In this blog I will discuss one issue which I face after S/4 HANA conversion in SWIA (
WI Administration Report). In SWIA when assigning workitem to another user agent. System was giving following error.
“Exception condition "PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST" triggered”.
Although the error was clear as it shows that package does not exist. But the error was coming in standard tcode SWIA that’s why I was worried may be there is some thing is missing during conversion or standard package is missing. That’s why I spent a lot time in searching sap notes or any solution available on SCN. Finally when I debug it I found the solution how to resolve it. I am sharing the solution so that in future if any one face the same error he can fix it easily.
How to reproduce the issue.
- Run SWIA.
- Select any Workitem having status READY.
- Click on Assign Agents.

Assign Agent
Following Dump comes.

Assign Agent Dump
Reason for this error is that some customize Z Package is missing.
- On the dump screen click on “Debugger button”.
- Click on Standard function module lcl_get_package_attributes parameter lv_package as shown below. This will show the Z package name which is missing.

3. Go to SE80. Create that missing Z package.
This will resolve the issue.

For more info please follow:
S/4 HANA Topic.