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Update: Based on the comment from ayman.salem the better solution is to create a  Destination_AllowList.txt file as described in KBA 2477817.

We are on BusinessObjects BI 4.2 SP09 Patch 4 and are in the final stages of preparing to upgrade to BI 4.3 SP02 Patch 8. I realized I had not yet tested saving to the File System as a delivery destination in our test environment so I give it a try. It did not work. I kept getting this error...
destination file error. [CrystalEnterprise.DiskUnmanaged]: [{1}]

I checked the properties of the File System destination within the properties of my AdaptiveJobServer. Everything looked as it should...

Unfortunately, I had not tested this immediately prior to the upgrade in our test environment so I was not sure that it was working before. I could create a file in my the desired network location from the BOBJ server as the same user I was putting in the File System destination settings which was also the same user running the SIA (Server Intelligence Agent). I could send my scheduled report results to the Email or BI Inbox destinations, but not the File System destination. I spent about an hour trying different things, but still no success.

So yesterday I reached out to our SAP Support Provider and I got on the phone with a representative for about a hour checking and trying a bunch of different things with no success. We connected again today and after about 30 minutes of poking around he suggested we replace the DLL corresponding to the File System destination with a copy from another environment. The file in question is dest_CrystalEnterprise_DiskUnmanaged.dll in the <InstallDirectory>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64 directory.

I renamed that file in our test system, located it in our production system, and copied it to our test system. Keep in mind our production system is BI 4.2 SP09 Patch 4. Next I restarted the test system  AdaptiveJobServer. It worked!

As an aside, I learned if you have your User Name and Password defined in the File System destination settings of your AdaptiveJobServer you can omit them in your schedule as shown below.

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