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Migration Tool 
 Unloads ABAP dictionary from database
 Create tables index*.STR(STRUCTURE file)& DDL<DBS>.TPL
 DDL command temp lock
 Compute size of ABAP tables and indexes for the target database
 compute the ABAP-related size for the target database
 Create extent files *.EXT & target DBsize file DBSIZE.XML
 Unloads|loads ABAP table data into the database
 Generate database-specific DDL statements for Non-standard database objects of the ABAP dictionary (Mainly BW objects)
 R3LDCTL ,R3SZCHK and R3LOAD are SAP System dependent
 Post system copy activities for non-standard DB objects in the ABAP dictionary
 Unloads|load Java dictionary structure and table data from to database
 Compute the JAVA web AS-related size for the target database
Support tools for ABAP system copy
  Package splitter 
   Splits R3load *.STR and *.EXT files to reduce export and import times
  Table Splitter 
   computes "where" condition to allow multiple R3loads running on a single table during export/import
   Type R3TA - DB independent
   PL/SQL - Only for Oracle
  MIGCHEK(Migration Checker) 
   Checks the existence of R3load import logs and verifies import task files
   Allow advanced control of the R3load export/import process
   Automates dump shipping b/w sources/target system
   Supports parallel unload/load processing
   MIGMON and MIGTIME are JAVA-based tools & and release independent
  DISTMON (Distribution Monitor) 
   Used to run multiple migration monitors distributed over different application server
   Analyzes export and import run times from R3load files
Support tools for JAVA system copy
   Unloads JAVA dictionary information from the database
   JLOAD package splitting
   JLOAD table splitting
   Allows advanced control of the JLOAD export and import process
   Support parallel unload/load processing
  JMIGTIMEAnalyses export and import run times from JLOAD log files

Screenshot 2024-02-16 104152.png

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