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Hello SAP/ SAP Community

While I am checking on sap.ui.comp.filterbar.FilterBar control in SAP UI5 SDK, I have noticed that code has to be updated with new aggregations. For further clarifications, go on reading more.

SAP UI5 Control:

sap.ui.comp.filterbar.FilterBar sample in SAP UI5 SDK


filterItems and FilterItem aggregations

The above aggregations got deprecated since SAP UI5 version 1.48.0 and instead we can use filterGroupItems & FilterGroupItem as given in SAP UI5 SDK API Reference.

<fb:FilterGroupItem name="Name"
path: '/ProductNames',
templateShareable: true
<core:Item key="{key}" text="{name}"/>

It would be helpful to everyone if the code can also be updated in the Sample of SAP UI5 SDK as per latest SAP UI5 versions.

Short Message: Trees and Plants blossoms flowers & fruits and not upset for rotten ones. Let's set this path and grow with ups & downs.

Thank you!!
BR// Dhanasupriya Sidagam

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