Today I am going to discuss some best practice ,Tips and tricks for New SAP BI HANA ECC Consultant/Developer which will make their job easy.
1.BW best Practices Tips and tricks for New SAP BI,HANA developer:
A. Process chain Monitoring : Commonly first most of the consultant go to RSPC to check. But I am suggesting the below step by step for monitoring.
- I developer schedule monitoring time first go to Log into ST13 and execute BW-TOOLS –

- Put the process chain name in the process chain id and Check the process chain. For our case process chain is ZPC_SDPLS_01 jobs . We need to put the name into yellow place–

- after executing with name the details like process chain execution duration, end time etc. all will be populated.

- If you click on the process chain the details of the each execution will be appear. From there you can check with step is still running or got error.

- Right click on the step which got error or running and click on Displaying Message .

- Go to back log Tab and you will see the details error or Event Message .

To Correct the error perform RSRV check , analyze the error -
- Manually fix the error by going to the transformation or DTP. Fix it if any issue occur there.
- Check for the lock objects required to complete the transformation for the target BW object which causing the issue. Use SM12 for this. This is a common issue.
- Unlock it and manually rerun the steps again.
- RSPCCHAIN and RSPCPROCESSLOG are two table contain different parameter for Process chains.
B. The same process you can execute via RSPC also.
In my next blog I will discuss on the best practice of transport from one environment to another environment and others Tips and best practices.