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I encountered a problem, where few SAP Analytics Cloud super users wanted to export data from the model. They were seeing the export button greyed out :

Export button greyed out

I read multiple articles, which talked about disabling the restriction of exporting the data from Model, but none talked about the exact application right needed for export. I will mention both here:

1st -> Disabling the restricted Export option at model level.

Disable restriction to Export Data (Model level setting)


This configuration comes handy when you want to restrict export from the models, which are being used just for storing raw data/baseline data to populate data in actual working model, so that users don’t export data from those models accidently.


2nd -> Apart from Read Access at folder and Analytical/Planning model level, users will also need Execute permission at Other Data sources level.

Needed Access levels


Since we are using only import connection, hence this access wasn’t given to anyone, so took a while to figure this out.


Hope this helps…
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