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Hello ALM Community!

As I have said before in previous blog posts, SAP Solution Manager 7.2 development is ongoing, and SAP has continued to rely on your collaborative innovation requests from the SAP Customer Connection program to improve the user experience.

As usual, I like to review a few critical highlights of Support Package Stack 16 and how they can improve your use of SAP Solution Manager.

For a full detailed video recap from the subject matter experts, check the replay of the February 7th What’s New in SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPS16 call (SAP Learning Hub sign-up required), check out the complete Release Notes, and see the "What's New in 7.2?" presentation on the SAP Solution Manager 7.2 Home Page. In addition, SAP Note 3256794 details the recommended corrections to install with the stack.

SAP Solution Manager Customer Connection Drives Development

In 2021, we asked our customers to submit and vote on improvement requests for the focus topics of Process Management, Test Suite and Change and Release Management, including SAP Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager. We received many requests and were pleased to include some of them in earlier support packages. With SPS16, we continue the process to include these key requests to improve and streamline the user experience.

Now, let’s have a look at just a few key features!

NEW for Process Management

Automated document translation

In the solution documentation of SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPS16, it is now possible to translate documents automatically using SAP Machine Learning Translation Services powered by SAP Business Technology Platform. The automatic translation process is triggered directly from a new option in the document’s context menu. If you edit the document after automatic translation has been performed, you can select Translate Again from the context menu to re-translate. The list of available languages can be found here along with details on how to obtain the translation service.

Document translation by cloud service!

Move elements of different types at the same time in the solution documentation

In the solution documentation prior to SPS16, it was not possible to select multiple elements of different types (documents, test documents, configuration, executables) because the move option was only displayed if elements of the same type were selected. A key innovation in the Customer Connection program received a hefty number of votes, and I am happy to report that you can now move several elements of different types at the same time by using the context menu.

The operation is only allowed to move elements for the same structure types (e.g. from Process A to Process B or from Process Step to Process Step).

Mass move elements of different types!

Automatic transfer of process step names to all process step references

This innovation request involves the relationship between original process steps and their references (where the original process step in the process step library is referred to in other locations in the solution documentation). In the process step library of the solution documentation, if an original process step in the process step library was changed, then a great deal of effort was required to propagate the new name to all referenced process steps.

Now with SPS16, a new option is available in the context menu to distribute the process step names from the original to their references. During this process, the user is shown an overview of all process steps to allow for easy comparison and adjustment.

Distribute new names to referenced process steps!

Next let’s have a look at a few innovations delivered for the Test Suite.

NEW for Test Suite

Changing solution documentation attributes when copying test plans

In some cases, Test Suite users would copy an existing test plan to a new one. but wanted to add additional test cases and make changes to the scope. This was not possible.

Now with SPS16, it is possible to specify parameters such as the target branch, the scope, the site, and the system role for the target test plan.

More flexibility when copying test plans!

In addition, the person responsible for the test plan can also be set as responsible for the test sequences and test packages in the target test plan.

Easily assign team members!

Execute external test packages directly from the Tester Worklist application

SPS16 also delivers improved integration for external testing applications. When a test package is synchronized with an external tool, the test package can be executed directly from the Tester Worklist if the external tool supports it. The external tool then executes the tests and sends the results back to SAP Solution Manager.

Improved integration with external tools!

Dual signature in Test Suite documents

To provide improved compliance for regulated customers, SPS16 delivers a new dual signature concept for Test Suite documents like Test Plan Attachments, Test Package Attachments, Test Notes and Test Results. According to the document status schema, an authorized user will be able to start a signature process for a document which is currently locked by its status, if there is a signature strategy available for one of the next allowed statuses.

Digitally sign Test Suite documents!

In addition to these innovations, SPS16 also provides a new browser extension for Component-Based Test Automation (CBTA) and additional usability improvements for the Test Suite.

Now, let’s have a look at Change Control Management.

NEW for Change Control Management

Navigate directly to Cloud Transport Management Systems (cTMS) from the Landscape Assignment block

You can now navigate to the SAP Cloud Transport Management service directly from the Landscape Assignment block in the WebClient UI, or from the landscape view in the Quality Gate Management (QGM) scenario. This direct access provides easy access to transport management, landscape visualization, transport nodes, transport routes and import logs.

Easily jump over to cTMS!

Support for additional Git-based repositories

Prior to SPS16, the Git-Enabled Change and Transport System (gCTS) only supported GitHub as the version control system for ABAP system landscapes. Now, Change Request Management has been expanded to support the Git-enabled change process with even more Git server options.

Even more options!

In addition, the integration between Change Request Management and the Test Suite has been significantly improved with even tighter integration.

Automatic save after scheduling a PPF action for change requests and change documents

This is a big one! In Change Request Management, the status changes in change transactions and change cycles are controlled by Post-Processing Framework (PPF) actions. Whenever a transaction changes its status (for example, to Tested Successfully), certain Change Request Management actions must be carried out, such as the release of a transport request. Up to now, any time a PPF action was scheduled the user had to execute a manual save, which was very time consuming.

With SPS16, it’s no longer necessary to execute a manually save after scheduling PPF actions for a change request or change document. This new behavior must be activated in Customizing in the Direct Save column of the Assign Implementation to Change Transaction Types activity.

Wrap-Up and More Information

In addition to the innovations delivered through the Customer Connection program, SPS16 also provides many additional features, such as Job Management improvements for external job scheduling and enhanced job documentation. Find out all of the details at the links below:

But wait, there’s more!

Along with SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPS16, SAP has also released SP11 for Focused Build and Focused Insights for SAP Solution Manager! To hear more about these offerings (included with the usage rights for SAP Solution Manager), check out these replays of the SAP Learning Hub webinars (registration and sign-on required):

  • What’s New with Focused Build SP11 for SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – Replay

  • What’s New with Focused Insights SP11 for SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – Replay

In addition, check out Joerg Marenk's blog post New Support Package 11 released for Focused Build along with Frederick Ozon's post What’s new in Focused Insights 2.0 SP11 for SAP Solution Manager 7.2 as well.

I hope this post gave you a condensed review of some of SPS16’s key enhancements. Thank you for your time, and as always, your comments are aways welcome!