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Hello Everyone,

I would like to share my experience of the Integration setup for cost center replication from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central using the BTP - Master Data Integration Service.

If you want to know more about the BTP MDI service. Please follow these blogs.

SAP Master Data Integration – sharing and synchronizing master data in the integrated Intelligent Su...

How SAP Supports Hybrid Integration Scenarios for the Intelligent Enterprise


Business Purpose and Flow

This integration scenario you can create, update, and delete cost centers in SAP S/4HANA and have them transferred to SAP SuccessFactors by ongoing replication. The cost center master data are continuously replicated to SAP SuccessFactors by using the Master Data Integration service which runs on the SAP BTP.

In SAP S/4HANA the replication to the Master Data Integration service is triggered automatically after cost centers are newly created, changed, or deleted. You can also trigger a manual replication for the initial data load from SAP S/4HANA to SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central

Business Process Flow

Process Steps

  1. Configuration Steps for Setting up the Cost Center Replication from S/4HANA to BTP MDI.

  2. Configuration Steps for Setting up the Cost Center Replication from BTP MDI to SF EC.


Before setting up the integration. Assume, we have the Instance key of the systems (S4, SFEC) which are created in SAP BTP subaccount under service (Master Data Integration).

SAP Master Data Integration -Initial Setup

Reference screen of Instances created in BTP .

BTP MDI Instances(S4,SF)

Configuration Steps for Setting up the Cost Center Replication from S/4HANA to SAP BTP MDI.

1.Create RFC destinations for Replication (Outbound) and Log with Connection of type G.

Destination for Replication (Outbound)

Replication(Outbound) Destination

Destination for Log

Log Destination


2.Call up transaction SE38 and enter as program FI_CCTR_SETUP_DESTINATION. Choose Execute (F8) to start the report. Enter the following parameters and choose Execute (F8) to run the report:

Setup of RFC Destination for CC Replication

3.Call the transaction OA2C_CONFIG to maintain OAuth Credentials for the profile (FIN_CO_CCTR).

Create a Configuration for FIN_CO_CCTR name as like FIN_CO_CCTR with below values.

You can find the information for the Client id, Client secret, Host Name, the Auth. Endpoint, Token Endpoint in S4 MDI Instance key

Client id: <S4 MDI Instance - client id>

Password: <S4 MDI Instance -client secret >

Authorization endpoint:  ex: <>

Token endpoint: ex : <>

Create OAuth Configuration

In the access settings

Access settings

After entering all the details, save the configuration and able to see given below.

Created Configuration for profile FIN_CO_CCTR

4.Create a Business system for MDI in DRF.

Call the transaction DRFIMG and navigate to below path

Define Custom Settings for Data Replication->Define Technical Settings->Define Technical Settings for Business Systems

Create the Business System (MDI) and map RFC destination (Outbound). Click save.

Business System(MDI)

Select Business system and navigate to Define Bus. Systems, Bos.

Maintain the BO Type (158) and check sys Filt. Click save.

Assign BO(158)

Select BO type (158) and navigate to Define Bus. Systems, Bo’s communication channel. Click save.

5.Create replication model in DRF.

Call the transaction DRFIMG and navigate to below path

Define Custom Settings for Data Replication->Define Replication Models->Define Replication Model.

Maintain the replication model (MDI_CC) and log days 50. Click save.

Replication Model(MDI_CC)

Select replication model (MDI_CC) and navigate to Assign Outbound Implementation.

Maintain the Outbound Implementation (FI_CO_CCTR) and communication channel (Replication via services). Click save.

Assign Outb impl(FI_CO_CCTR)

Select Outbound Implementation (FI_CO_CCTR) and navigate to Assign Target Systems for Repl. Model /Outb.Impl.

Maintain the Business system (MDI). Click save.

Assign Target system(MDI)

Finally activate the Replication model (MDI_CC).

Activate model(MDI_CC)


Configuration Steps for Setting up the Cost Center Replication from SAP BTP MDI to SF EC.

1.Log into your Employee Central instance and go to the Security Center page.

Security center

Maintain the OAuth configuration (SF_MDI) based on the SF MDI Instance key given Parameter/Values. Click save.

You can find the information for the Client id, Client secret, Host Name, the Auth. Endpoint, Token Endpoint in SF MDI Instance key

OAuth type: OAuth 2.0.

Grant type: Client_Credentials

Client id: <SF MDI Instance - client id>

Password: <SF MDI Instance -client secret >

Token URL: ex: <>

Token Method: POST

Content-type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Add OAuth with SF MDI Instance key

2.In Employee Central instance navigate to Business scenarios page and search for the Cost center business scenario.

Ensure the scenario is set to active. If it’s already set to “ON”, ignore this step.

Business Scenario for Cost center

Choose the pen icon on the right to start configuring the settings.

REST API URL: < ex:>

Authentication Type: OAuth

OAuth Configurations: Which we created in Security center (ex: MDI).

Go to next (Review and Run) step.

Verify the settings and save it.

Destination settings


Go to next tab (Review and Run) step.

Verify the settings and save it.

Save settings o fetch the cost centers from MDI


With this we have completed the integration setup.

Thanks for reading this blog, I would like to know your thoughts in the comments !!!

Thank you,

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