

Can they not just log on with their own SAP ID credentials?

0 Kudos

Hi Inbal,

Very helpful blog. In HCP though, if I develop a Fiori app, how can I give this to one of my HCP subscribers? I can do this for a Java HCP app by running command: neo subscribe -a <customer account> -b <my account>:<my app id> -u <my oss user> -h

Are HTML5 Applications not open to subscription? It seems they are since looking at the Fiori Cloud trial, it shows a dozen or so subscribed html5 applications.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Keshava,

I could notice depolyed application shows content in master page but not in the detail page.

However when running from webide application works fine.

I tired modifying in component.js file as below.

serviceUrl:"")+ "/destinations/SalesOrder/SalesOrder-cloud-web/SalesOdata.svc/"

Can you please suggest any other changes required to deploy Fiori App?



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This section below in my blog is not longer relevant, so I removed it. You don't need this anymore (it was a workaround which was resolved).

  • To enable navigation capabilities for your app in the launchpad, set the service URL parameters pointing to the backend in a specific format as follows:In the configuration.js file of your app, replace the following line serviceUrl: "/sap/opu/odata/sap/BACKEND_SRV/"with

    serviceUrl:<componentId>) + "/sap/opu/odata/sap/PAOC_TRV_SRV/"


Former Member
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Thanks for the blog. It is very helpful :smile:

Is Hana cloud portal available for productive use.

In trial i could notice option to enable Hana Cloud Portal service for registering Fiori apps to launchpad. However  i could'nt find a way to subscribe to Hana cloud portal in productive account. Can you provide some inputs please?


Ramana Yellapu

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

issue got fixed.

I was implementing table personalization service which works only(using ushell) when run on launchpad . App works after registering with Launchpad.

No modification is required in component.js.


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It is ready for productive use.

On trial, you can enable the HANA CLoud Portal service, but on productive HANA Cloud Platform account, you need to provide the account details to the DevOps team (create customer BCP on component EP-OD-CP or use this email They need to privision your account with the HANA CLoud Portal service. It depands on the license you have.

Hope it helps.


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The Fiori Launchpad is an experience provided as part of SAP HANA Cloud Portal. The Cloud Portal is a service on HANA Cloud Platform accoutn.

The Identity provider is configured at the account level, means that you can use the SAP ID (the default), buy identity provider from SAP (called SAP Cloud Identity aka SCI) or connect your own identity provider, as long as it support SAML2 protocol to the account itself.

0 Kudos

I suggest to first verify that your company licensed the SAP HANA Cloud Portal service.

If you would like to discuss the license situation you can reach out to me via email



cc: thomas.hensel2

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Inbal,

I have a customer who wants to access through the Fiori Launchpad deployed on HANA Cloud Platform, their SAP Customer Activity Repository Fiori Apps running on their on premise systems

basically they want to have on their Fiori Launchpad on HCP, tiles that connect to their Fiori apps running on their on premise systems.

is this possible?

thank you.

best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Jorge,

yes, this is absolutely possible. I described how to connect a Fiori app from the Web IDE to an on premise OData service in this blog:

Compose SAP HANA Cloud Platform Fiori application accessing on premise OData service leveraging SAP ...

From there it is only a click to deploy the Fiori app to the HCP and another click to deploy it to a Fiori Launch Page in the HANA Cloud Portal.

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Frank,

thank you for your reply.

according to your tutorial it requires that we deploy the app code on HCP.

the apps this customer is using on their on-premise systems are standard Fiori Apps, not custom apps.

is it possible to get the code any standard Fiori app (transactional and analytical for example) and deploy it on HCP?

thank you.

best regards,


Active Participant
0 Kudos


It is possible.

Are you familiar with SAP Fiori Cloud Edition? I think this is what you are looking for.

Check out this one - Fiori Cloud Edition

SAP Fiori, Cloud Edition 



0 Kudos

Hi Inbal,

I have created Fiori Overview Page(OVP Page) in WedIDE. I able to run the application in browser. But my doubt is how to register this application in my FLP. When I register, it's

asking Tile information's. I don't want to show this OVP app after clicking the Tile. I want show this as OVP page in FLP homepage.

0 Kudos


From Web IDE you can only create a tile for your app.


0 Kudos

Hi Michal,

I need to show the below OverViewPage in my Fiori Launchpad. I developed this OVP app in WebIDE. But when I try to register in FLP, it 's displaying as an ordinary Tile image. I want to show the below app instead of Tile. Is there any possibility in FLP?

0 Kudos

Not via Web IDE. I don't know whether it's possible directly in FLP, adding some colleagues that may know: inbal.sabag, aviad.rivlin, meni.tito

0 Kudos

We have our application available on S4 CE.
End users want to create their own tile,catalogs,groups and roles for this application.

How can this be achieved?

Thanks & Regards