This is the fifth blog in a blog series about new capabilities in ESR in Eclipse. If you want to get an overview of all features that have been shipped with SAP Process Orchestration 7.5 SP02, check out the blog
Best practices ESR in Eclipse - Part 1: Overview of new capabilities with 7.5 SP02. In the current blog, I will cover new features with respect to change list handling.
Other's change lists
As an integration developer I would like to access the change lists of my peer developers. A use case may be that objects in the ESR are locked by another user which is currently unavailable, so I like to take over his/her change list in order to be able to continue working on the objects. Or it may be that development has been completed by another user but the objects haven't been activated for whatever reason, so I like to take over the change list and directly activate the same. On the My Change Lists pane, click on the Display Other User's Change Lists.
On the upcoming search dialog, you can search for the other user's name, and select the same. Click on button OK.
A new tab opens that shows you the change list of the chosen user.
Select the change list, and select either Transfer or Transfer and Activate from the context menu. Here, I select latter.
Confirm the upcoming pop-up.
When switching to my own change list pane, I can see that the change list has been assigned to me. Furthermore, since I have chosen to directly activate the change list upon transfer, it can be found below the Transportable Change Lists node.
Close change list w/o transport
If CTS+ is enabled activated change lists become transportable change lists. It may be that you have done some changes which however should not be transported. In this case, you can close a change list without transporting the same. First, let's activate the change list by selecting Activate from the context menu.
After activation, you find your change list below the Transportable Change Lists node. Select the change list, and select the entry Close Without Transport from the context menu.
Confirm the upcoming pop-up.
After refreshing the navigation tree, the change list can be found below the Closed Change Lists node.
Release change list
Best practices ESR in Eclipse - Part 2: Transport I have shown how to transport all objects of a SWCV using CTS+. Another option is to transport objects belonging to a particular change list via CTS+. In this case, select the change list from your Transportable Change Lists, and select Release for CTS Transport from the context menu.
In the upcoming dialog, the Transport Type CTS+ is already pre-selected. You may change the name of the transport list, and then click on button Finish.
Once done, a success message is displayed. Click on button Close to close the dialog.
When refreshing the change list, the change list is displayed below the Closed Change Lists node.
In the transport log, a new entry is added. By double clicking on the log entry, you can access more information of the transport, navigate to the transport organizer in order to release the transport request, etc. This is shown in more detail in
Best practices ESR in Eclipse - Part 2: Transport.
In the next blog
Best practices ESR in Eclipse - Part 6: Mapping, I will cover new mapping capabilities. A list of all blogs in the blog series can be accessed from here
Best practices ESR in Eclipse - Part 1: Overview of new capabilities with 7.5 SP02.