In this blog post, I would like to go through a
simple, easy-to-understand example using
SAP Cloud ALM based on a specific project. To do this, I came up with a typically Swiss project called
«Project Chuchichäschtli».
The aim of this blog post is to show how easy it is to use SAP Cloud ALM. In particular, I would like to encourage all project managers to simply try out SAP Cloud ALM for the next project in order to get an idea of it.
For me, SAP Cloud ALM is already "state of the art" and should actually be used in every SAP project, because I say with conviction:
"Success lies in simplicity."
Or as
Leonardo da Vinci once said:

At this point I would like to refer to one of my blog posts on the subject of agility and simplicity:
The art of implementing agility in SAP projects.
Now what is a Chuchichäschtli?
Chuchichäschtli is
a typical Swiss German word. I would even say it is THE Swiss German word par excellence,
a true original. We use the word very often when we have guests from other countries visiting Switzerland and then ask them to say or repeat the word. Usually this does not succeed and funny words and modifications of the original word are created. Of course, we Swiss are aware of that, because the word is really a real tongue twister
The word is also a highlight in many Swiss German language courses. You are welcome to check the correct pronunciation here:
The Chuchichäschtli is
a small kitchen cupboard, literally: kitchen box and of course there is no official 1:1 translation. Therefore, below is a picture showing a Chuchichäschtli.

The word Chuchichäschtli is so popular that a band in Switzerland, more precisely a
rap group, named itself after it. This is the rap/hip hop group
Sektion Kuchikäschtli.
My absolute favorite song from the Sektion Kuchikäschtli is
"I han", which I'll insert right here.
Check it out!
Now to the Chuchichäschtli project
We want to build a new Chuchichäschtli and therefore we create a new project in SAP Cloud ALM
because we want the project to be structured, transparent and comprehensible for everyone involved.
Create Project
So we create a new project.

We assign a
"Name" to the new project and select the phase we are currently in. This is the
"Prepare" phase at the start.
You can see from the phases and templates that SAP Activate is used as the underlying methodology.

Under the
"Timeboxes" tab, we assign the most important key data for the project.
Of course we want to handle the project
in an agile and modern way and create three
"Sprints" for it

Model processes
Next, we model our processes that we need in the project or are in scope and whose activities we implement in the project.
These are:
- Purchasing
- Production
- Delivery

Define Scope
Now we have to define the scope. That means
all processes that are in the scope of the project. This activity is of central importance for the project manager in particular, but also for the customer, because it defines what is in the scope of the project and what is not.
The scope serves as an important basis for measuring the degree of completion and also the success of each project.
The well-known
project management square applies to projects:
time, costs, quality and scope.
More about the project management square:
How to make quality measurable in SAP S/4HANA projects

To define the scope, we can choose from two sources of processes:
- Own, modeled processes
- SAP Best Practice processes for SAP products and solutions

We can easily include the processes in the scope by activating a switch. It then looks like this:

Create Requirements
For our Chuchichäschtli project, we naturally have precise ideas and requirements as to what the finished product should look like, what dimensions it should have and what functions it should offer.
We record all these ideas, wishes or, in technical jargon, requirements in a clean and structured way.
These can then be prioritized, categorized and approved for implementation.
The requirements are clearly linked as a reference with the associated business process, the test cases and, if desired, other elements.

Create Tasks
Now we want to create tasks for all our work and
further refine, structure and describe the work in more detail.
We create new tasks for this or use the already given tasks if we proceed with a SAP best practice approach. In such a case, the tasks are already specified according to SAP Activate and we only have to assign them to the responsible persons. That's it.
Execute Tests
As soon as we have finished realizing the first products and processes, we want to check them. Of course, we do this with clearly defined test cases. These test cases are carried out by the customer and
confirm the correct implementation of the products, processes or, in real SAP life, of the customizing and developments.

Features / Deployments
Features / deployments (transports) are used when we deploy functionalities from the development system to other systems. For our Chuchichäschtli project, I will therefore not go into this functionality any further.

Monitor and analyze project
Throughout the project, we always want to have an
overview of where we are, what the
degree of completion is,
what has already been tested and who is working on which tasks. All of this provides us with the overview in SAP Cloud ALM, which shows us all these
key figures and data in real-time. At the latest when looking at this dashboard, every project manager, project employee and customer will be enthusiastic. Maximum transparency is shown here.

Project Reporting
Many other and very helpful evaluations are available. One of my favorites is the
"Process Traceability".
Here I can see at a glance and per process which requirements have which status and what the current test coverage and status is.

As a
Zen master of the structured and transparent approach, SAP Cloud ALM already covers most of my needs. Despite the considerable range of functions across the entire application lifecycle, SAP Cloud ALM remains
easy to use.
What I would wish from SAP is that the application remains as simple as it is and
that great attention remains consistent to usability and simplicity for new functions.
I am happy to be able to use and apply SAP Cloud ALM together with people from different sectors, industries and areas.
It's the most fun when we can share our knowledge and benefit from each other.