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SAP Analytics Cloud is an end-to-end cloud solution that brings together business intelligence, augmented analytics, predictive analytics, and enterprise planning in a single system. There are two ways to retrieve the data from backend to SAC. Either we can retrieve the data from excel or from sap system. In this blog will see how to get data from excel to SAC.

What is the advantage of SAP Analytical Cloud?

The main benefits of SAP Analytics Cloud include ease of viewing content, access to various visualization tools, augmented analytic capabilities, financial planning features, and access to trusted data by integrating with other SAP products. In a single cloud system, you can analyze, predict, plan, and report.

1. Once you login to SAC click on create your story.


2. Then click on Responsive.


3. Once you click on Responsive you can see below screen. It will ask you what design mode do you like to use for your dashboard. Nowadays Classic Design Experience are being phased out so it's good practice to use Optimized Design Experience. Then click on create.


4. Click on More  >>  Add New Data  >>  Add New Data



5. Click on Data uploaded from file.


6. Click on Select Source File. Once you click on it screen will redirect to your system . There you can select your excel file.


In our example I have created dummy bank data.


7. Once you select file from the system then click on import. Here you can see that we have option called Use first row as column header. If you have column headings in your excel then check the checkbox if no then remove the check.


After clicking on import your excel data will start to import in SAC.


Once the data import is done successfully you can see below screen. Using Measures and Dimensions we apply our logic.


8. In our case I want to see how much amount bank has given in each city.  Click on the cube which appears beside the City dimension.


9. Here we can see count of back accounts which has been created in each city. Now click on Exit Data Preparation in top right corner.


10. Then below screen will appear.

  • Under Currently Selected Chart option we can find options like Bar/Column, Line, Stacked area, Donut, Bullet pia etc.  Based on our requirement we can select any one of them for visualization. Here I have selected Pie Chart.
  • And as I mentioned above (point 😎 that I want to see how much amount bank has given in each city that is the reason Amount is selected as Measures here.
  • We can select the color also.
  • Once all the inputs are done then click on save in top right corner.


11. Give your dashboard name and save.


After saving it will appear under stories folder. From there you can access and see it.






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