As part of this blog , we will go through a scenario of posting a new Meeting Event on Outlook Calendar from C4C Activity (Appointment ) using MS Graph API in CPI iFlow .
As part of the iFlow we will take care of CREATE / UPDATE / CANCEL Event on the Outlook Calendar of the Activity Owner .
The reason I received this requirement was that I was not able to use the 'out of the box' MS TEAMS Integration' for C4C , due to an issue with the SAP App API Permissions which endup being too risky for the use in a large global organization .
For more details about the MS Teams APP API Permission issue and Voting on behalf of your company , please check my Influence Idea :
Influence Idea #281116
Our Scenario
- Your MS Admin should create an App for CPI with necessary API permissions and provide you with ClientID and Client Secret # . For more information , refer to the MS Graph API Documentation
- You have tested the API successfully using Postman , for Create Event / Update Event / Cancel Event / Get User TimeZone
*The scenario includes some PDI /SDK in C4C , as well as New KUT Field creation. ,However ,in this blog the focus is on the CPI iFlow settings and the necessary MS Graph API Calls to support this scenario.
High Level Design / Test in Postman
- It is recommended to start with Postman collection build of the required API calls .In our Scenario we would need the following API Calls :
Create new wsdl file for the SDK Action in C4C
- Based on the data gathered from above step about the Graph API required fields for Event Create and the Fields available within the C4C Activity (Appointment) , prepare a new WSDL file for the SDK/PDI Action Use in C4C . This will be the background for the Incoming SOAP message from C4C .
*It is recommended to prepare a Technical Specs Design document which holds the Field mapping as example below :
Scenario Mapping Design Specs
**The WSDL Response should contain the 'Event ID' from Outlook . This will be used for the Event Update /Cancel scenarios. For this scenario the WSDL will look like that :
WSDL - C4C Appointment Scenario
CPI : ‘OAuth2 Client Credentials’ setup
For our connection to SharePoint Graph API , we are going to use ‘OAuth2 Client Credentials’ .We would need to setup a new OAuth2 Credentials under
Overview >Security Material with following information :
Now we are at the point of new iFlow creation/configuration (based on the business scenario requirements and the High-Level Design Step :
iFlow -Part1
Part 1 :
Sender (C4C) is sending the SOAP message (See below). Next we will remove special characters , write the properties and capture the message body again (${in.body}) before moving to GetUserID step .
Sender Connection
Part 2 :
In this part , we will focus on the '
Get Outlook 'User ID' from Email Address' and '
Get Outlook User Mailbox Settings' from the High Level Design above .
iFlow -Part 2
Get UserID - in this step , we imitate the same GET User ID query we did on our High Level Design with Postman : * We need to make a use of the ${property.OwnerEmail} in order to get the specific User ID from Outlook and complete the API end-point : ('')
Get UserID from Outlook
Add Root Tag : In this step we will add to the message body a 'root' tag .This is necessary before the conversion to XML.
JSON to XML Converter : the next required step before storing the UserID.
Store UserID : We create a property to store the UserID from the response as below :
Store UserID
Construct XML : in this step we just we just put in the body expression the ${property.C4S_Payload} to continue to the next query of user Timezone .
Get User Timezone:
in this step , we imitate the same 'Get Outlook User Mailbox Settings' query we did on our High Level Design with Postman : * We need to make a use of the ${property.OwnerEmail} in order to get the specific User Default Timezone from Outlook and complete the API end-point : ('')/mailboxSettings )
Get User Timezone from Outlook settings
->We will repeat the steps of
Add Root Tag ,
JSON to XML Converter as in earlier step
Store Timezone : We create a property to store the User Timezone from the response as below :
Store User Timezone from Outlook Response
Construct XML : in this step we just we just put in the body expression the ${property.C4S_Payload} to continue to the next Part and the step of Message Mapping .
Part 3:
In this part , we will focus on the '
Create Event' from the High Level Design above .We will also need to take care of the response as it is required for the Event Update/Cancel later.
iFlow -Part 3 -Create Event
Message Mapping : In this step will do the required mapping between our WSDL elements and our XSD elements.
Message Mapping
Construct XML Body: In this step we will build the XML Body using the properties we already stored in order to prepare for the JSON Conversion . MS Graph API is expecting a specific JSON Request Body as mentioned in
documentation .
Construct XML Body for Create Event
*This will have an effect on how your Meeting on Outlook Calendar will look and what data is included there , so make your own XML body based on Customer requirements .
Check the example below (without MS Teams link ) :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Contact: ${property.ContactName} \n\nContact Phone: ${property.ContactPhone} \n\nContact Email: ${property.ContactEmail} \n\nCategory: ${property.Category} \n\nAppointmentID:${property.AppointmentID} \n\nStatus:${property.Status} \n\nNotes:${property.Notes} \n\nLast Changed On:${property.LastChangedOn}
XML to JSON Converter : In this step we will convert our XML body from previous step into the required JSON format .
XML to JSON Converter
Content Modifier 2 : In this step we will create 2 Headers that will used later .
Content Modifier 2 -Headers
Router -Create or Update : This Router will be used to determine the route to CREATE / UPDATE /CANCEL scenarios as below .
Create or Update Router
Router- Create Event
Create Event HTTP Call : *As in our Pre-design : POST a new Event on the User's Calendar . ({UserID}/events)
Create Outlook Event HTTP
Handling the Response: This group of steps to handle the response from MS Graph API is required based on the end-user requirements . In our Example , we need the Event ID from response in order to use it in our C4C Activity (Appointment) and store it in the hidden KUT field we have prepared .
Once the KUT Field is populated , the next save action on that Appointment ID will trigger the iFlow , but this time with EventID in the Payload , which will make the Router go to
CANCEL call (based on the Status).
Part 4:
In this Part we will create condition router and steps for the Cancel or Update calls .
See below example :
Part 4 - Cancel or Update Event
Cancel Condition
Cancel Event - HTTP Call
Update Event-HTTP call
*Next , we save and deploy the iFlow , Create /Configure the Communication Arrangement in C4C side and create an appointment activity from Service Ticket to test the result on our Outlook Calendar .
Testing our Integration :
Create a new Activity from Service Ticket :
New Activity
Once we save the appointment , the New Meeting created on my Calendar :
New Meeting created on Calendar
Now I will update the Date/Time , to check if it is updated on my calendar as well :
StartDate :
Update Date Time on Activity
You can see that the meeting on the Outlook Calendar is also updated with new StartDate/EndDate :
Calendar -Update
When opening the meeting , you will see the related data in the Subject, Location and Body of the meeting , as we configured in our 'Construct XML Body' step :
Calendar Meeting Body
Change activity status to 'Cancelled' :
Activity Cancellation C4C
The Outlook Meeting is removed from the calendar :
Outlook Calendar - Meeting deleted
Summary and Additional information sources:
The above is just an example of how we can utilize the MS Graph API in CPI to help the business achieve seamless integration between any system and the MS Outlook Calendar .
There are many business scenarios which this same method can be utilized .
I certainly hope you will find this information useful .
As an additional resource of info regarding the MS Graph API capabilities :
Microsoft Graph API Documentation
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