Fiori reference Library is an online repository of all the Apps available with technical information like - Important SAP Notes ,Prerequisites, Support Package Level, Add On and even the configuration detail to get the Apps Up and Running. I will not go into much details of feature of Reference Library and you can check out
this link if you want to know more.
Recently I came across a feature in Fiori reference Library which can help big time in your Fiori Implementation project. SAP Fiori Apps Recommendations.
SAP Fiori App Recommendations Analysis in the SAP Fiori apps reference library, you can identify the SAP Fiori apps that best fit your needs. The tool bases recommendations on app relevance and readiness. Relevance describes the SAP Fiori apps that are relevant for you based on the business processes you use, and readiness describes how ready your system is to use SAP Fiori apps. The analysis provides you with the following information:
● SAP Fiori apps that are relevant for the business processes you use
● SAP Fiori apps that are already installed and can be used without a system update
● SAP Fiori apps that can be used assuming a software update or database migration
● Installations required in order to use certain SAP Fiori apps.
Below I have document all steps of How to use this feature.
Prerequisites - You need to have an S-ID (SAP User Id).
Lets first start by getting Usage and System Profile from SAP System.
Step 1
Usage Profile
Login to SAP ECC/ S/4HANA System. Go To T Code - ST03.
After Downloading, keep only first column and delete all other columns, then save this in CSV format. It should look like this.

Step 2
System Profile - Extract System profile from your SAP system.
After Downloading, keep first thre columna and delete all other columns, then save this in CSV format. It should look like this.
Step 3 - HANA Profile (This is Optional and only applicable if your database in HANA).
Open you HANA system in Hana Studio or Eclipse. Open SQL Console and run this query in HANA SQL Console - select * from "_SYS_REPO" . "DELIVERY_UNITS" where vendor = '' ;
Save the result as a CSV file. The file is created with all cells separated using ; as a separator.
Note - To execute this query, you need select privilege on DELIVERY_UNITS table in the _SYS_REPO. Execute this query with SYSTEM user.
Step 4
Go to
this link and open Fiori Reference Library -
Click on - Get SAP Fiori App Recommendation.
This will prompt for User and Password. Provide your S ID with Password and login.
Step 5 - Create New Analysis.
Step 6 - Upload Usage profile that we have extracted in Step 1.
Step 7 - Now upload System profile that we have extracted in Step 2.
Note - If you have embedded deployment (Frontend and Backend on same system) Uplaod same System profile for both Front-end and Back-end, else extract and upload respective profiles.
If you are not on Hana DB, No need to upload Hana System Profile.
Step 8 - Give a name to your Analysis and hit - Get SAP Fiori App recommendation.
Here you go, Fiori reference Library has suggested Apps based on you Relevance (most used transaction) and Readiness. You can view or download this information.
Cheers !!