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Today I will discuss about the different transport techniques in SAP data services. Based on the project scenario and configuration we will select appropriate techniques.

1. Normal Import ATL file and export:

  1. Taking Backups of ATL Files.
  2. Select the object that needs to move in the local object repository.

   Right-click ->export->export to ATL File. Select the Target REPO of QA or Prod Environment. Then -                 Right click->Import->Import from the backup ATL File. change the Datastore connections according to the environment.

2. Using Central Repository:

By using Check in/check out concept.

1. Create a central repository and connect it to the local repository and activate the central repository.

2. From Local repository: Select Local Object -> Right Click. Add to central repository.



In another way -

1. You need to go to tools and select Central Repository:



2. From the dialog box we need to select the object which we want to promote.



3. From Target Repository in different environment - Check out the PROJP from central repo "with objects and dependents without replacement" option and check in again "with objects and dependents" OR

4. Right click on the Object à Get Latest Version à With Filtering.


3. Transport or promote the object with CTS + :

Here I will not discuss about the CTS+ configuration. You can go through the below link –

I will discuss about how to transport or promote object with CTS++. Below are the steps –Basic Architecture of  CTS +  configuration with BODS is given below  -



Steps to Transport:

 1. Navigate to SAP Data Services Development system Administrator screen and click on Object Promotion



2. Select repository type and Type -


3. Select the objects you want to add and press export button:


4. Check when the Job/Object export completes :


5. When export complete release transport for next system :



6. Import transport will be in your target queue :


In the next blog I will discuss about the job scheduling in SAP Data Services.




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