Hi, in this blog I’m going to explain the pagination in sap.m Table with json data.
In this example, I am using Northwind model Products entity set data that stored in json model that contains 20 records and I have to display 5 records per click.
So, I have placed four nav buttons for First page (<<), Previous page (<), Next page (>), Last page (>>) with page count information and then some magical code.
Firstly, in Products View use the following code to display table data and buttons.
<mvc:View controllerName="com.zproducts.controller.Products"
xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true"
<Page id="page" title="{i18n>title}">
<Table id="idProductsTable" busy="{ProductsModel>/isProductsDataLoading}" items="{ path: 'ProductsModel>/tableData'}">
<Column >
<Text text="Product Id" />
<Column >
<Text text="Product Name" />
<ObjectIdentifier title="{ProductsModel>ProductID}" />
<Text text="{ProductsModel>ProductName}" />
<OverflowToolbar >
<ToolbarSpacer />
<Button id="BtnFirstPressId" icon="sap-icon://close-command-field" press="onFirstPress" tooltip="First" enabled="{NavModel>/firstPageBtnEnable}" />
<Button id="BtnPreviousPressId" icon="sap-icon://navigation-left-arrow" press="onPreviousPress" tooltip="Previous" enabled="{NavModel>/firstPageBtnEnable}" />
<Text id="PageTextId" text="{i18n>page} {ProductsModel>/page} {i18n>of} {ProductsModel>/totalPages}" />
<Button id="BtnNextPressId" icon="sap-icon://navigation-right-arrow" press="onNextPress" tooltip="Next" enabled="{NavModel>/nextPageBtnEnable}" />
<Button id="BtnLastPressId" icon="sap-icon://open-command-field" press="onLastPress" tooltip="Last" enabled="{NavModel>/nextPageBtnEnable}" />
Secondly in controller in onInit function paste the following code to define json models and read products data using Northwind oData model.
onInit: function () {
var that = this;
//Stores products data and indexes data
var oProductsModel = new JSONModel ({
productsData: [],
isProductsDataLoading: true,
tableData: [],
startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 0,
noOfTableRows: 5,
page: 0,
totalPages: 0
that.getView().setModel(oProductsModel, "ProductsModel");
//Stores Nav buttons enable properties
var oNavModel = new JSONModel({
firstPageBtnEnable: false,
nextPageBtnEnable: false
that.getView().setModel(oNavModel, "NavModel");
var oModel = that.getOwnerComponent().getModel("NorthwindModel");
oModel.read("/Products", {
success: function (oData) {
//Stores the Produsts data
that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").setProperty("/productsData", oData.results);
that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").setProperty("/isProductsDataLoading", false);
//Sets total page count
var noOfTableRows = parseInt(that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/noOfTableRows"));
that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").setProperty("/totalPages", Math.ceil(oData.results.length / noOfTableRows));
//To get data for first view
error: function (oError) {
that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").setProperty("/isProductsDataLoading", false);
Now Paste the following code in the controller to handle nav buttons functionality and current page value.
//set first selected number of visible rows to table
onFirstPress: function () {
var that = this;
var data = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/productsData");
var noOfTableRows = parseInt(that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/noOfTableRows"));
var newData = data.slice(0, noOfTableRows);
//To set Table Data
that.fnSetTableData(newData, 0, noOfTableRows - 1, 1);
//set previous selected number of visible rows to table
onPreviousPress: function () {
var that = this;
var data = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/productsData");
var noOfTableRows = parseInt(that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/noOfTableRows"));
var startIndex = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/startIndex");
var newData = data.slice(startIndex - noOfTableRows, startIndex);
//To set Table Data
that.fnSetTableData(newData, startIndex - noOfTableRows, startIndex - 1, that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/page") - 1);
//set next selected number of visible rows to table
onNextPress: function () {
var that = this;
var data = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/productsData");
var noOfTableRows = parseInt(that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/noOfTableRows"));
var endIndex = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/endIndex");
var newData = data.slice(endIndex + 1, endIndex + 1 + noOfTableRows);
//To set Table Data
that.fnSetTableData(newData, endIndex + 1, endIndex + noOfTableRows, that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/page") + 1);
//set last selected number of visible rows to table
onLastPress: function () {
var that = this;
var data = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/productsData");
var noOfTableRows = parseInt(that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/noOfTableRows"));
var startIndex;
var oIndex = data.length % noOfTableRows;
if (oIndex === 0) {
startIndex = data.length - noOfTableRows;
} else {
startIndex = data.length - oIndex;
var newData = data.slice(startIndex);
//To set Table Data
that.fnSetTableData(newData, startIndex, data.length, Math.ceil(data.length / noOfTableRows));
//Sets the table data
fnSetTableData: function (newData, startIndex, endIndex, page) {
var that = this;
that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").setProperty("/tableData", newData);
that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").setProperty("/startIndex", startIndex);
that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").setProperty("/endIndex", endIndex);
//Sets Current page count
that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").setProperty("/page", page);
//To Enable the nav bottons
//sets navigations buttons enable
fnNavButtonsEnable: function () {
var that = this;
var data = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/productsData");
var startIndex = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/startIndex");
var endIndex = that.getView().getModel("ProductsModel").getProperty("/endIndex");
//Enable or disable next and last buttons
if (data.length > endIndex + 1) {
that.getView().getModel("NavModel").setProperty("/nextPageBtnEnable", true);
} else {
that.getView().getModel("NavModel").setProperty("/nextPageBtnEnable", false);
//Enable or disable first and previous buttons
if (startIndex === 0) {
that.getView().getModel("NavModel").setProperty("/firstPageBtnEnable", false);
} else {
that.getView().getModel("NavModel").setProperty("/firstPageBtnEnable", true);
Save and Run the application.
In the initial screen, you will see first (<<) and previous (<) buttons are disabled and current page is 1 in 4 pages.

When you click on next (>) button, you will see all buttons are enabled and current page is 2 in 4 pages.

When you click on last (>>) button, you will see next (>) and last (>>) buttons are disabled and current page is 4 in 4 pages.

That’s it!!!