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The maintenance of SAP Process Orchestration expires at the end of 2027 – this should no longer be news to most integration managers. From this point on, support must be provided by each customer themselves (extended support). In addition, innovations will no longer be implemented in the on-premise SAP PO. So it´s really time to migrate to the SAP Integration Suite. Many of the components of the SAP Integration Suite (e.g. SAP Cloud Integration) have been on the market for a long time now and are well established. In addition, new functionalities such as the recently introduced Edge Integration Cell round off the functional scope of the SAP Integration Suite. A good summary of all the reasons to move to SAP Integration Suite can also be found here.

Apart from the functional point of view and the end of maintenance, there are also strategic reasons to start your migration now:

  1. Correlation with SAP S/4HANA transformation projects – an S/4HANA project is no reason to postpone an SAP PO migration, but to utilize synergies here and migrate the interfaces at the same time

  2. Use your migration project to clean up you legacy SAP PO systems and get rid of unnecessary interfaces and obsolete technology stacks

  3. Depending on your migration approach (Greenfield, Brownfield, Selective) the migration project can be very complex and therefore take a lot of time

There are various tools on the market to support you on your estimation of your SAP PO to SAP Integration Suite migration project. In this Blog post I would like to outline the different advantages between the SAP Migration Assesment and the RealCore aRC Analysis tool.

SAP Migration Assement is part of SAP Integration Suite (availablity depending on service plan in SAP BTP Cloud Foundry environment). After enabilig the Migration Assesment capability in SAP BTP Cockpit and adding your SAP Process Orchestration System (7.31 SP28 and above, 7.40 SP23 and above, 7.50 SP06 and above), the migration assesment process can be done in two steps:

  1. Data Extraction Request

  2. Scenario Evaluation Request the receive evaluation results via .xslx oder .pdf file


aRC Analyse stands for Analyse Rate Cost and is also a tool based approach the estimate the migration effort for a SAP PO to SAP CPI migration project. Unlike the SAP Migration Assesment Check there is no need for a SAP Integration Suite Tenant in advance. After installing the tool and adding SAP PO System, we also start with the data extraction:

  1. Analyse: Extract Data like all parties, business systems & components. communication channels, adapters and adapter modules, additionally analyse of all mappings (quantity and categorisation in types) and extraction of all unused objects

  2. Rate: The rating is based on the analyses of the configration scenarios. Every CS element is checked for their migraiton capability and rated on a sacle from 0-10. Based on those ratings a individual roadmap for the migration and different reportings are generated.

  3. Cost: We create for you not only a cost report for the migration effort but also a operating cost calculation based on the extracted message volumes

ARC-Analysis Loading Configuration Scenarios - Initial ScreenARC-Analysis Loading Configuration Scenarios - Initial Screen

Both tools provide different types of advantages for your analysis:


SAP Migration Assesment Check

aRC Analyse

  • Efforts are calculated with learning effects (many identical interfaces) – certain number and fixed value without prices

  • The migration capability is based on the possibilities of the tool (uses defined SAP templates). With new templates, the checks will be more precise and better in future

  • With existing cloud integration simple execution.

  • Deployable on Cloud Integration

  • Shows unused objects

  • Presentation per scenario and therefore rather on a migration path

  • Calculation of all costs (documentation effort, test effort, GoLive support,etc. )

  • Evaluation of message volumes and therefore information about license costs and costs per interface

  • aRC Analysis is also possible without Integration Suite and Cloud Connector

  • Deployable local


Both tools reports can be downloaded as .pdf and .xls files, so you can work with them offline.

The aRC Analyse gives you an overview about all unsed objects in your SAP PO, that means all objects that have no used. For example you get all mappings that where not used in ICOs or Operation Mappings. This not only makes the effort estimate more accurate, as these orphaned objects are no longer taken into account, but also provides an overview of objects that can be cleaned up before the project start.

A big advantage is that aRC analysis gives you an indication of the costs for using the running service. This means that there is a calculation on different metrics what the cost in operation would be. Expecially if SAP will take cost for message size and message count in future.

The presentation per scenario instead of considering only ICOs provides the possbility to look if ICOs are used multiple times. So the cost for migration could be more accurate.

ARC Analysis - Scenario-based AnalysisARC Analysis - Scenario-based Analysis

In the meantime you can also have a report on ICO level so you can have a look on szenario costs and can compare it on ICO costs.

Additonally the aRC analysis groups all Adapters and ESR objects on the categories based on their migration complexity.

So we have categories for easy, medium and hard to migrate objects.


ICOs without mapping, rules or conditions

adaptermodules and mappings also java and xslt

File Adapter, X400 Adapter

Adapters like SOAP, REST, SFTP, HTTP, AS2


operation mappings with parameters

own developed adaptermodules

here migration is possible with automatic tools

here migration is possible with manually work and automatic tools

here migration has to be done manually and maybe with redesign of interfaces

Example ReportExample Report
One more advantage of aRC analysis is that you can work with parameters for the single tasks. This means you can configure via excel your parameter for the times of single tasks. 

The aRC analysis has many advantages for the estimation of a project (volume, holistic effort) and helps to reduce the complexity of the SAP PO before the migration.
With this tried-and-tested procedure, both tools can be used and the results summarized to get a more accurate estimation result.

 Furthermore the aRC analysis is continiuos improved, as well as the SAP Migration Assement Check tool.

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