Automation of BOBJ Installation from Chef.
Step 1:
BOBJ can be installed in either GUI mode or in silent mode.
In GUI mode you actually launch the installer from the setup.exe file and enter the input parameters, passwords, port numbers etc. when you do the installation.
In silent mode, you launch the installer from CMD prompt and then all the parameters input during installation are saved to a configuration file(Say Response.ini). And you can you this config file to do the installation in any number of systems.
Preparation of the Response.ini configuration file.
- Open a command line console.
Change directories to the folder containing the SAP BOBJ exe.
- In the command-line type the following:
exe -w <PATH>\<FILENAME.ini>
- Press Enter to launch the installation program.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your preferred installation settings until you reach the final screen of the setup program.
- These settings are recorded in the response file. Click Cancel to abort the installation.
Step 2:
Open the Response.ini file and enter the values for the below parameters and save it.
Step 3:
Prepare a Batch file say silent_installation.bat and enter the below lines in the batch file. Place the batch file in the same directory as setup.exe. Modify according to your folder structure.
echo "start of Silent Installation of BOBJ"
cd C:\BOBJ\51046778_part1\51046778\DATA_UNITS\BusinessObjectsServer_win
setup.exe -r "C:/Response.ini"
echo "end of Silent Installation of BOBJ"
Now, if you run the batch file, BOBJ should be installed in silent mode successfully.
Step 4:
Now, If you want to automate the Installation process using Chef,
Install Chef DK
Step 5:
Create a Ruby file silent_ins_chef.rb and paste the below contents. Modify according to your folder structure.
batch "run-script" do
cwd 'C:\\BOBJ\\51046778_part1\\51046778\\DATA_UNITS\\BusinessObjectsServer_win'
code "silent_installation.bat"
action :run
Step 6: In the command prompt run the command chef-apply silent_ins_chef.rb
You can automate lot of other activities using the CHEF framework.