Troubleshooting HANA Privilege Issues - Using SQL ...
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In this blog, you will learn how to troubleshoot HANA DB authorizations / privileges errors using SQL Script procedure GET_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_ERROR_DETAILS
SAP introduced a procedure GET_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_ERROR_DETAILS with HANA 2.0 SP04 to simplify troubleshooting HANA related privileges and access issues
Earlier security administrators had to troubleshoot privileges and access issue using User-specific trace. This trace generates a log, and the security administrators had to read through the trace log file to identify missing privileges
We can still use the trace option to troubleshoot access issues if required
However, with the introduction of SQL script procedure, we don't need to use User-specific trace.
When users get privileges related error, the system generates a GUID. The error will be something like below:
insufficient privilege: Detailed info for this error can be found with guid ‘<GUID>’
Eg. Error with GUID
After a user gets "insufficient error" and gets a GUID, the GUID is provided to security administrator who then passes this GUID as a parameter in the procedure to get the information on the missing privileges for the user