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Welcome to the Second Episode of the Series: SAP CAPM Full Stack UI5 Application with CRUD Operations. Till now we have created Development Space in BAS and completed the required setup. In this episode, we will create New Project in our Space that will be used for further development.

Assumption(OR Must Have to Start):

  • You have followed our previous episode to set up the Development Space or already have the required Space ready with you.

Step 1: Log in to your Trial Account & open BAS

You must see the below screen after logging in using your credentials.

The Dev Space is always in stopped space, you can think of it as a Virtual Machine. When it's not in use it automatically stops & you will have to start the same to get going. Click on the play to start your Development Space.

It will go to the running phase.

Don't worry too much, the start time is not dependent on your internet but BAS server load.



Finally, it started & we are good to go now.

Step 2: Open your Dev Space navigate to Project Work Space

You can bookmark this page to easily access all your Dev Spaces.

Click on the DEV Space name to open the Dev Space.


It may say One Moment, but you may go & get some coffee while it loads.


Tada, Finally it opened, You can bookmark this as well to directly access your Specific Development Space.

Now let's navigate to Project WorkSpace. Click on file & choose Open Workspace from the drop-down list.

You will get the below screen. Choose projects & click open.

Now we are in the project workspace. Let's open a terminal and proceed further. Click on Terminal & choose  New Terminal.

You will get the below terminal screen. Now copy the below command & run it in your terminal. This will create a Project with the name: cap_tutorial.
mkdir cap_tutorial

You will see that a new project folder is created with the name cap_tutorial. You the below command to navigate to this new folder in the terminal.
cd cap_tutorial

You will be switched to the created project folder cap_tutorial. Copy the below command to create the CAPM project.
cds init

The creation will start in our project folder & let's wait for the build.

Cool, now you have your project ready. The structure should be like the below screen.

Feel free to drop your comments in the comment section.

In this blog post, we have learnt how to set up Project in dev-space in Business Application Studio(BAS).

In the next blog post, we will see how to create Database Entities on BAS.

Further reading –

Next Episode: Creating Database Entities on BAS for CAPM Full Stack UI5 Development
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