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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
After much demand I’m really pleased to announce an update to my BI Platform Auditing solution which is available now. Since I initially released it, over the last 7 years, my solution has become quite popular in the community that it still receives about 200 downloads a month!

The solution is a Universe and a bunch of Web Intelligence documents that query the BI Platform Auditing Database.

There are many new features in this latest update, many thanks to your feedback which means everyone benefits. Thank you.

The highlights are:

  • New audit database support for Sybase ASE and MySQL

    • Sybase ASE support needed for those with SAP BusinessObjects Private Cloud Edition

  • Includes support for auditing product enhancements:

    • How Concurrent Sessions are captured (required a significant re-development)

    • Addition events such as Web Intelligence ‘Report’ and ‘Pageretrievals

  • Every existing document has been updated including:

    • 5 documents completely redesigned

    • 4 new documents added

    • Many product improvements have been incorporated, such as document input controls and updated chart and table styles

    • Lots of bug fixes

  • Other improvements have been based on feedback from the SAP Community

    • For example, time zone support and query performance

    • Some tests show dramatic query performance improvements (44 mins to 44 seconds in one example)

  • Update of existing documents to the new edition is seamless, even if previous audit database was on a different RDMBS platform

    • (thanks to meticulous care to keep all the ‘ids’ of objects identical across all 7 universes)

  • This update requires a minimum: SAP BI Platform 4.3 Support Pack 2 support


You can download the new update today and I’ve also put together a guide for what’s new which you can find below.

Your feedback is important because other administrators, just like you, would love to hear if it worked or if you found something to save them time. When you post your feedback here, please:

  • Remember to read the guide below and keep the focus on this content (the universe and the documents)

  • Remember general product questions (like how to use Information Design Tool to do x) are best posted as a new question

    • (Questions posted as questions, rather than comments, gets more views and are easier to find by other users)

  • Say which:

    • RDBMS you are using (HANA, Sybase etc.) (remember there are 7 universes in total, although you’ll only ever use one of them)

    • Version of the BI Platform (BI 4.3 SP2 etc.)

    • Document name (SYS11 etc.)

    • And if it’s a performance comment, mention the number of rows in your Events and your Event_Details tables, and the TimeZoneMinutes and the BOUNDARY_WEIGHT_TABLE settings

  • I’d love to hear what you think of the latest update and I’m sure other administrators would like to know if it’s worth the effort!



User / Update Guide

Version 1.0 (October 2022)

Microsoft PowerPoint .ppt Preview

Microsoft PowerPoint .ppt Download
Auditing Universe and Documents

Download Build 9 (October 2022)

(same download link as in the original blog)

Original introduction blog with ~570 comments

(handy to find common questions & answers)
Blog Unlock the Auditing database with a new Universe and Web Intelligence Documents for BI4.1/BI4.2



Auditing Solution Update Overview

Includes support for auditing product enhancements, including:

  • How Concurrent Sessions are captured

  • Addition events such as Web Intelligence ‘Report’ and ‘Page’ retrievals


  • Required a significant re-development particularly in the area of ‘Sessions’, which is where the majority of the content was focused

  • Every existing document updated

    • 5 documents completely redesigned

    • 4 new documents added


  • Many product improvements have been incorporated, such as Document input controls and updated chart and table styles

  • This update requires minimum: SAP BI Platform 4.3 Support Pack 2


  • New audit database support for Sybase ASE and MySQL

    • Sybase ASE support needed for those with SAP BusinessObjects Private Cloud Edition

    • Update of existing documents to the new edition is seamless,
      even if previous audit database was on a different RDMBS platform

    • (thanks to meticulous care to keep all the ‘ids’ of objects identical across all 7 universes)


  • Other improvements have been based on feedback from the SAP Community

    • For example, time zone support and query performance


  • Popular solution provided ‘as is’

    • 500+ blog post comments

    • 110,000+ blog post views

    • 200 downloads per month,

    • even after 7 years since it was last updated


Audit Database Platform Support

Platform Support

  • SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform version 4.3 Support Pack 2 onwards


Auditing databases supported:

Database Middleware Database version
DB2 DB2 CAE DB2 11 for LUW
Oracle Oracle OCI Oracle 19c
SQL Anywhere ODBC SQL Anywhere 17
MS SQL Server ODBC MS SQL Server 19
Sybase ASE Sybase CTL Sybase ASE 16


There is a universe per database platform

  • All universes are identical in terms of functionality, they just use different SQL for each

  • Whilst the above list of database versions is a subset of the official support provided by SAP, it is expected that all officially supported database versions will work without any problems

The solution remains provided ‘as is’ without any formal support from SAP


Business Layer

Time-zone support

  • Time dimensions (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Weekday, Start datetime) now support the time zone of your choice

    • Set the time zone in the Business Layer Parameters ‘TimeZoneMinutes’

    • Set the number of minutes to your time zone:

    • ‘60’ would be UTC+1, ‘480’ would be UTC+8, ‘-330’ would be UTC-5.5

  • This is a Universe setting, so all users will see events based on the time zone minutes you set here. If you’d like users to be prompted for their time zone minutes, simply enable the ‘Prompt to users’

  • You will need to retrieve the universe, make the change, and re-publish


New Objects for Sessions:

  • Measure: Sessions (Named Users)

  • Measure: Sessions (Named User + Concurrent)

  • Dimension: Sessions per user

  • Dimension: User Access Type


  • These return a true and accurate figure for the sessions meaning the old ‘Sessions Peak (Named User + Concurrent)’ is no longer needed and has been set to a status of ‘deprecated’. This old object returned an estimated number of sessions as it was based off the number of unique ‘session ids’ that existed within a given time and didn’t take into account the difference between overlapping and sequential sessions. These new objects take advantage of an improvement in how the BI Platform audits logon events.

  • ‘Sessions per user’ has this description:

    • The number of sessions a single user has established for themselves. Should the same user established multiple sessions concurrently, then this property will increase by one for each of the user’s concurrent sessions. When two different users, with each having their own session, this property will return 1. If the same user has two sessions concurrently, then it will return 2. This is not the same as the ‘Sessions’ measure objects which is the total number of sessions across all users. It means this property is helpful to determine when the same user has multiple sessions concurrently irrespective of the type of user they are (named user, or concurrent user)

Measure objects now guaranteed to return correct results:

  • The previous document ‘(SYS1) System Event Log’ returned wrong results for Event Duration!

  • These measures ‘Event Duration (milliseconds, seconds, mins, hours)’ will now generate multiple SQL paths with any of the objects from the folder ‘Audit Details (multiple values per event)’ to now guarantee right results everytime

  • The new ‘(SYS11) System Event Log’ uses new objects to prevent multiple paths but still return the correct results

New objects

  • Event Duration (seconds)

  • Delay in Recording time (h)

    • Both are needed to resolve a ‘fan’ trap when querying the EventDetails table

    • Both are non-aggregates and return a value per event

  • Other new objects:

    • Format

    • Filename

    • Report (Web Intelligence page number, handy to see which report was retrieved)

    • Page (Web Intelligence page number, handy to see which page was retrieved)

  • Also a new filter ‘Only Web Intelligence documents NOT saved to the BI Platform’


Users that have never logged-on

  • Now possible to query: ‘Users that have never logged-on

  • Existing objects ‘User’, ‘Cluster’ and ‘Tenant’ can now be used (without other objects) to return users that have no events captured

    • thanks to @Aggeregate Aware, an Outer-join, alias tables and a new Business Layer filter:
      Only Clusters, Tenants and Users with no events


Optimised ‘Mode’ object

  • The ‘Mode’ object, which returns either ‘Interactive’ or ‘Scheduled’ depending upon the type of session that caused the event, is now available for general use, meaning:

    • no need for any special ‘union’ queries

    • all users can use it as a result or filter object

    • thanks to a re-design at the data foundation layer which has also dramatically improved performance of this object

      • (example: 44 mins now takes 44 seconds)

    • same applies to the ‘Interactive Mode’ and ‘Scheduled Mode’ business layer filters.



Universe to Data Provider

Enhancements made by the BI Platform means ‘Data Provider’ replaces ‘Universe’, since more than just Universes are now audited

Many things have been renamed:

  • Data Provider + Object

  • Data Providers


Bug fixes

  • Fixed various bugs where the Data Provider (Universe), Data Provider Object (Universe Object), SQL/MDX/Query statement didn’t always return a result when they could have

Business Layer Views

  • Minor update:

  • By default, the ‘Standard View’ is now shown

    • Previously it was the ‘main’ view
      Standard view shows objects suitable for the vast majority of queries
      Each object will only return 1 row per event, it helps to ensure a single SQL Path is used and thus improved query performance

  • The ‘Advanced View’ enables access to additional objects, where each object can return multiple rows per event

    • Some of the pre-defined documents make use of this

Lots and lots of other improvements

  • Default date and number formats set on all numeric objects

  • Decimal places for all appropriate measure objects

  • Many other minor improvements, too numerous too list


Data Foundation

  • All derived tables have been replaced by alias tables

    • Shortcut joins used wherever possible

    • Means the query time is likely to be improved particularly for:

      • Parameters, Parameter Values

      • Property, Property Values

      • Data Provider, Data Provider ID, Data Provider Object, SQL/MDX/Query statement

  • Improvement in how SQL/MDX/Query statements are captured means this property is now always returned by the universe (unlike before)


  • Many new alias tables to support additional event details

    • such as Report, Page, NamedUserCount, UserType


  • Events table has been aliased ‘EventSessionsWithJobServer’ meaning a previously slow subquery has been turned into an outer-join. This redesigned the ‘Mode’ object and has dramatically improved performance


  • New context called ‘ForceSeparateSQL’ based off a dummy table:

    • This is used by all ‘sum’ aggregate objects based on the Events table

    • It prevents a ‘fan-trap’ of the measure duplicating when multiple rows are returned per event

    • Means measures ‘Event Duration’, ‘Document Size’ and ‘Rows’ will always be correct now, unlike before

    • Updating your existing documents could means the query now generates multiple SQL and thus takes longer to execute

    • Use the new standard documents which avoids this, allowing for a single SQL statement, but still obtain the correct results


Web Intelligence Documents

  • Every document updated and improved in some way or another

  • New document ‘codes’ to help prevent confusion with existing documents

    • Just add 10 to the code, for example “SYS1” becomes “SYS11”

  • Many queries or documents where completely redesign to take advantage of the Universe improvements

  • Many new documents:

    • LIC16 - Users that never logged on

    • SYS15 – Platform Services Log

    • USA16 – Data Provider Object usage

    • USA17 – Web Intelligence Document Report and Page Views

  • All table/chart styles updated in every document

    • (there are 100’s of them!)

    • All now use the default style for BI 4.3 Support Pack 2

    • A more modern look and feel compared to the older style

  • Almost all ‘report input controls’ are now ‘document input controls’ allowing for more intuitive filtering whilst analysing


  • Now follows a few selected highlights of these document changes


SYS11 - System - Event Log


  • It’s a simple event log

  • Bugs fixed:

    • Order of events is now correct (wasn’t always the case beforehand)

    • Delay in Recording Time and Event Duration are now correct (previously they where not)

  • Notes for those updating from the old Universe/Documents:

    • Delete the previous document – SYS1 to avoid the query from now creating multiple SQL Paths and dramatically increasing the query time

    • The updated document – SYS11 does not use multiple SQL Paths, but still returns correct results

LIC14 - License - Users unable to login due to lack of Concurrent license

  • Shows the logon events that failed due to lack of license and the error message shown to the user

  • Notes for those updating from the old Universe/Documents:

    • The old LIC4 document no longer returns results due to a change in the way errors are captured

    • Delete the old LIC4 and use the new LIC14 instead


LIC15 - License - Logon Events when users sessions exceeded 10

  • Required a complete redesign of the query to use the new object ‘sessions per user’

  • Now shows the logon events when a user reaches a certain number of sessions

  • Notes for those updating from the old Universe/Documents:

    • Previous LIC5 used the ‘Session Peak’ object which estimated the number of sessions a user had, it didn’t take into account the difference between overlapping and sequential sessions

    • The new LIC15 now shows accurate results thanks to improvements to BI Auditing and Universe updates


LIC16 - License - Users never logged on

Shows the users that exist in the BI Platform, but don’t have any auditing events associated to them. i.e. these users are likely to be users that have never logged-on

New document and possible thanks to Universe updates


SYS15 - System - Platform Services Log

  • Shows the log of when any BI Platform Service was stopped, started, enabled and disabled for the last 6 months (adjust the query to change this time filter as needed)

  • This is a new document, it’s always been possible to build this, but it’s now part of the standard set of documents


USA11 mi - Usage - Session Analysis (Mode is Interactive Only)

  • The Sessions (named, concurrent etc.) are only for Interactive Sessions

  • Notes for those updating from the old Universe/Documents:

    • The old USA1 document used the ‘Session Peak’ object which estimated the number of sessions a user had, it didn’t take into account the difference between overlapping and sequential sessions. It did however return a figure for scheduled events, unlike the new USA11

    • Delete the old USA1, instead use the new USA11 document for a true accurate session figure

USA15 - Usage - Data Provider Object usage. Identify frequency of all objects given a Data Provider

  • Complete query redesign following universe and auditing changes

  • Notes for those updating from the old Universe/Documents:

  • For the old USA5 document, the query time was typically unacceptable

    • Following Universe optimisation changes and this new query design, the query time is likely to have improved

    • Very similar to USA16, though USA16 is likely to have a longer query time


USA16 - Usage - Data Provider Object usage. Identify frequency of a particular object(s)

  • This is a new document as a replacement for the old USA5 document

  • Given a Data Provider and a Data Provider Object, then the events that Object is used in is returned (time and document name etc.)

  • If query time is too long, use USA15 which is likely to be quicker but only filters (at the query) on Data Provider, not Object


USA17 - Usage - Web Intelligence Document Report and Page Views

  • New document, thanks to Auditing and Universe enhancements

  • Shows page retrieval events, for a whole document right down to individual page numbers of a report

    • Right hand side: Page 1 of the ‘Event Log’ Report was read 19 times


Install, Configure, Optimise

Backup and download

If updating, backup and then delete the older solution:

  • For: Universe, Connection, and the Web Intelligence documents:

    • Use the Central Management Console – Version Management to add or check-in the old content

    • And/or use Central Management Console – Promotion Management to create an LCMBIAR file of the old content

  • So not to confuse old content with the new improved content, delete the old connection, universe and standard Web Intelligence documents

    • Many documents have been redesigned and optimised

    • Any custom built documents are likely to carry on working, so there’s no need to delete these, but they will need to be validated on the new universe

  • Empty the recycle bin of the now deleted Connection and Universe assets to prevent any conflict when importing the latest versions

Download and unzip latest ‘build’



  • Use Central Management Console – Promotion Management to:

    • Import the Web Intelligence documents

    • Import 1 of the 7 Universes, depending upon the RDBMS of your Auditing Database

      • All universes, and all objects within those universes, all share the same IDs for pretty much everything. This means you can import any 1 of the 7 universes and the same set of Web Intelligence documents will work with any of them. There’s no need to re-bind or re-associate data providers with a different universe. It also means, you can change RDBMS at any point without the need to change any documents, by importing the universe for that RDBMS

      • The promotion job will also import the associated connection (there’s a connection per RDBMS but only 1 connection will exist per Universe LCMBIAR file)


Use the Information Design Tool to update the connection

  • Open the Connection corresponding to your RDBMS

  • (there will only be 1 audit connection per Universe LCMBIAR file, so you’ll see just 1 unlike the screenshot shown here)

  • You may need to ‘Change Driver’ to use a different Database than the one specified

    • If you do, be sure to keep the same Network Layer as the one shown for your connection

  • Edit the connection and follow the wizard updating all the necessary fields

    • (username, password, database hostname, port etc.)

    • Sybase ASE and MySQL have a ‘ConnectInit’ command set.  Read the description of the connection for more details about this setting to determine if it applies to you (also copied below). If you’re unsure, just leave it unchanged.

  • Test the connection works

    • You will either need locally installed 64-bit middleware or you can use the BI Platform Server middleware if you change a preference setting as shown

  • ConnectInit command for Sybase:

    • Please note the ConnectInit command 'set cr752225 off’.

    • This may NOT be needed. Please see for more details that resolves an error 'Adaptive Server finds no legal query plan for this statement' when running some of the provided sample Web Intelligence documents that form part of this Auditing Solution

  • ConnectInit command for MySQL:

    • Please note the ConnectInit command 'SET SESSION sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));'.

    • This may NOT be needed. Please see for more details about this command. It resolves an error 'Expression #1 of HAVING clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'DATABASEOWNER.Event.Start_Time' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by' when running some of the provided sample Web Intelligence documents that form part of this Auditing Solution


Use the Information Design Tool to configure the time zone

(1) Retrieve the Universe from the Repository. You may need to create a local project to retrieve it into beforehand

(2) Open the Business Layer and the (3) Parameters and Lists of Values

(4 to 😎 Set the Time Zone Minutes for your organization as appropriate:

  • ‘60’ would be UTC+1,

  • ‘480’ would be UTC+8,

  • ‘-330’ would be UTC-5.5

(9, 10, 11) Test the connection is valid by running the test query

  • Optionally compare the performance with a TimeZoneMinutes setting of ‘0’ and your desired setting with this Test Query to give you an idea of the cost of setting it

Save and republish the universe back to the Repository

  • Please do NOT perform an integrity check

  • If you do, please ignore any errors, it’s expected that some datatypes for objects appear to be set incorrectly. Just ignore these errors and warnings.

Optimise (optional)

  • Should you experience performance issues when running the documents, you could consider:

  • Setting the TimeZoneMinutes parameter back to the default of 0

  • Enabling the ‘BOUNDARY_WEIGHT_TABLE’ parameter

    • This will alter the SQL to create dynamic in-line views containing WHERE restrictions before then joining to other tables

    • The setting uses the ‘table rows’ metadata inside the data foundation to determine which tables this applies to

    • Assuming you have not updated the ‘table rows’ metadata in the data foundation, then the settings shown in the table will be applicable

    • Enter the value of the parameter for the universe you are using

      • 782339 if you’re using Sybase for example

    • Test firstly with the ‘Event Details’ only (2nd column in the table below)

    • Test thoroughly! Check the documents work and the performance improves

    • If successful, but performance is still poor, apply the settings for ‘Events’ table too (3rd column in the table below)

      • Update the value, 74700 if you’re using Sybase for example

    • Test thoroughly! Check the documents work and the performance improves

    • Disable this setting by setting it back to ‘-1’ should you encounter issues

BOUNDARY_WEIGHT_TABLE setting to enable this on ‘Event Details’ tables BOUNDARY_WEIGHT_TABLE setting to enable this on ‘Event Details’ and ‘Events’ tables
DB2 178814 17114
HANA 2974855 270758
MySQL 560078 69395
Oracle 774644 84650
SQL Anywhere 110515 14573
SQL Server 6008089 680989
Sybase 782339 74700


  • Share your experience in the community so others can benefit

  • Others will be fascinated!

Validate the ‘outer-join’ performance is better than ‘sub query’ for Business Layer Filters ‘Interactive Mode’ and ‘Scheduled Mode’

There are 4 queries, in the Business Layer, for this purpose

2 use an outer-join to determine the ‘Mode’. This is now the default

2 use a sub-query. This was how these filters worked in the older version of the universe


Execute the queries and validate the ‘outer-join’ queries run better than the ‘subquery’ ones

  • Should the subqueries out-perform the outer-join, then you’ll need to update the filters to be the same as the alterative subquery one


  • Share your experience in the community if you needed to do this

  • Share the RDBMS platform you’re using and the number of rows in the Events table along with your query times

  • Others will be fascinated!

Active Contributor
Much awaited one. Thanks for this
0 Kudos
Hello ,


Its really great stuff. I have quick query, by chance is it possible to get webi report details with their associated dataproviders, like universe, FHSQL or Excel?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Kedar,

Thank you

A simple list of Web Intelligence documents and their Data Providers is easy enough. Just use the 'Data Provider' and 'Full Object Path' BusinessObjects (limit by time of course). Depends what you mean by 'details'? Regards, Matthew
0 Kudos
Hello ,

Thank yo0u for your reply and Sorry I wasn't clearer on requirement description. Here is what I got on Dataproviders and full path:


What I am looking for is table with columns:

Web intelligence document name, its respective dataprovider name (Uiverse name or excel name or FHSQL name) ,Dataprovider kind (Universe or freehandsql or exce etc), last refresh date of report.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Kedar

If you're new to the universe, then use a one of the predefined Web Intellgence documents as your starting point. SYS14 would be ideal because the query is already setup for refresh events. You'll want to use the 'Data Provider' object (found in the 'Advanced View'), not the 'Data Providers' object. And you'll want to throw in, perhaps, the event date/time and may be the user. There's no object for the 'Data Provider Type'.

And because you're using an object from that can return multiple rows, then you'll probably want to remove a few measures (except 'Events' in this example) to prevent multiple paths and longer running queries.

Do take some time to review the video where I introduce the solution and read all the descriptions of objects/filters in the universe, as these will make things easier for you.

All the best, Matthew

0 Kudos
New universe will not work with BI 4.3 SP01 Patch 11?

Any workaround?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Sachin,

Sorry no. Minimum is BI 4.3 Support Pack 2.

You could install another BI Platform server (if licenced etc.) with BI 4.3 SP2 and just use that to query the productive BI4.x auditing database. The 'target' audit database can be anything from 4.0 onwards, its just the Universe and Web Intelligence documents need a BI 4.3 SP2 or greater.

All the best, Matthew
0 Kudos
Hi Matt,

Thanks for this new version for Auditing, it's definately a different beast now then when I trained on it!

I do have a question: Is there a way to integrate our audit logs with any SIEM (Security Information and Event Monitoring) tool?

If Yes, is there any documentation on it?

Thanks as always

Sarah Phillips

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Sarah

Hope you are well.

I'm not aware of anyone having integrated it with any SIEM (Security Information and Event Monitoring) tool. I guess you could, it could make a call to the BI Platform and consume the result (there's plenty of APIs to pick from). That' or you could just read the logs directly from the BI Platform logging folder. I guess it depends on what exactly you're wanting to capture.

Perhaps someone in the community could comment if they've found a way.

All the best, Matthew
0 Kudos
Hi Matthew,

I would like to have you as an SAP contact love this post on Build 9.

0 Kudos
Hi Matthew,

Audit reports in BOE 4.3, Universe Name and Universe ID are not being populated.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Geoffrey

Many thanks for your feedback.

Make sure you're using the latest build and not an earlier one. I say that because you mention 'Universe Name' (and 'Universe ID') as though its a BusinessObject, but there is no BusinessObjects called that in this build, unlike in earlier builds. The earlier builds used to work and show the Universe ID+Name, but changes to the way the auditing data was captured meant the older universe design didn't show them. So one more reason to update to Build 9.

Also make sure that you have all the auditing options enabled within the CMC-Auditing.

Once you've done these two things, it should work just fine.

All the best, Matthew

0 Kudos
Thanks a bunch Matthew, understood I will make sure we update to build 9 and the auditing options are enabled within CMC-auditing. I'll get right to it, keep you posted.
0 Kudos

Hi, have a question; is there any way to capture activity from Analysis for Office reports in the Audit universe?  Specifically if a user opens a report from either FIORI or BI Launchpad that is saved in the repository, then saves a copy of the report locally, (like to the C:\ drive) and then opens the local report and refreshes it?  Wondering if the Audit universe will capture any of that activity?  If so, how do we query the Audit universe to report on that activity and content?  We're using HANA for our Audit database if that matters.

Any help is greatly appreciated....


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Jim

So my auditing solution can certainly tell you the client application that was used. Your question is really, does the Analysis for Office application record user activity logs at all? For that, like any "does auditing capture X" is to do the following:

  1. do the activity you want to see is recorded or not

  2. use the SYS11 document to inspect the audit log for your activity. Its best if you use a new unique user for step 1 so in this step (2) you can filter on the user and see everything that was captured just for your unique user.

Hope this helps, Matthew
0 Kudos
Hi Matthew, many thanks for the reply!  Once we install the new version we'll be sure to test this out.  I'll post my results.


Thanks again!

0 Kudos

thank you for the great Efforts, that's what I was looking for, unfortunately i am facing the following issue with  while executing any query from IDT

"[Server XXX] ADS_EVENT not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output)."

connection is working fine and the table mentioned in error already exist under XXXAUDITDB schema (but it seems the query is searching the table in Master DB schema XXX only )

i am using Sybase 16

thank you


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Ahmed

Many thanks for your feedback.

The Universe Data Foundation is built using a connection where the user was the owner of the tables in the database (Sybase in your case). It means the user you specified in the connection isn't the owner of the tables, or your database requires the tables to be further qualified by the owner.

So either use the table owner (as the user in your Universe Connection) or change the qualifier to include the owner. From memory, within the data foundation, right-click on a table (you may need to select all!) and there's an option to qualify the owner. Play around with this until the table shows data. From within the data foundation, view any one of the base tables (rather than any of the aliases). Pick a small lookup table if you can, rather than the Events table because its probably very big and a bit slow.

To help others, please post back here what you found as your solution.

Hope this helps, Matthew
thank you ,

i followed the second approach you provide and it is working fine now, i changed the qualifier to the schema name and the owner to schema owner, then query executed perfectly.


thank you.


0 Kudos
Hi Matthew, have a question.  We use SAP ERP with CDS views for queries to WEBI and Analysis for Office in Business Objects reports.  Our data base is HANA.  In BOBJ we have the Audit universe set up.  I'm wondering.... when I run report USA15_Usage.... I can see some of our CDS views listed in the Data Provider prompt but not all of them.  Meaning, the Data Provider object displays some of our CDS view query technical names in lieu of the data provider name/universe.  I'm wondering why I can't see all my CDS views.  Is there some kind of restriction set up in the universe / objects or parameter/ table join somewhere that I'm not seeing that is blocking all of the CDS views from displaying?  I'm looking at the universe in IDT and not seeing anything that would help me out.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Jim,

So, are you able to see all the CDS views (via the 'Data Provider' object) for when that CDS view is used with a single application?

The application is either 'Web Intelligence' or 'Analysis for Office'. For example, are you able to see all the CDS views, for events associated with the 'Web Intelligence' application? and separately, you able to see all the CDS views, for events associated with the 'Analysis for Office' application?

The reason for asking, is that its basically depends on what data is being written to the Auditing database. Each application implements their auditing a little differently, although they all share the same auditing platform. So, you may find that one application stores the CDS view and another not. And this may be why you see what you observe.

Any 'bug' in the universe would require you to identify a single event that doesn't show the 'Data Provider' (CDS view) when you'd expect it to. To do this, you'll need to use SYS11 'Event log' and filter a single event. The SYS11 is a simple log of everything in the audit database, and will show what's captured in it. If you can't see the data in the SYS11 'Event Log' then its not there.

Objects not used in the SYS11 'Event Log', like 'Data Provider' abstract the data and 'flip' the rows (of the event details) into columns. Doing this, means they filter out data that's not relevant to that object. (you'll see these filters as self-joins)

My guess is the data just isn't being written to the database, or at least not using the same detail_type_id as the one used by 'Data Provider'. If the data is being written out, but using a different detail_type_id then you'll need another alias, self-join, outer-join to the Events table and don't forget to add those joins into the contexts.

Let us know how you get on please and I hope this has helped.

Regards, Matthew
0 Kudos
Hi Matthew,

Thank you for your Universe. I am trying to get Report Names & their descriptions, but I get only the ID & the report names. How can I get Report Names & their descriptions.

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Hello Ashok,

Many thanks for your feedback. I'm pretty sure the report descriptions are not captured in the Auditing Database.

If you ever has a question 'is X stored', then the process is really simple. Just do the event(s) you'd like to see what is captured for them, and use the SYS11 'Event Log' document to see everything the auditing database captures. For you, that would be to open a document and navigate to a report that has a report description. 

I find it best to create a brand new user to do the task, then when using SYS11, you can filter just on the new user you created. It makes it easier to remove all the noise and it also means you don't need to filter the log 'by time'. Filtering 'by time' just might filter out something you need if there was a defect associated to recording the event time correctly.

Hope this helps, Matthew
0 Kudos


In my case, we are at 4.3 SP1, hence only the Universe build 8.5 can be used.

It doesn't contain SYS11, rather older SYS1. Based on your response, does only SYS11 can be used for Auditing AO activity reports? Does any of the older version reports having that feature?

Kindly confirm.



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Product and Topic Expert

Hello Samarpan

That's right, you're using a version less than 4.2 SP2, and so you can't use this new updated version of the Auditing Universe and Web Intelligence documents. You're have to make do with the older version, build 8.5.

Whatever version of the auditing solution you use, Build 8.5 or this latest version Build 9, it doesn't affect in any way what is captured in the Auditing database. This Auditing Solution is just to retrieve what's stored. So, even if you managed to use the latest version of this Auditing Solution its not going to impact what is actually recorded.

Its the version of the product itself that makes the difference to what is captured in the auditing database (well, that and the CMC-Auditing configuration settings).

I don't know even if the version latest version of the SAP BI Platform captures Analysis for Office events. My guess is that it doesn't, but if it did both the old and new Auditing Solutions (Build 8.5 and Build 9) would show any and all of those events. It means SYS1 and SYS11 would show them, if they are there to be shown at all.

Best way to see what is captured is described by my comment reply here

Hope this helps, Regards, Matthew

0 Kudos
Hello Matthew,

Thanks a lot for the great universe you created. But now a question where I didnt find the answer: Is it possible to get information about AfO workbooks, which are opened via Excel, so via the Web service (dswsbobje) of BO?


Thanks alot,

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Hello Steffen

So I don't know but that doesn't mean you can't find out...

If you ever has a question 'is X stored', then the process is really simple. Just do the event(s) you'd like to see what is captured for them, and use the SYS11 'Event Log' document to see everything the auditing database captures. For you, that would be to open a document and navigate to a report that has a report description. 

I find it best to create a brand new user to do the task, then when using SYS11, you can filter just on the new user you created. It makes it easier to remove all the noise and it also means you don't need to filter the log 'by time'. Filtering 'by time' just might filter out something you need if there was a defect associated to recording the event time correctly.

All the best, Matthew
0 Kudos
Dear Matthew,

thanks for updating the audit universe and reports.

Is their any additional configuration needed to use the new reports?

For example the report "SYS15 - System - Platform Services Log". Even on my sandbox (BO the report retrieves no data. My Auditing is setup and working with default setting applied.


We have analyzed for example the report "SYS14 mis- System - Refresh Analysis (inc Mode)" using the oracle universe and the filter causes missing report data

wrong filter

Right Filter

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Roberto, Many thanks indeed for isolating that bug and sharing the fix. A 'full object path' can not be both '[EMPTY_VALUE]' and not null at the same time, thus the OR is required. I must had accidently removed it. Thanks again, Matthew
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we are using hana 2.0 with BI 4.3 SP03, imported Hana universe, which by default so JDBC as network type. change connection to ODBC also giving error as JDBC.

we we need to configure JDBC only with Hana 2.0?

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Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Sapanesh

The HANA Universe edition was developed and published using the HANA client as the middleware, so I'm expecting the default to be the HANA client. As mentioned in this guide, the network layer must not be updated because that would cause all the database functions written in the SQL to fail. It means the answer is no, don't use JDBC, but also don't use ODBC (for the HANA edition), use the HANA client. This is the same HANA client you use for the CMS and the Audit connection hosted on the BI Platform.

Hope this helps clarify things.

All the best, Matthew

0 Kudos

Hi Matt

I have gone through all the optimize steps in the powerpoint but the report still don't refresh, or I have to schedule them to get the data back as a webi report.

For my Audit DB I am using Oracle 19c.

Any suggestions I might have missed?

0 Kudos

Hi, thank you for sharing all of the valuable information on this blog!  I am in need of assistance with an auding requirement.  We need to produce a report of all scheduled reports and the email addresses that are set up to receive them.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Active Contributor


     These reports are part of the package provided my Matthew, install the UNX & WebI reports within your environment to see the details required.


0 Kudos

Hello @Matthew_Shaw,

Im having problems with getting rights modification data from the audit DB (event_type_id 10003). It seems that rights modification events are not logged (BO version 4.3 SP03 patch1000). Do you have any sample report that pulls rights modification data from audit DB?

In CMC/Auditing I have checked "Platform Events/Rights Modification" and "Set Event Details/Rights Details".

My expectation is that any rights modification (add/remove access level to group/user on folder) should be logged under this event.

Thank you very much for your help

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Hello @david_janeba ,

To determine (see or observe) what auditing events are captured, in the auditing database, for any given workflow (i.e. "if I do workflow X what gets captured?" type of question)  I recommend you do the following

  1. create a new user (use a username that has never been used before, is unique. Say include the date, something like TEST2024091601). You need to use a username that's never been used before because later you will filter the results to only this user. AND the only filter will be the username. This means you will NOT be filtering on anything else, including date or time. This is necessary as sometimes events get captured but something weird happens with the date/time, which sometimes gives the impression events are not captured, when they are! You just filtered them out!
  2. do the workflow as that new user you just created in step 1
  3. as a normal user, now use the SYS11 (Audit event log) and in the query panel, remove all filters on time and everything. Instead, add a new filter JUST on the username you created in step 1 and used in step 2. Run the query and you'll then see ALL the events that you did in step 2. You'll see all the details for all the events. It will give you all the details for what you need to filter events by, given the individual event you're keen to report on.
  4. If you think something is missing, or there's a problem, then consider if the issue is new and thus a possible bug or regression that is then worth logging a new support incident with SAP about. If something is just missing, but its never been captured, then it will be an enhancement request and not suitable for SAP Support.

Hope this helps, Kind regards, Matthew

0 Kudos


I am trying to figure out the usage of my webi documents information. One of the BOB support provided this below sql but not able to find out where do i need to run this query ... because the CI_tables no table to find when i run against sql server CMS data base. Please can you help me any one to get the data as my team want ..

'WebIReport' AS Report_Type,
f.SI_NAME AS Folder_Name,
r.SI_NAME AS Report_Name,
u.SI_NAME AS Universe_Name,
COUNT(CASE WHEN ao.SI_KIND = 'refresh' THEN 1 END) AS Number_of_Times_Refreshed,
COUNT(CASE WHEN ao.SI_KIND = 'schedule' THEN 1 END) AS Number_of_Times_Scheduled,
COUNT(*) AS Total_Usage
r.SI_KIND = 'webi' -- Filter for Web Intelligence reports

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You need to use the CMS Query Builder to query the CMS database rather than the audit database to run that SQL. But I'm pretty sure one of my sample Web Intelligence documents will answer that question for you, and a lot more! Regards Matthew 

0 Kudos

Hi @Matthew_Shaw 


Love this universe and reports. I am looking for some audit report that can help track Web Intelligence/Crystal/Lumira dashboards that are associated with a specific universe and list all data providers used by Webi/Crystal/Lumira dashboards?

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Product and Topic Expert
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Dear @AdnanM , Many thanks for your feedback. I would say you can meet your requirements with the universe provided, without the need to enhance it in any way. I'm pretty sure I created a number of predefined business layer filters to restrict by data provider. Have a good play with all the 'USA' documents. Feel free to post a screenshot of your final query panel definition for others to benefit. All the best, Matthew