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As mentioned in my previous article, I'm "celebrating" the release of SAP DS 4.2!  There are so many of our customers stuck with SAP BI 4.0 + SAP DS 4.1 (some also with SAP IS 4.1) and can't wait to go to SAP BI 4.1 and start benefiting from the new features.


Problem is SAP DS 4.1 and SAP IS 4.1 are of course incompatible with SAP BI 4.1...  See SAP Note 1740516


For reference: SAP Data Services 4.2 and Information Steward 4.2 now "Release to Customer":



This article is Part 1: Installing SAP Data Services 4.2


Next, Part 2 will cover Post-Installation Configuration


Finally, I will cover the installation of SAP Data Services 4.2 SP01





Refer to the Product Availability Matrix (PAM): before starting the installation.


As always, it is useful to refer to:








This tutorial has been written with the following environment:

  • OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2012

  • SAP BI: SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.1 SP02

  • Database: Sybase SQL Anywhere 12.0.1


Note: I could have of course use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or others but I wanted to experiment with Sybase SQL Anywhere.  And it takes very little RAM which is great for my VM on my poor laptop!



Step by Step Installation


Install SAP Data Services 4.2 SP01



Download the software at: > Software Downloads > Installations and Upgrades > A - Z Index > D > SAP Data Services > SAP Data Services 4.2



Extract to a temporary directory E.g.: C:\Temp


Run: C:\Temp\BD_SAP_DATA_SERVICES_4.2_SP1_W_L_64B_\DATA_UNITS\DS_42_WIN64\setup.exe



Click: Yes or No



Click: Next



This is a new screen and I really like it.  Looks like SAP is raising it's hand here and accept they have created a problem which shouldn't have occurred in the first place.


As mentioned above and elsewhere, this incompatibility issue is a real nightmare.  I'm glad there is a better way.  I'll be investigating it and hopefully document this at a later time.


Click: Next



Click: Next



I accept the License Agreement: selected


Click: Next


Enter: license key


Click: Next



Click: Next



Click: Next



Enter the System name (aka CMS host name)


Enter the Administrator account password


Click: Next



Click: Yes



I personally prefer to select Install without configuration.  This allows the installation to run without trying to do too much and perhaps fail.  We'll deal with the creation of a Repository and the configuration of the Job Server after the installation.



Click: Next



Skip configuration: selected



It is recommended to run Data Service as a service account so the Job Server can read/write to network file locations fir instance.  This is something that can be done later.


Select Use system account or Enter the credentials of your service account.


Click: Next



Click Next



Click Next



Click: Finish



Click: Yes (when possible)



Screenshots Post Installation


Here are some post-installation screenshots.


Central Management Console (CMC) - Where you create and manage the repositories



Applications Rights



Hope this was helpful.





0 Kudos

HI Patrick ,

In your document i am not getting the Repository Configuration steps which i am getting in Installation .

ALso when i am putting all the details as mentioned in screen 1

in screen 2 can you explain the significance of The Specified database does not contain a valid repository.

Attached the screen in serial order pls help me .



0 Kudos


I'm not sure if I understand your questions but I'll give it a try!

1- In my installation I didn't get the repository screen because I have selected to "install without configuration"

2- Your error seems to indicate the details you are providing are either wrong or perhaps even don't have connectivity?

0 Kudos

Problem is SAP DS 4.1 and SAP IS 4.1 are of course incompatible with SAP BI 4.1...  See SAP Note 1740516

We can now call all our customers to spread the good news with SAP DS 4.2 ! Thanks for sharing.

Former Member
0 Kudos


Thanks for the step by step illustration. It was very helpful.

Can you please share the steps for creation of a Repository and the configuration of the Job Server.



0 Kudos

Thanks Rajesh,

Creating the Repositories and configuring the JS are the topics of Part 2.

I'm hoping to complete it in the next couple of days.

0 Kudos

Thanks for the step-by-step install instructions for Data Services and Data Quality.

0 Kudos

Thanks Ina, you're welcome!

Feel free to "like" and rate it :wink:

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks, It was very helpful

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Informative. Thanks for sharing Patrick.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Patrick,

could you please share the post installation steps for Bods.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you. I am unable to find Part 2 - could anyone share that?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Part -2 for this blog is awaited, help with the link, Thanks.

My Best !


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Patrick

Can you please provide any guidance or doc to install DS on 4.2 SP3 on Sybase and Linux ?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Patrick,

this seems very helpful. Please what about the part 2 of your step by step installation and configuration guide.



Former Member
0 Kudos

hi Patrick,

can you help me out in installing data services 4.2 on linux?

can you send me some documents?


Dharshith S

0 Kudos

Hi, not very usefull without part 2

0 Kudos


If I install a temporary license key for Data Services. To install the final one should be do it via CMC?


Former Member
0 Kudos

The CMC licenses section manages license for Information Steward and other applications.

Depending on which version of DS you are working with, the following is now true:

1. Pre-DS4.2.x:

Go to Start => SAP Data Services => SAP License Manager

Select existing Data Services trial license in "Registered Keycodes"

Click Remove

then "Add" your new license

Restart the Data Services Designer

2. Post-DS4.2.1.x:

When you try to launch the the previous manager GUI as in step 1 above, you get message:

" The License Manager user interface was removed from Data Services 4.2.2. You can still add, remove, and view license codes through the License Manager command prompt. For more information, see the Administrator Guide."

The SAP License manager GUI is no more available but the MS-DOS shell batch file can still be used to add; remove licenses.

To do this, runthe following command from the typical installation directory <C:\SAP\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services\bin>:

LicenseManager.bat -options



(EIM Data Services Moderator)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Patrick,

Did you use Information Platform Services or BOBJ BI platform for Data Services 4.2 installation.

We want to use our existing BOBJ BI platform 4.1 instead of Information Platform Services, but we are running into issue.

We are installing Data Services 4.2 SP5 on a separate physical server in the same network where we have BOBJ BI platform 4.1 server.

But when we enter the BOBJ Server CMS Name and credentials during DS 4.2 Installation, We receive a message in Data Services Installation that it cannot find any local SIA Nodes. We are able to ping and telnet both the servers back and forth, so no network issues.

1. Do we need to install DS 4.2 on the same physical server as BOBJ BI Platform?

2. OR Do we need to install Information Platform Services for DS 4.2 install

Can you please advise.

Thank you very much


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Best practice is to install the IPS so that your Data Services jobs don't interfere with your reporting. 

If you are going to use the existing BOBJ platform, make sure that you have extra memory and processors available to handle the extra load.  In this case you'll need to install the server part of DS on the same server as BODS or on a separate server where you've already installed BOBJ and clustered it with your existing system.  You can have an "empty" SIA on this new server that does not include any of the BOBJ servers.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Dell,

Thank you for the prompt response and advise.

In our case we have BOBJ BI Platform on a separate physical server.

We are trying to install Data Services 4.2 on a separate physical server. When we enter the credentials for BOBJ server CMS during  DS4.2 installation, we get this message (See images below).

We are not sure why DS 4.2 is unable to connect to our BOBJ CMS Server.

Can you Please advise 🙂

Thank you


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

There are two parts to the DS Install, the first of which involves installing the server components on a server that already has an SIA installed.  This includes the Data Services APS.  If you're going to run the web server only on the BOBJ web server, you also need to install the DS Management Console there.  I also install the Data Direct ODBC drivers there. 

After that's installed, I install everything except the DS Management Console and the Data Services APS on the DS server.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you very much Dell for such a prompt response 🙂

Is there a separate install program for installing the server components of DS on a BOBJ server that already has an SIA installed.

Is this documented by SAP anywhere?

Can you please point me to the source so that I can discuss with our team here.

Thank you very much 🙂


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You use the same install for both, just select different components in the install.  I'm not sure about documentation from SAP - I just worked with a couple of our other consultants who have done a lot of these installs to make sure I was setting it up correctly for my client.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Dell,

Thank you very much for the details 🙂

Yes, SAP also confirmed the same and sent a note that refers to your advise.

Thank you very much and we will continue the install 🙂

1690203 - No valid local SIA nodes exist for the given CMS connection information - Data Services 4.x

Former Member
0 Kudos
I can't see  the step by step of DS installation.. Would you tell me what happened with this?
Former Member
0 Kudos
Dear Experts,

For self study purposes am trying to install Sap data Service 4.2.

Where can I host a server for sap data services management console and CMS?

Thats the only question




0 Kudos
Does it also works on Windows Server 2012 R2 ?

Thanks in advance.


Former Member
0 Kudos
Yes.  BODS can be install all on one server, Windows 2012 be one, for sandbox and Dev environments.  Not recommended for prod.  Obviously the server will also host the databases for repos as well as the CMS/Audit DBs -  one main reason why  you would not normally deploy everything on one server for prod.

Please share the link of Part 2, without which its of no use.
0 Kudos
Good Morning

I am installing Data Services 4.2 SP9 on a client laptop with S.O Windows 10 64-bit, the installation finishes without problems, but when you run the program, it does not show anything.
In the Event Viewer it shows the following message:

- System

- Provider

[ Name] Application Error

- EventID 1000

[ Qualifiers] 0

Level 2

Task 100

Keywords 0x80000000000000

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2020-02-03T14:27:30.425391900Z

EventRecordID 26396

Channel Application



- EventData

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services\bin\AL_Designer.exe

Please, your comments, Thank you.

0 Kudos
We have the same problem. Some old files block a new installation.

I don't know how to detect them and delete.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Have you checked SAP Notes 2367862 and 2688938?
0 Kudos
Dear Patrick,



Its a great guide very in  details. Appreciate if you  can share 2nd part as well.



Ken Jason Raj
0 Kudos

Getting below error while installing BODS 4.2 SP13 on CMS of IPS 4.2 Patch 7.6 on RHEL with Database as Hana 2.0 Sp4 : IPS installation was successful. However while installing BODS, getting dump error just after providing CMS database details

18:02:11.931 fullSourceName is set to: /opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/

18:02:11.931 sourceEntryPoint is set to: CMSInfo

18:02:11.931 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.931 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.932 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.932 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSText1#

18:02:11.932 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.932 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSText1#

18:02:11.932 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.932 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSText3#

18:02:11.932 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.932 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSText3#

18:02:11.933 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.933 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #System#

18:02:11.933 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.933 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #System#

18:02:11.933 Push formtemplate line: {{DSCMSSystem!!!!}}[__60,60__(DSCMSSystem)]

18:02:11.933 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.933 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSUser#

18:02:11.933 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.933 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSUser#

18:02:11.933 Push formtemplate line: {{DSCMSUser!!!!}}[__60,60__(DSCMSUser)]

18:02:11.933 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.933 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSPassword#

18:02:11.933 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.933 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSPassword#

18:02:11.933 Push formtemplate line: {{DSCMSPassword!!!!}}[**60,60**(DSCMSPassword)]

18:02:11.933 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.933 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSAuthentication_UNIX#

18:02:11.933 BasicStringLib: UI text not loaded.

18:02:11.933 Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSAuthentication_UNIX#

18:02:11.933 Push formtemplate line: {{DSCMSAuth!!!!}}[__10,10__(DSCMSAuth)]

18:02:11.933 Dump template contents ...

18:02:11.933 #System#

18:02:11.933 {{DSCMSSystem!!!!}}[__60,60__(DSCMSSystem)]

18:02:11.933 #CMSUser#

18:02:11.933 {{DSCMSUser!!!!}}[__60,60__(DSCMSUser)]

18:02:11.933 #CMSPassword#

18:02:11.933 {{DSCMSPassword!!!!}}[**60,60**(DSCMSPassword)]

18:02:11.933 #CMSAuthentication_UNIX#

18:02:11.933 {{DSCMSAuth!!!!}}[__10,10__(DSCMSAuth)]

18:04:11.095 Error: Couldn't open library '/opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/UIDSValidators'.  Error message: /opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/UIDSValidators: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

18:04:11.095 Error: Couldn't open library '/opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/UIDSValidators'.  Error message: /opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

18:04:11.095 Error: Assert(functionPointer) failed in file ValidatorUtils.cpp line 112


Error and Warning Log:

Error and warning logs

Error: Property replacement not found in '[$available.langpack.langs]': $available.langpack.langsError: Dialog uitext not found in: /opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/setup.ui.framework/uitext/dialog/CMSInfo.dialog.lang_en.uitext.xmlError: Could not load dialog uitext file for the following locale: en. Defaulting to English.Error: UI Text file doesn't exists: /opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/setup.ui.framework/uitext/dialog/CMSInfo.dialog.lang_en.uitext.xmlError: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSText1#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSText1#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSText3#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSText3#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #System#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #System#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSUser#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSUser#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSPassword#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSPassword#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSAuthentication_UNIX#Error: Identifier not found in lookup: #CMSAuthentication_UNIX#Error: Couldn't open library '/opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/UIDSValidators'.  Error message: /opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/UIDSValidators: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryError: Couldn't open library '/opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/UIDSValidators'.  Error message: /opt/bods/DS_42_LNX64/dunit/product.dataservices64-4.0-core-32/actions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryError: Assert(functionPointer) failed in file ValidatorUtils.cpp line 112


Please suggest..What might have gone wrong...

Thanks & Best Rgds,

0 Kudos
Try different port ( SQL Server default is 1433... so i tried 0,1434, 1435 ..and one of them worked)
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