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In SAP Master Data Governance data can be stored in a staging or active area. Extending the data model with custom attributes or tables involves changes to the data structures in both the active and staging areas and defining a mapping between these data structures.

Traditionally, a user must perform the following steps to assign to do this configuration in SAP MDG System.  

  • Extending active area data model
  • Extending staging area data model
  • Generating MDG tables
  • Defining mapping from Staging to Active area
  • Defining mapping from Active to Staging area

RDG provides the solution to extend SMT Mapping with an intuitive, user-friendly, and graphical interface.

After a custom attribute is created and activated in either Business Partner or Material data models, an entity table for SMT mapping will be shown if applicable. (SMT mapping is not relevant for attributes created under all entities).


  1. After custom attribute is created and activation is complete mapping table will be shown.HectorHerGar_0-1715248529844.png


  2. Complete the mapping table by selecting a mapping step and structure to extend for each row. Source and Target will automatically populate. Click HectorHerGar_2-1715248529518.png


     at the end of each row.
  3. Click Done. Processing may take some time to complete. Click Refresh HectorHerGar_4-1715248529520.png when ready and receive success messages. If running the application using a cloud platform, additional notifications will be given to help you track the process.   HectorHerGar_5-1715248529777.png
  4. Extension, transformation and mapping are created correctly






Syniti RDG is a certified SAP BTP solution on the SAP App Store. 

To know more details about the product, check the blog Partner Add-on Solutions. 

Your opinions and feedback are highly appreciated, and feel free to post them in the comment section. 

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You can also find and post questions about the product here: SAP Master Data Governance Community 

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