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Welcome to the second blog post of the blog post series SAP Signavio - Process Insights: SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud content "out of the box".

In this blog post, I would like to describe how to deploy this content in your SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud tenant. 

Let's start with a simplified architecture view: 




Data from SAP Signavio Process Insights (running on SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP)) are replicated into SAP Datasphere (via OData calls), modeled, enriched with semantics and then visualized in SAP Analytics Cloud. 

The complexity of the deployment is owned to the fact, that you need knowledge (and administration rights!)  in SAP BTP, SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud. 

Let's start on your global SAP BTP account - Make SAP Signavio Process Insights APIs ready for consumption

The very first step is to prepare the SAP Signavio Process Insights Application to get access to the relevant OData Service. Important to understand: This has to be done on SAP BTP in the same space as your SAP Signavio Process Insights Application is running!

You can also find the according information  in the API Reference Guide for SAP Signavio Process Insights (e.g. preferences, authorizations needed,....).

In the SAP BTP cockpit, for your global account, choose "Entitlements"  -> "Entity Assignments" in the side menu. 







Under "Subaccount/Directories" search your subaccount for which you want to configure the entitlements and in the search field search for process-insights-api


If there is already a line with the Plan  "api-plan", then you have already the right service-plan assigned. If not, go to "Edit" -> "Add Service Plans" and search for "Process Insights" and click on it. As a consequence you can see the "Available Plans" of your account. Flag the box for "api-plan" and  click on "Add 1 Service Plan".

Now, the corresponding entry should show up in the overview:


Don't forget to "save"!

Now go to your subaccount,  open the space with your SAP Signavio Process Insights Application subscription and enter the Service Market Place and search for Process Insights.



Click on the tile of SAP Signavio Process insights: 

It there is no active instance for Plan api-plan, then click the 3 dots and create an instance and choose a naming according to your needs (e.g. SAP Datasphere Consumption).


Navigate to your instances:



As a last step click on the 3 dots and  "Create Service Key":

A service key is created 🙂

Congratulation, you reached your first milestone. You can now use SAP Signavio Process Insights APIs to retrieve data from your SAP Signavio Process Insights instance.

Let's now move to SAP Datasphere - Connect the API's and get the SAP Datasphere Business Content "out-of-the-box"

In this section, I will describe how to deploy the SAP Datasphere Business Content for SAP Signavio. In case of additional questions, you can always refer to the SAP Datasphere Business Content documentation (e.g. privileges, space authorizations, ...)

Log on to your SAP Datasphere tenant and click on "Semantic Onboarding" on the main menu (left side):


Click on the tile "Business Content":


Search for SAP Signavio:


Now click on the entry (don't flag it) and a pop-up will open, where you should read carefully the text. In the Overview tab, you'll get information about the content and how to deploy the content :



Please read carefully all the information here (Yes, I know exactly how annoying this is, but sometimes reading carefully with the intention to understand saves a lot of time at the end. I had to learn this the hard way, too :))

In the "Import Options" tab, you get an overview of all the artefacts imported. In case, you don't want to import all artefacts, this is where you can flag or un-flag what should be imported in your Space.



Before importing, you should check, if there is a SPACE already available with the technical name SAP_CONTENT. 

If this is the first Business Content deployed in your SAP Datasphere tenant, than this SPACE does not exist. As a consequence one of the artefacts imported will be a SPACE with the technical ID "SAP_CONTENTand the  Name “SAP & Partner Content . In this case, you can proceed and start the import of the package by clicking on the import button:


You'll get the message : 


In case of success you will see a success message and an entry success in the line of the package.


If this SPACE already exists, you should get assigned to it and have all the rights you need to import and deploy content. In addition
, you should ensure, that time tables and dimensions are generated for this space. Thus either ask your administrator or - in case - you have the authorization click on the space management icon on the main menu (left side) and "edit" the space:



In the Space overview scroll to the part "Time Data" and make sure there is an entry for Granularity:Day and Time Range: at least for the year your data will feed in (e.g. this year)).



Now, you can import the package (in case the SPACE already existed.)

Back to the content:

To check the new imported content you can navigate to the "Data Builder" in the main menu (left side):


Again, make sure to choose the SAP_CONTENT Space. 

In the Space "SAP_CONTENT", the following Generic OData connections to your remote system (Business Name / Technical Name) has been imported and need further settings:

  • SAP Signavio Process Insights - Finance / SAP_SIG_PINS_Finance
  • SAP Signavio Process Insights - Manufacturing / SAP_SIG_PINS_Manufacturing
  • SAP Signavio Process Insights - Sales / SAP_SIG_PINS_Sales
  • SAP Signavio Process Insights - Sourcing And Procurement / SAP_SIG_PINS_SourcingAndProcurement
  • SAP Signavio Process Insights - Supply Chain / SAP_SIG_PINS_SupplyChain

For this you should click on connections from the main menu (left side). 



If your user is assigned to more than the SAP_CONTENT Space, make sure, you enter connections for this space. You can verify this in the upper part 

This is the part now, where you need the service key you created some minutes ago (and you should again have a look in the API Reference Guide in case you have additional questions):
Let's start with the connection for the Finance API'S:
You have to append some path to parts of the service key information the following way:
URL: <uri from service key>/Finance/DetailLists/v1/
OAuth Token Endpoint: <uaa_url from service key>/oauth/token
Client ID: <clientid from service key>
Client Secret: <clientsecret from service key>
For be able to edit a connection, flag the connection and press edit:

A pop-up will open, where you can enter all parameters accordingly to the API Reference Guide:




Save the new connection parameters. 

The connection should be ready now and you can validate:


For the other connections you have to proceed the same way. 

To ease your live here the corresponding appends for the other connections:

SAP Signavio Process Insights - ManufacturingSAP_SIG_PINS_Manufacturing<uri from service key>/Manufacturing/DetailLists/v1/
SAP Signavio Process Insights - SalesSAP_SIG_PINS_Sales<uri from service key>/Sales/DetailLists/v1/

SAP Signavio Process Insights - Sourcing And Procurement 

SAP_SIG_PINS_SourcingAndProcurement<uri from service key>/SourcingAndProcurement/DetailLists/v1/
SAP Signavio Process Insights - Supply ChainSAP_SIG_PINS_SupplyChain <uri from service key>/SupplyChain/DetailLists/v1/


Ok, let's recap: Now you have all tables, views and models of the content deployed in SAP Datasphere and you have a connection to the data inside SAP Signavio Process Insights. BUT: For performance reasons it is crucial to replicate the data. To ease this part, the content is shipped with data flows.

Navigate to "Data Builder to get an overview of the available Data Flows by clicking on the tab "Flows"


For the scenario  SAP Signavio Process Insights: Supplier invoice issuing (with purchase order) to FI-AP clearing and SAP Signavio Process Insights: Sales billing document creation to FI-AR clearing you have to run the corresponding Data Flow. For this you should click on the Data Flow and the press the "play button".



For the scenario SAP Signavio Process Insights: Automation Rate a task chain has been shipped. Navigate to "Data Builder" and click on the tab "Task Chains":


Open the task chain "SAP Signavio Process Insights: Automation Rate (TC)" and run the "play button" (This will trigger all Data Flows belonging to this scenario):



A short recap to explain: Triggering the first time one of the Data Flows will start an initial load from the API into the local table. This can take several hours. 

Executing the data flow after the initial load retrieves data from the API by applying a dynamic filter for delta load of new records, for example, reading only records having a data collection timestamp for that SAP Signavio Process Insights process flow greater than the existing data at the local table.

It is recommended to schedule further runs with a frequency related to your Data Collection Runs in SAP Signavio Process Insights.

Congratulation! You have successfully deployed, the SAP Datasphere Business Content for SAP Signavio Process Insights!

Let's now move to SAP Analytics Cloud - Connect to your Datasphere tenant and get the SAP Analytics Cloud Business Content "out-of-the-box"


In this section, I will describe how to deploy the SAP Analytics Cloud Content for SAP Signavio. In case of additional questions, you can always refer to the SAP Analytics Cloud Content Package User Guide (e.g. privileges, space authorizations, ...).


Log on to your SAP Anlytics Cloud tenant and click on "Content Network" in the main menu (left side):



Looks familiar? Indeed it is the same procedure as in the SAP Datasphere deployment. Thus search for Signavio, open and read carefully the information part:


But bevor we can import the content, we need to create a connection between SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Datasphere. For this, click on "Connections" in the main menu on the left side:



Add a connection (the plus sign) and choose "Connect to Live Data"->"SAP Datasphere"




fill out the missing information, but in the field Name, you have to enter SAPDWC. This is crucial for the import. 

Now you can import the content by going back into the "Content Network"->"Business Content"->"SAP Signavio Process Insights" ->"Import":


If your import was successfull, then you will see the following line:


But where can you find this content? All business content will be deployed in the SAP_Content folder. On the main menu (left side) click on "Files" and navigate to /My Files/Public/SAP_Content/SAP_SIG_Signavio/SAP_SIG_PINS_ProcessInsights



Open a "Story" by clicking on it e.g. SAP_SIG_PINS_AutomationRate:



Congratulation! You have successfully deployed, the SAP Analytics Cloud Business Content for SAP Signavio Process Insights!