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This month with 2023 QRC releases a lot of features were added to SAP Analytics Cloud. Also a new version ( of SAC-Add-in was also released.

In this blog we will see some of the newly introduced features of the SAC Add-in for Excel

Ability to add more than one table (from same or different model)


Rules for overlapping content

With ability to add more than one tables, there may be a situation where the content of one table might over lap the other during drill down of rows/columns. SAC Add-in now recognizes this and offers 2 option

  • If the existing content contains objects owned by the add-in (tables, formulas, data actions), the changed element is cropped at the existing content, and the rest is cut.

  • If the existing content is other content, like text or Excel formulas, you can decide if you want to crop the changed element and cut the rest of it, or if you want to overwrite the existing content.


Calculations in added rows and columns

This was one feature which was being waited to be introduced by many. This gives you the ability to insert local calculations within your table widget. It supports all excel formulas but you can only use only the Data range of the table in your formula reference. So any formula on dimensions itself is still not supported.

In the new rows and columns, you can now add calculations based on standard Excel formulas.

The formula you enter in one data cell of the new row/column is automatically adopted to all data cells of this new row/column. The formulas are automatically repeated when the new row/column is repeated. The formulas can be deleted again. In the member area of the new lines, you can add texts to describe the content of the new calculated members.

For the new calculated values, you can define the number formats on the Number Format tab in the Designer panel.

  • Add single column/row if only a single calculated column is to be introduced.

  • Add repeating column/rows to repeat the calculated column at each occurrence of the member.


Add Function

The option Add Function in the ribbon is new.

You can use it to add a data source for defining formulas to the workbook.

When you add a data source with this option, no table will be inserted in the workbook, but you can use its data for your formulas.

When the function is added you get a popup to select the model and the builder pane shows up with Data source alias (DS_2) . Filters can be added.  SAP Formula =SAP.GETDATA(DS_2) gets added to sheet cell which can be adjusted with more filters.


The Data source alias can be used in other SAP functions also. This allows you to use the functions without adding the Table.



The above outlines some of the new features which got released with the new version of SAC Add-in in with 2023 QRC.

If you think this post has helped you, please like and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Incase of any queries please ask the same in the comments section and I would be happy to answer the same.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the blog.

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