I am excited to announce, with SAP Signavio Process Insights release 1.20, that all customers on SAP ECC 6.0 can now connect to SAP Signavio Process Insights. This includes customers on SAP ECC 6.0
EHP 0–6. This latest update means a wider base of SAP customers can now benefit from SAP Signavio’s rapid process analysis and mining capabilities. Additionally, customers on lower EHPs (enhancement packages) will now also be able to opt for the
plug and gain approach in optimizing, and realizing value from, their transformation.
How does the new connection work?
Connecting to SAP Signavio Process Insights requires the critical installation of the ST-PI plug-in, version 740 SP09 in the source system. With the latest update, we are pleased to introduce an
intermediate system:
- Where the critical ST-PI plug-in, version 740 SP19 or higher must be installed, along with note 3322339
- That sits between, and connects, the source system and the SAP Signavio Process Insights tenant.
- And allows data to flow between the 2 systems, as illustrated below.

Connecting to SAP Signavio Process Insights
Detailed instructions on how to set up the connection via an intermediate system can be found in our documentation:
Connecting SAP ECC 6.0 - All EHP.
Connect in minutes via the intermediate system
Connecting directly to SAP Signavio Process Insights is extremely fast, by industry standards. Connecting via the intermediate system is equally fast, and technically, a connection can be made in about 30 minutes. There are other variables that affect duration such as waiting for approvals and authorisations, transportation and knowledge build up. There is, however, no significant additional effort or cost required to connect via the intermediate system route.
Data integrity and storage in the intermediate system
The intermediate system offers customers greater control over their data as they can, more easily, determine what data (performance indicators) leaves their productive system. For data to flow between the 2 systems, it passes through, and is
temporarily stored in the intermediate system. Usually, data is stored in the intermediate system for
no more than 5 minutes. Additionally, data is stored temporarily in a cluster table making it difficult to access, and offering an extra layer of protection.
Another advantage is that troubleshooting can be done in the intermediate system, removing the need for customers to open their productive systems and potentially exposing sensitive data. For troubleshooting purposes, data can stay in the intermediate system for a period of up to 2 weeks.
Advantages of connecting via the intermediate system are not limited to just troubleshooting though. Customers concerned with connecting their productive systems to the internet can now rely on the intermediate system to act as a buffer between their productive system and the internet. These, and many benefits not mentioned here, make the intermediate connection appealing, even for customers on SAP ECC 6.0 EHP 7 and above.
Unlock your transformation potential with the plug and gain approach
Being able to connect to SAP Signavio Process Insights allows customers to leverage the process transformation capabilities of SAP Signavio’s plug and gain approach. The plug and gain approach from SAP Signavio, launched at SAP Sapphire 2023, is designed to support customers in three specific phases of a successful transformation: prepare faster, deploy faster, and realize transformation value. Connecting via the intermediate system significantly increases the number of businesses that can benefit from the plug and gain approach. Explore the transformational value of
SAP Signavio’s plug and gain approach here.
So, now you've connected, what's next?
Read this follow-on blog to find out how you can start to prepare for your transformation.