This blog demonstrates how to deploy the Datadog agent with an app in SAP BTP to send metrics, traces, and logs to Datadog.
What is Datadog ?
Datadog is a popular cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform that helps organizations gain insights into the performance of their applications, infrastructure, and various other aspects of their digital systems.
- Sign up for a trial or free tier SAP BTP account
- Sign up for a Datadog account (there is a 14 days free trial account).
- Download the latest Cloud Foundry buildpack from Datadog GitHub.
- The Cloud Foundry Buildpack is used to collect custom metrics, logs, traces, and profiles from your Cloud Foundry apps.It installs the Datadog Container Agent (a lightweight version of the Agent), Datadog Trace Agent for APM, and Datadog DogStatsD binary file in the container your app is running on.
- Releases · DataDog/datadog-cloudfoundry-buildpack (github.com)
- Unzip the buildpackf file and set the necessary parameters in the datadog.yaml configuration file.
- API_KEY > insert you api key created in the Datadog
- SITE > insert the same domain as your Datadog account
- Push the buildpack with your configuration file to a repository like GitHub so it can be referenced in your application in the next step
- Add the url of the buildpack to your application, it must be the first entry
- Instrument your application.
Install dd-trace (npm install dd-trace) to capture APM data
Add the tracer in code, it must come before importing any instrumented module
- Deploy your application to BTP Cloud Foundry
- Set application environment variables and restart it
- In the application logs, you can verify whether the Datadog agent has been started successfully or if any errors have occurred
- Run your application
- Log in to your Datadog account, you will find all the data that the Datadog sent to your account
http://Cloud Foundry Setup Guide (datadoghq.com)
http://Libraries (datadoghq.com)