Hello Everyone,
Welcome you to my 1st blog. I want to share my experience on technical setup the Co-PIN Integration between SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP S/4HANA Cloud for projects, project collaboration service.
Business Purpose and Flow
The integration allows you to integrate the SAP S/4 HANA Cloud with the application SAP Project Intelligence Network. With this integration, you connect with project owners, engineering service providers, contractors, subcontractors, and building material suppliers on a single BIM collaboration platform to eliminate waste and rework and increase productivity with the SAP Project Intelligence Network application.
- Cloud deployment
- Single repository of construction information
- Shared digital twin that supports open BIM standards
- Source of reusable operations information
Process Steps:
- Configuration in S/4HANA Cloud
- Configuration in SAP Cloud Integration
- Configuration in SAP BTP Cockpit
A. Configuration in S/4HANA Cloud
Step 1: Go to maintain communication user and create one communication user named as COPIN.

communication user
Step 2: Create one Communication system.

communication system
Step 3: Enter the host name and port no. Host name as S/4HC api url and port as 443.

Step 4: Add the new communication user in the inbound user.

Step 5: Create communication arrangement (SAP_COM_0308) and add the communication system into it.

communication arrangement
B. Configuration in SAP Cloud Integration
Step 1: Go to Cloud Integration and click on Monitor --> Security material.

Step 2: Deploy the communication user details as S4H_CPI

Step 3: Copy this package from Discover tab and then come in the design tab.

Step 4: Click on Actions-> Configure.

Step 5: Provide S/4Hana cloud url in the oDataBaseUrl and provide the S4 deployed credential name in credential part.

Step 6: In More section,
ApplicationBse URL : <S/4Hana Cloud url> + /ui#EnterpriseProject-maintain&/C_PPM_ProjectControlTP(ProjectUUID=guid'%projectUUID%',IsActiveEntity=true)
ApplicationBaseUrlCustomerProjects : : <S/4Hana Cloud url> + /ui#CustomerProject-maintainCustomerProject&/Display/ProjEngagementsSet/%project%/?tab=infoTab
ApplicationBaseUrlInternalProjects : <S/4Hana Cloud url> + /ui#InternalProject-createInternalProject&/Display/ProjEngagementsSet/%project%/?tab=infoTab
Save and deploy the package

Step 7: Go to monitor --> Manage integration Content.

Step 8: Filter the i-flow name and take the endpoint url.

C. Configuration in SAP BTP Cockpit
Step 1:Go to CF BTP account and create one subscription for “ SAP S/4HANA C4P, CoPM – Demo “ Service.

Step 2: Create instance of the service “SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Project Collaboration Demo” and create service key.

Step 3: Assign the roles to the user to access the pin tenant.

Step 4: Go to destinations and create one destination.
Name: <suitable name>
URL : <CPI end point url>
User: <p user details / Client key>
Password: <p user password/ Client Secret>
In Additional Properties,
copin.int.display_name : <suitable name>
copin.int.object : ProjectPlan
Now, save the destination and do check connection.

So, finally we have completed the integration setup.
Thank you so much for reading my blog. Please let me know your thoughts and feedback in comments. I will be happy to hear from you to improve on blog writing.
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Thank you.
Sourav Ghosh