@BW/BI Transport Best Practices (use of TOC) :
When transporting the BW objects it is always best practice not to move the original transport request to Quality in the initial stage when QA or testing not done. Because if there some issue found in the objects in testing, we do not have create a new TR and put all the objects in transport request again.
Steps :
- Execute TCODE se10 and create a Transport of copy :

- It is best way to go to name as TOC in the transport description : "TOC : "

- Select the TOC and include the objects from another request of another transport . Copy the name of the request of the TR which object you want to move.

Menu -> Request/Task ->Object List -> Include Objects :

- All the objects from the source task will be copied to the Transport of Copies request.
- Release the transport copy from dev environment.
- Go to QA and use Tcode STMS_QA to release and import the objects into QA.
@Replicating the BW data source in efficient way :
As per my suggestion it's not best to replicate data source for each component application component and deselect all and select respective data source.
The suggested ways is given below -
- Execute command RSDS.
- Give the name of the data source which you want to replicate and the source system name.
- Go to menu replicate data source.

@Checking the ABAP program responsible to populate table for a custom table :
One way :
- Execute the TCode SE38 and put the program name RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN .
- Execute it.

3. Put the custom table name in the which mandatory and you can put the program name string
part with * in the program field if you assume some prefix, but it is not mandatory. You can see the program name.
Another way :
- It go to Se11, Put the table name and click on the where used list .
- Find the insert ,update and append keyword from the programs manually.
@ Scheduling Jobs in ECC :
Before scheduling the job in ECC it is recommended to see the ECC time and its Time zone.
Steps :
- Go to SE38 and Execute the Report RSDBTIME. It will show you system Data and Time.

- Execute Tcode SM36 and go to the Job wizard -

- Using job using wizard schedule the job by filling step by steps.
- Enter the program name you want to schedule, Variant name in the field if available.

- Schedule the periodic job as per your requirement and put start date and time.
- Complete all the steps by continue the wizard.
- Once schedule completed go to SM37 and select the job and move to released to scheduled status.

- Then you can check your job in sm37 again and can check the status.