Hi All,
Recently I came across a very weird situation where after installation of SAP Web Dispatcher and setting up of SSL I found that I wasn't able to login to Admin page, the credentials of webadm user weren't working.
There were lots of messages in /usr/sap/SID/W00/work/dev_webdisp as below:
[Thr 139921060026112] Sun Oct 23 09:55:29:304 2022
[Thr 139921060026112] *** ERROR => HttpAdmHandleReq: authorization failed for user: webadm [http_adm.cpp 2596]
So, as a normal practice, I tried to go ahead with resetting the webadm password as per
Note:1987484 - Forget password for SAP webdispatcher web Administration Interface
What I found weird is that first of all icmauth.txt authentication file didn't exist in
/usr/sap/SID/SYS/global/security/data directory.

Hence, I followed below steps to recreate the webadm user and for reset of the password.
Stop the Webdispatcher.
Go to the webdispatcher executable folder.
For example, /usr/sap/<WDP SID>/<WDP instance name>/exe
There you can find the wdispmon executable.
Run "
wdispmon -a pf=<x:\path to webdispatcher profile\instance_profile>".

As the file somehow didn't exist, I recreated it.
So, give "y" to continue (
without quotes) and you'll see below screen for maintenance of icmauth authentication file

If I do
l - list users of set here, it doesn't show anything. Normally it shows webadm user here.

Go ahead with re-creating the user.
For this, select
a - add user to set option.

GIve username as webadm, Your new password, Confirm your new password, Group name as admin and
as my SAPSSLC.PSE was signed, I gave the Subject Name associated with it.
After this, Press Enter to continue and execute
s - save changes of set to file

After saving,
Stop sapstartsrv process, start sapstartsrv process and start Webdispatcher instance.
This creates the required entry in icmauth.txt file and after this you'd be able to successfully login to Webdispatcher Administration Interface!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
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Manoj Somkuwar