We have looked into SAP documentation and SAP recently recommended using ${body} instead of ${in.body}. In order to identify which artifacts are using this code in an efficient time, especially since we don't yet have a full Git pipeline. (~500 iflows in our current Integration Suite CI capability). We implemented the search code tool. By specifying ${in.body} as the search parameter, the tool scans all iFlows, identifies where this string is used, and returns the names of the relevant iFlows.

This tool is having below features:
- To search a specific code in:
- Script collection
- Resources
- Search function name in message mapping when the iflow uses folder .mmap
- This tool can't search in function libraries types
High level flow:

This tool needs to support multiple packages
Trigger process for this tool execution is based on start timer.
- Cloud integration credentials:
- Create role collection searchCodeiflows and add roles

- Create user and assign role connection searchCodeiflows
- This user credential is being use to get information about script collection, resources, etc.
To be able to use the tool,
- Download the SearchCodeTool project from the BTP-Integration-Suite repository: https://github.com/FatimaMel/BTP-Integration-Suite
- Create a searchCodeTool.zip folder with those files inside:
- In SAP integration suite, upload the searchCodeTool.zip folder as type Integration Flow in a package

- Create in security material:
- User Credentials created earlier at step 1.b in Prerequises
- In configuration of the artifact, set the parameters:
- choosePackagesId is for searching in specific packages. Ex: packageId1||packageId2
- CIDesignTime with the domain url of the deployment iflow, but remove '-rt' from the url

- codeToSearch is the specific code to search
- searchCodeUserCred is the name of User Credentials created at step 3.a
- SearchInResourcesAndMapping and SearchInScriptCollection are for searching in specific areas. If no value is specified, it will be set to true.

- Performance of the iflow:
- The performance depends on the number of packages and integration flow. For about 50 packages and around 350 iflows, it can take up to 7 minutes.