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I’m pleased to share with you the first in a series of blog posts dedicated to SAP Document and Reporting Compliance.

Navigating the SAP Help Portal

In today’s blog post, I’ll discuss how you can use the SAP Help Portal to make the most of your SAP Document and Reporting Compliance solution. I’ll share the key resources available on the SAP Help Portal, I’ll explain how you can find and filter information to meet your local requirements, and I’ll provide an overview of country/region-specific functions.

1. An Introduction to the SAP Help Portal 

Let’s start off with a basic but essential question: What is the SAP Help Portal?

The SAP Help Portal is your number-one resource for information on SAP products. You’ll find product-related help, configuration and setup information, videos, and learning journeys. As the Customize Your SAP Help Portal Experience blog post explains, all this content is highly customizable for a streamlined user experience.

Now we know what the SAP Help Portal is, our next question is: How can it help me with SAP Document and Reporting Compliance?

The SAP Help Portal provides a central landing page for SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. Whether you need information on specific apps or key concepts, this is your best starting point:

SAP Document and Reporting Compliance on the SAP Help Portal

Quick-access links to save in your browser favorites:

2. An Overview of SAP Document and Reporting Compliance for Specific Countries/Regions

Would you like to know what solutions SAP Document and Reporting Compliance can offer for a specific country/region? On the SAP Help Portal pages for SAP Document and Reporting Compliance (that you’ve just saved in your favorites!), you’ll find the topic, Supported Compliance Tasks by Country/Region.

The table featured in this topic lists all the supported compliance tasks for SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. Here are some tips on refining your search results:

  • Ensure you are searching the correct SAP S/4HANA version, which you can check in this drop-down menu:

Version selection option on the SAP Help Portal for SAP S/4HANA


  • Use the Search Entire Table function for a general search, and use the Search column options to filter your results:

Search options for the SAP Document and Reporting Compliance overview table


  • Select the Hints for Using the Table for additional information on filtering options.

  • You can access the country/region documentation directly from the results table by selecting the hyperlinked Task title.

3. Country/Region-Specific Documentation on the SAP Help Portal

In addition to the overview table for Supported Compliance Tasks by Country/Region, you can also view the complete documentation on specific country/region-specific functions for SAP Document and Reporting Compliance:

Within these country/region-specific SAP Help Portal pages, you’ll find a topic called Document and Reporting Compliance, as shown in this example for Argentina localization:

Overview topic on SAP Document and Reporting Compliance for specific countries/regions


This topic provides information on all the reports relevant to electronic documents and statutory reporting processes for SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. For each report, the supported features are described and linked to relevant SAP Help Portal resources, so you’ll know exactly where to find more information on electronic submission, correction phases, and much more.

Final Thoughts

As a final thought today, I recommend that you check out the blog post, Ready, Set, Go! SAP Help Portal Pages Are Here. The blog discusses recent changes to the SAP Help Portal, such as the enhanced search function, easy-to-access actions toolbar, and “breadcrumbs” to help you navigate back and forth between resources.

I hope my post today has shown you how the SAP Help Portal can be your primary source of information on all things related to SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. If you have any questions, or if there’s a topic you would like us to consider in our new blog series, please let me know in the comments. Your feedback is always appreciated!

Thank you and until next time,

Barnabas Kirk