This is the fourth of a six-part series covering initial download, server installation, configuration of scripted packages for a fine level of workstation control, and distribution to clients. We will also cover how to maintain central control of the SAP Logon configuration, and we'll explore some options that may help ease the administrator's burden.
As parts of this process are likely already familiar to many of you, I have broken it up into stages. Please feel free to jump to the sections most relevant for you. If you are setting up an Installation Server for the first time, however, I recommend you start with
SAPGUI Installation Server Part 1 - Getting Started and move sequentially through the steps.
In Parts 1 through 3 we downloaded all our required files, installed our Installation Server, and brought it up-to-date with the latest patches. Now we'll setup our first Package that predefines the components to actually be installed on end user workstations, and we'll set up the first SAPGUI, the administrator's own.
- Getting Started
- Includes download of all required files
- Initial Installation
- Patching
- Package Creation (this document)
- Includes initial installation of the administrator's SAPGUI
- Scripting
- LSH and Distribution
Package Creation
Create Package
If you are continuing on from the previous step (
SAPGUI Installation Server Part 3 - Patching), you are already in the Installation Server Administration Tool. If not, and you are returning at a later date, from your workstation execute:
- \\server\sapgui\Setup\NwSapSetupAdmin.exe
The purpose of the Package is to bundle the appropriate SAP Frontend components required for your installation into a single choice, making it easy for users to select (or for you to push). You can have multiple Packages on your Installation Server, and users can install multiple Packages on their workstations, if that is appropriate for them. Packages can share components. Packages can also have pre- and post-install scripts associated with them that allow you to control other aspects of the SAPGUI workstation environment, such as which SAP Logon connections will appear for the user to choose.
In this example, we want to distribute a basic set of commonly used SAP Frontend components, so we will call the package
Basic. In the Installation Server Administration Tool (NwSapSetupAdmin), switch to the
Packages tab, and click the button
New Package.
Package Creation Wizard starts.
Next. On the next screen, choose the components you require. In this example, we are choosing:
- SAP Logon
- SAP Automatic Workstation Update
- SNC Client Encryption
You might choose alternative components, but at a minimum you should choose
SAP GUI and either
SAP Logon or
SAP Logon Pad (the difference is that SAP Logon allows users to create and edit connection entries, whereas SAP Logon Pad does not -- it is read-only. In our example, we will distribute a predefined set of connection entries that will not be changeable for the user, but we will allow them to create their own additional entries as well, so we are not choosing the read-only SAP Logon Pad).
When you have made your selections, click
Next. On the next screen, enter the name for your Package.
Next. On the next screen, you must give the value to be used in command-line switches for this Package. By default, it will be the same as your Package name, minus any spaces, and it is usually best to leave it that way.
Next, and the Package will be quickly created.
Close and you will be returned to the Installation Server Administration Tool main page. Under the
Packages tab you will now see your Package listed, and if you expand it you will see the hierarchy of components. To the right, under the
Package Configuration tab (not 'Configure Packages' as mistakenly referenced in the wizard), you'll see some general information about the Package, including that it's currently at Version 0. This is where you will add scripting to the Package later, but first you need another tool on your workstation: your own SAPGUI.
Install Administrator SAPGUI
Besides defining which components will be installed on client workstations, another benefit of using Packages to distribute SAPGUI is including predefined SAP Logon Connection entries so that users will not need to know how to configure connections to your servers on their own. Before you can set up those predefined connections, however, you need a tool to define your own connections as a template. It is possible to manually edit INI and XML files to do this, but it's much easier to use SAP Logon itself as the configuration editor. That means you now need to install SAPGUI on your own workstation, and you might as well use the Package you just created to do it.
Close NwSapSetupAdmin, and from the same folder (\\server\sapgui\Setup) execute:
SAP Front End Installer opens.
Next. The list of available individual components on your Installation Server appears.
Click the link for
Predefined packages. Now your Package will appear instead, and if you expand it you can verify the components included.
The checkbox for your Package will not be checked by default, so you must click to select it (ensure the checkmark appears in the box). When you are ready, click
The install will take a few minutes. Look for the success message when complete.
You now have a working SAPGUI on your computer with the components you defined in your Package. However, your SAP Logon Connections folder is still empty at this point. You could manually addthe connections, but don't do that just yet. Instead, you are going to start SAP Logon with a special command-line switch that will allow you to create and save connections in a remote configuration file instead of your local file. This, and writing scripts to configure other clients to use that central configuration file, will be the subject of the next part in the series.
Continue on to
SAPGUI Installation Server Part 5 - Scripting.