Hello All,
After extensive work and collaboration with the Syniti tool, coming up with my experiences and the latest fixes made by the Syniti ADM team.
Syniti team has released the latest version -
8.0.1 release of the Stewardship Tier as of October 24th, 2022.
This service pack release resolves several high-priority defects in the Master Data Management and Integrate applications.
(fingers crossed
😉 )
let's get into details:
Syniti commits to providing customers with support for the current and one-prior major version of our Stewardship Tier (formerly DSP) software.
Then what will happen to the older version:
After 12 months of extended maintenance, effective September 13th 2023, support for 6.x versions will no longer be available.
In order to continue to receive support after that date, customers must have upgraded to a supported version – 7.x or 8.x.
How to upgrade:
The 8.0.1 release is available for direct customers to download via
this type of request at support.syniti.com. Customers' Stewardship Tier instances that are hosted by Syniti will be upgraded as per their agreed upgrade schedule
The SAP transports for Stewardship Tier installations are now split into 2 packages and are documented separately.
- Core—contains the functions and programs required by Stewardship Tier to extract data via RFC and load via BDC. These transports are distributed with the Stewardship Tier installation in versions 7.4.8 and later.
- Supplementary—miscellaneous functions, programs, and utilities for supporting SAP-based projects. Contact Syniti Support and raise a support ticket to get this transport.

Master Data Management
- The Copy Scenario Role Task Column page now includes the field Skip Inactive Tasks, which when checked skips copying data from inactive tasks and to inactive tasks. When Target tasks are marked as inactive a warning message appears rather than an error message because there could be valid reasons for having inactive tasks.
Resolved Issues
Stewardship Tier
Fixed an issue where a Template created using a BAPI was failing due to BAPI download tables having incompatible data type / lengths compared to SAP DATS and TIMS data types. This fix increases the field length of SAP data types DATS and TIMS from 8 characters to 10 characters for (DATS) and from 6 characters to 8 characters for (TIMS). [DSP70-737]
Master Data Management
Mailboxes assigned to a position with a Read Only role (as set on the Position Role page) were erroneously receiving Role Ready workflow emails in their mailboxes. Now, if a Read Only role is assigned to a mailbox, the mailbox no longer receives Role Ready workflow emails. [DSP70-2008]
Advanced Data Migration
Fixed an issue on the
Mapping Approval page when a user selected multiple rows and clicked the Approve or Complete icons. Sometimes the event took too long to complete. With the fix, clicking Approve or Complete on the
Mapping Approval page with multiple rows selected results in the actions being performed on the selected rows and no timeout in processing. [DSP70-1939]
Stewardship Tier
- Corrected an issue within theTables page where the Target Source Table Package for Package Types of "SAP Data Services with RFC" was ignoring added Where Clause values during the Data Service Data Flow query. The fix adds the Where Clause to the job build package when it is initially built and applies changes including the Where Clause for existing SAP Data Services jobs. [DSP70-1415]
- Corrected an issue within the Tables page where the Target Source Table Package for Package Types of 'SAP Data Services' was ignoring added Where Clause updates when packages were rebuilt. The fix rebuilds the package including Where Clause changes. [DSP70-1645]
- When filtering on the Tables page, if a user selected the Checked or Unchecked option in the Built section, a validation error displayed: “The entered value is not a valid integer.” With the fix, these filters can be used without receiving this error. [DSP70-1972]That's all for now.
once I start working on the latest version, will come back with more updates on technical challenges and improvements.
Thanks for reading the blog, please share the feedback.
Venkatesh Golla