One and a half months to go until the International Conference for Chemicals powered by TAC and SAP. Time to take a look at the agenda. As always, the focus is on our customers and their customer cases, including Eastman, Evonik, Clariant, Vinnoloit, Follmann Chemie and Arlanxeo. This is an excellent opportunity to be inspired and to benefit from the experiences of other SAP users. There will be customer presentations on the topic of switching to S/4, both from a more technical perspective and from a business transformation point of view. Sustainability and examples for the application of intelligent technologies in the chemical industry using the Business Technology Platform will also play a role. The conference will be preceded by a day of pre-conference workshops that will allow a deep dive into specific topics. Among them are Supply Chain Planning and Logistics, Sustainability and as a very special topic a Hands-On Workshop on Predictive Quality.
And here is the list of customer presentations
SAP Logistics Business Network (LBN) Implementation at ARLANXEO, Ellen Schmidt, ARLANXEO
Managing Cost and Improving Margins in a Volatile Market Environment, Dr Robert Vultier and Karel Jirik, Clariant & Mibcon
Enabling Chain of Custody via Blockchain for Trust and Transparency in Your Sustainable Value Chain, Daniel Pereira, EASTMAN
Procurement in Transformation at Evonik – SAP S/4HANA as the Next Step to Unfold a New World for Buyers, Thomas Meinel, Evonik
“RISE with SAP” at Follmann: From SAP ERP Directly into the Cloud, Sven Hagedorn, Follmann Chemie
The Why and How of an SAP S/4HANA Conversion at Vinnolit, Peter Moosmann, Vinnolit
Customer cases will be presented on
Polynomial Optimization in Practice: Cracking the Cracker for Plant Daily Productions of Chemical Semi Finished Products
Achieve Transparency in Sustainability Business Priorities with the Help of Analytics
and last but not least Digital Manufacturing in Chemicals