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Throughout the last year our ‘business as usual’ was turned upside down. What became clear: Companies with a digital mindset and framework have been at an advantage to navigate the crisis. In a few months only the Covid-19 pandemic has advanced the digital transformation of supply chain and customer activities as well as internal processes by three to four years, according to a recent McKinsey study. However, while most companies note the strategic importance of technology for their competitiveness, many are uncertain about the next steps. Regardless of where these companies are on their own transformation journey, we want to support their unique digitalization needs, help them become resilient and enable them to respond to new requirements with agility and speed.

That’s why today SAP announced RISE with SAP – our concierge service to the intelligent enterprise. Ultimately, the intelligent enterprise strategy is about integrating data and processes across all lines of business, and SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), as its technological foundation, plays a pivotal role in making this happen. We recognize that to truly transform, a business requires a holistic approach. The RISE with SAP offering therefore also includes access to SAP BTP capabilities in the areas of application development and integration, database and data management, analytics as well as intelligent technologies. These capabilities allow customers to easily extend, and integrate with any other SAP, partner, or third-party solution, both in the cloud and on-premise, and enable them to turn their data into value.

One platform for integration, extensibility and data-to-value

There are three main challenges customers face along their business transformation journey that I keep hearing over and over again:

  • Customers operate in increasingly complex IT environments ranging from everything between on-premise to cloud, across multiple vendors, own legacy applications, various platforms and open-source technologies. The Wall Street Journal reports that large companies maintain 129 different applications on average, with the total number increasing by 68% since 2015. Every operational system requires context-relevant data models, business logic and process definitions. Integrating these systems becomes a precondition to ensure these key components understand each other across a company’s systems and business processes.  One of our customers, Eneco, a utilities company from the Netherlands with about 3,000 employees and over €4 billion in revenue, was able to cut down IT spend for integration middleware by around 50% of their TCO in a matter of weeks. They used the capabilities of SAP Integration Suite to implement an end-to-end process from designing a product to operations and further used it to integrate between all SAP and third-party systems.

  • The current pandemic has painfully shown how important it is for companies to manage their supply chains flexibly in response to volatile markets and changing requirements. New digital business models are also becoming a serious threat to established companies. Innosight estimates that while in 2016 the average company lifespan on the S&P 500 was 24 years, it will only have a 12-year tenure by 2027. To make sure companies stay relevant and seize new opportunities quickly, they need to be able to flexibly build, extend and enhance their core processes and applications. Uniper, an innovative energy company operating in 40 countries, is quickly transforming itself into an industry leader in the cloud using several capabilities of SAP BTP, including the SAP Extension Suite and SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation. This helps them to streamline and digitalize their operations across their plants, the field and their back office. By doing so, they could save 50% of their time used on plant inspections and achieve ten times faster data entries for job requisitions.

  • Businesses also require a singular data view and simple access to all their enterprise data. But while data sources, types and volumes continue to increase, the dilemma is that companies struggle to make use of it and create business value. A study by NewVantage Partners reveals that 69% of companies don’t follow a data-driven approach. Federated data access and consistent information on data semantics and relationships between objects become essential for them to get one single source of truth and real-time insights into all processes across the company.  Swisscom AG, a telecommunications company with over 19,000 employees, needed to find a way to simplify their real estate operations and reporting so that it is more intuitive, context-based and requires fewer steps to build a dashboard. With the help of SAP HANA and SAP Analytics Cloud among other solutions, they cut the time it took to create reports by half and could reduce frontend issues by 90%.

Here are some additional updates that I would like to share concerning the future of our platform:

ONE platform  

In line with our goal to establish SAP Business Technology Platform as THE platform for the intelligent enterprise, we decided to sunset the “SAP Cloud Platform” product name to avoid confusion with the SAP Business Technology Platform brand. While the actual cloud platform capabilities are renamed, for example, “SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite” becomes “SAP Integration Suite”, the products and services continue to be available, their functionality and agreements will stay unchanged, and the services will remain as important as ever.

 A strong partner ecosystem 

Many parts of our strategy build on the successful collaboration with our partners. They are essential for establishing a harmonized product architecture across the entire ecosystem, to facilitate integration and interoperability, or to give our customers infrastructure flexibility. As part of this, a few days ago, SAP and Microsoft announced the expansion of their existing partnership including a continued commitment for the collaboration in the technology space. By combining SAP BTP and Microsoft Azure, we will continue to improve availability, integration, connectivity and security for SAP solutions on Microsoft Azure. This includes event integration, simplified administration and provisioning, faster landscape creation provisioning, and more.

The foundation for your transformation 

I'm convinced that technology can help companies achieve their business objectives, no matter how siloed their internal structures might be or how far they are in their digital transformation journey. For almost 50 years, customers have relied on SAP to run their business processes, most recently applications within the intelligent suite and SAP’s industry cloud. To further drive their business transformation, intelligent enterprises need additional flexibility and independence to move their assets to the cloud, integrate their IT landscape, and configure and extend their SAP applications. This is what SAP Business Technology Platform is all about – a business-centric and open platform that provides our customers with the technology they need to transform their business and prepare for a new digital future.

For additional information on RISE with SAP, read the blogs by Christian KleinThomas SaueressigUwe Grigoleit, and Jan Gilg

This blog post was originally published on LinkedIn.
Active Contributor
As mentioned on This blog has a title which will be rebranded anytime,

" But if I were asked why SAP changes the names of its product quite frequently I would answer that probably there is an intenal KPI which on which employee bonuses depend on sometimes changes are needed"



Is this change needed? 2021 is just starting, so it makes sense to start rebranding things again now. Results from 2020 are already closed.


I read the introduction of the blog. I agree with all that.


Then, the BIG announment seems to be:

 SAP Business Technology Platform as THE platform for the intelligent enterprise, we decided to sunset the “SAP Cloud Platform” product name to avoid confusion with the SAP Business Technology Platform brand


WHAT AN ACHIEMENT! I'm sure that no one will refer to the Business Technology Platform with "HCP" anymore. I cannot wait to share in JAM... I mean... on Microsoft Teams such a great news.


The only 3 certainties in life are death, taxes and that SAP will keep changing the names of their products.


It's very important to avoid confusion.

"There are three main challenges customers face along their business transformation journey that I keep hearing over and over again":


There is a fourth that seems to have been forgotten: having the hability to start the cloud journey small. Like having a free tier.


This was formally requested here on SDN. I mean.... to avoid confusion, SCN. Or, to avoid confusion, SAP Community.


September 2020

October 2020

November 2020

December 2020 (TechEd)

January 2021


52 comments on the blog

Many tweets requesting that because it can help the platform

150 days passed considering only jelena.perfiljeva2 blog post

Thousand of people are geeting the COVID vacine which on September 2020 was only on testing phase.


I wonder if this pandemic argument is really strong enough to make SAP launch a HANA CLOUD PLATFORM 😉 free tier. I believe in fairy tales way more than I believe on a free tier this year (maybe ever).


Nice to remember, next week will complete 1 year that the "sunset" word was used to shut down a product in favor of "avoiding confusion".

After 1 year ignoring all comments, the product is still there, it's not even possible to pay for it anymore and everybody still uses it the free version of it.


This seems yet another big annoucement that nobody asked for nor does change someone's life. I might be very wrong. But the impression is mine.
Active Contributor
Not sure what the point of your post is? SAP are moving towards a free tier however as I have commented before there are items that need to be worked through. You can't just wake up one day and say - Free tier to all. The fact this is being worked on at the moment is a good thing.

The reality is - in the market there is confusion from customers as to what is the Business Technology Platform versus what is SAP Cloud Platform so I believe this is part of trying to provide a clear answer to this. I work in SAP Cloud Platform & Cloud Foundry on a daily basis so still don't know exactly what the ramifications are of the announcements but will wait and see and provide appropriate feedback then.

juergen.mueller - it would be good to know the exact name changes for e.g. SAP Cloud Platform Workflow Management - is that now Business Technology Platform Workflow Management? Would be good to get further clarity on this. Thanks!
Hi! I may not be at the cutting edge of SAP developers, but I never really understood all the 'drama' on SAP changing their products' names... This comment is from a regular SAP consultant and not an 'influencer' or a mentor who is working with top notch technologies, but I can't remember a time when this name-changing has ever really affected me or my day-to-day work and studies.

SAP is a company that needs to SELL to make money! If that's what it takes to reach more customers, then please, keep doing it! We (devs) will keep working our ***** off to try to stay tuned and deliver good solutions, no matter if it's in HCP or SCP or BTP 😃

We're in IT.. so the only constant in these days is that, in a short amount of time, things will change!

Best regards to all!
Active Contributor
Hi Luiz,


First, your opinion as a SAP consultant worth the same as my opinion on this topic. Besides any badge which in the end is just an extra icon on the profile, I'm also a SAP consultant (working with ABAP/Fiori/HANA/SAP Cloud for many years now). The only difference between our opinions and the ones from SAP folks is that they make the decisions and we are part of the affected group.


But let me clarify my point. In the end of the day, renaming products is not an issue - specially when there is a good reason for that.


However, consider how frequent SAP does change that and how frequent is has a benefit (like selling more) or increasing product awareness. I personally cannot give any example when it was a clear win.

For me, frequent rebranding feels way more a sales talk, trying to give the impression something brand new has been released, where it could easily be a new version. Someone will crucify me here, but I do think S/4HANA is a great example of that sales talk. Apart from the new name (instead of some like ECC 😎 and all marketing on top of it, it has been announced recently only 11% of the customer are on S/4HANA. I'm not sure if this number is real, but even any number lower than 50% would be a bad result in 2021.

Imagine the internal costs that SAP has everytime it changes a product name: official presentations, roadmaps, documentation, trainning materials, events, marketing, ads and so on. This costs could be investments in other areas. SAP HANA does not get a new SP for more than a year. Probably because the HANA team was pulverized some time ago due to costs which were moved to other areas of investiments (maybe like marketing).

And the following is what is really important: important stuff like the Free Tier is still a promise. It's great to know that SAP is working on that, but many months have passed since that promise was made officially and now what customers are getting in return is a cloudly concept like BTN/BTP. Who really asked for that? What problem is/will it fix? Do we have a demo apart from the fancy diagrams? Really, I'd love to see if anyone can share a video of something like that.

While marketing/rebranding is being done, other stuff is being postponed. It's a matter of putting efforts on important stuff. What is important is of course subjective and who is in charge for sure has more data than me to say what is important.

And in order to sell more, not everything should be a commercial product. Fiori is a great example. Until ~2013 it required a license nobody was willing to pay and then SAP make it "free" (it was included on the NetWeaver stack).

It's totally feasible to pivot while focusing on implementing new features and customer value: Photoshop is a great example.


Do you "shop" for photos on Photoshop? No.

Was it renamed? No (for decades)

Were there new versions? A lot

Has it pivoted of the years? A lot

Is it a good product? Probably still the best on its area.

Active Contributor
"the only constant in these days is that, in a short amount of time, things will change"

I don't disagree with the quote but I don't think it was meant to be about the gratuitous product renaming.
Active Contributor
Hi Phil,

Obviously I can't answer for Fabio but just to comment on some points you are making.
The reality is - in the market there is confusion from customers as to what is the Business Technology Platform versus what is SAP Cloud Platform

SAP created this confusion by making an announcement at TechEd. Maybe some inner circle people heard BTP before but for the regular folks like me (and you?) this just came out of nowhere. Many people on social media wondered what BTP was. SAP could've just announcement the renaming right there and then. (I honestly don't see why it has to be postponed to tie in with RISE announcement.)

On top of that, this post was meant to provide clarity but instead, more confusion is created. For example, it does not say anywhere that SCP was renamed to BTP. It says product name was "sunset". But the product (=platform) still exists, doesn't it? What is it called then? I followed the link in the blog (it goes here) but information on that page is vague and seems to be dancing around the fact that it's a de facto renaming.

Of course, we will all survive this, just as we survived many renamings before that. And as Luiz mentioned, SAP consultants will sell whatever SAP gives them. We have bills to pay and need our jobs, after all.

But I wish that going forward, SAP would consider more carefully the ripple effect the name changes for such major products as SCP (central to all the integrations!) have on the broad SAP ecosystem. SCP was a perfectly suitable name, in my opinion. There is a lot of content already created referencing that brand. The renaming will also affect:

  • the consultants / partners who will need to update all their materials, as well and explain this change to the clients

  • the book authors

  • the existing Community content will not be updated, thus making searching more difficult

  • customers use SCP, sorry, BTP for integration with third parties, so will need to explain to them too

  • customer / partner internal training and documents.

This is just from the top of my head. I'm actually wondering if the customers will just continue calling it SAP Cloud Platform despite SAP's effort. After all, we still use words like Basis and R/3 and somehow manage not to get confused.

Thank you.

Hello SAPphlies, Phil Cooley asked the question of Juergen how SAP Cloud Platform names will be affected.  By way of background, almost all of the current products in the SAP Business Technology Platform have taken the SAP master brand.  Examples are SAP Data Warehouse Cloud, SAP Data Intelligence, SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP iRPA, SAP CAI, etc...  From a historical perspective, we have had an additional brand within BTP, called SAP Cloud Platform that covered our integration and extension capabilities via 2 suites and a number of individual services.  We are simplifying our platform offering to reduce customer confusion between SAP BTP and SAP Cloud Platform.  Going forward, we will revert our integration and extension services to the SAP master brand.  So, now we will have SAP Integration Suite and SAP Extension Suite, as well as individual services reverting to the the SAP master brand.  Examples are SAP Mobile Services, SAP Workflow Management, SAP API Management, and so on... All of these are part of our Business Technology Platform, but as you can see, no individual product names will take on the BTP name.  Hope this helps...  feel free to reach out to me directly at if there are additional questions on this topic...

Update March 5:  Hello SAP community, we have posted the old /new names document on this page...

Click on the "View the list of rebranded names" button.  You can download the document for your reading pleasure!


Former Member
Hi Jelena,

if it was just a name or brand change, it would only be half of the story. the other and less visible but definitely more confusing 'half' or the other side of the coin, if you like, is that the licensing terms have also changed - new product, new license and everything before that change is now null and void.

there was a moment of suspense for me yesterday when the trial cloud services were undergoing this name/license change and i wasn't sure if 'my' service would still be there or not and all i saw was a very cryptic error message - thankfully, the service, which is otherwise slated for discontinuation, survived this change, so i should be 'ok' till the end of March - maybe.

i think we are all good till the next big announcement - at Sapphire?


Active Contributor
As always jelena.perfiljeva2 you provide some good views. BTP has been around for a little while (prob 12 months or so) so not out of the blue and as one that works with SAP Cloud Platform on a daily basis I agree that with this change I need to change all of the architecture diagrams I have compiled over the years which is definitely frustrating. The biggest issue as you rightly state is to make sure that customers understand what is what so definitely looking for a glossary of sorts that details all services and the old name and the new name. Needs to be super clear! I use the standard diagrams and icons supplied by SAP so I am hoping there is a revision for these sometime soon bertram.ganz ??

For clarity BTP encompasses all of the services within SAP Cloud Platform (SAP Extension Suite) as well as the SAP Integration Suite and of course all of the additional services such as SAP Workflow Management, SAP Business Rules etc. It is much wider though - including Analytics (SAC, SAP Data Warehouse Cloud), Database Management (SAP HANA, SAP HANA Cloud, SAP Data Intelligence) and of course Intelligent Technologies (SAP iRPA, SAP Conversational AI) etc. I believe the main reason this has happened is due to customer confusion but agree, there are way too many name changes across the SAP portfolio and very difficult to keep up and provide the right advice to customers so hopefully SAP takes note of some of this feedback to really think hard when naming things in the first instance. However, on the other side, technology is rapidly changing and so it seems marketing needs to also keep up with this to make sure the offerings are compelling.

In summary, if I look at the components within the BTP it is simply the umbrella term for all of the current offerings and I think it is quite smart to summarise under this banner even though there will be some confusion. As to why this was not announced at SAP TechEd I think BTP was already out there so maybe it was not something SAP were aware of...or maybe everything was not ready at that point and possibly this has been a result of feedback provided at SAP TechEd??? There are reasons why this has been announced like this but we are just not privy.

Anyway, thanks for the discussion!

Active Contributor
Thanks dan.lahl - will there be a full glossary of name changes provided so that we can provide the right messaging to customers? If not, can this be produced?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Agree with phil.cooley. At the moment, we have a list of SAP products on Wikipedia but it's poorly maintained. It would be nice if that article could be actively maintained by SAP (neutrally, without marketing intention) along with historical track of name changes, product replacements, etc..

This would help greatly in actually reducing not only "customer" confusion but everyone's confusion.


Working on this topic with the team.  Stay tuned....


Update March 5:  Hello SAP community, we have posted the old /new names document on this page...

Click on the "View the list of rebranded names" button.  You can download the document for your reading pleasure!

Active Contributor
Make it +1 for me on the clear list of what's being renamed / changed. This affects road maps as well, I believe. Imagine if you started a journey to New York City and half way through it was renamed to New New Amsterdam. Wouldn't this be fun?

And I can assure you that most of the frequently quoted "customer confusion" is actually SAP-induced and mostly stems exactly from the repeated name changes that Fabio wrote so eloquently about in his blog (link in his first comment).
Active Contributor
Thanks for the comment, Greg! Yes, licensing is part of this and it's the part that is not always apparent to the file-and-rank SAP professionals who normally don't deal with it.

It is a good point but I wonder if SAP is unable to sell SCP as part of RISE packaging without changing the name then maybe they're not using their own ERP system correctly? If this was an issue at an SAP customer, I'm sure the consultants would find a couple of creative ways to do that without a name change. 🙂

Why is Microsoft able to sell Word and Excel for decades without a brand change? They do add versions and now they have subscription-based Microsoft 365 that includes Office 365 and other stuff. But SCP is being renamed for what, 3rd time? I hope it's the charm...
Former Member
0 Kudos
The irony is no one liked it then and even now unless SAP forcing it I see most customers  either laughing at it or using the GUI
Sorry, couldn't resist 🙂


Everyone: At least the name 'SAP Cloud Platform' seems to be final.

SAP: Hold my beer!
0 Kudos
Tava bom, disse que ia mudar para melhor, não tava muito bom, tava meio ruim também, tava ruim, agora parece que piorou.
Active Contributor
Well, Microsoft do change names sometimes:

Maybe, not as often as SAP do, though 😉
Everybody who has no direct acces to SAPs internal information system will have experienced how dificult it is to find reliable information nowadays. If you Google for a certain topic you might have to spend hours to identify the Information you've been looking for. The constant renaming/rebranding of SAP product has added a mayor part to this confusion!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

dan.lahl Any update on this? It's been more than a month but we haven't heard anything further. And I believe confusion continues.

Hello SAP community, we have posted the old /new names document on this page...

Click on the "View the list of rebranded names" button.  You can download the document for your reading pleasure!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thank you, Dan!
0 Kudos
I guess this link is version 001 ?
0 Kudos
Not sure what you mean by this comment Erik.  What further information do you need?  thx...
Let's just hope that SAP Cloud Integration (CI) isn't used in the same sentence as Continuous Integration.

Well done SAP, on another pointless name changing exercise.